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Search results

  1. Cat59

    The Bible as the word of God

    I've recently been reading Gerald Priestland's excellent "Priestland's Progress- One Man's search for Christianity now." Priestland, a Quaker, made a radio series in the early 1980s for the BBC which encompasses a journey through Christianity, interveiwing many different Christians and others...
  2. Cat59

    Trying to understand each other- views from both sides of the conflict.

    In an attempt to get an unpolorised view of this conflict, I came across this civilised but passionate debate, between a Lebanese man in Beirut and an Israeli living in the border town of Shlomi exchange emails on the conflict in their countries. This is the third instalment of their...
  3. Cat59

    testing picture

  4. Cat59

    For my son

    17 years ago today my son was born and 17 years ago today he received the damage to his brain that still affects his life today. I always find today a difficult one to get through! Some prayers for my son, that he might, despite his difficulties, be happy and independent, would be greatly...
  5. Cat59

    New Novena Thread

    First Novena- to Our Lady of Lourdes. Please feel free to join us. One of us will post the prayer each day. Please feel free to add an intention, to pray the prayer and post it here or just add an amen. Any questions, please ask any of those who post in this thread...
  6. Cat59

    Novena for Jeff and all who are unwell

    furskidsmom started a thread in the chapel suggesting we start up the Novena group again. As Jeff is unwell, how about starting with a Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes tomorrow, for him and also anyone else we know who is unwell? Please join us. A Novena is a prayer said daily for 9 days. We...
  7. Cat59

    Happy Birthday krstlros!

    Happy Birthday Anne for Wednesday! Still a youngster!! ;) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
  8. Cat59

    Prayers for a friend

    I've just had a phone call from one of the nuns in my parish. A friend of ours is seriously ill.. She has cancer with secondaries in her spine and had been away on a short break prior to another course of radiotherapy. She unfortunately collapsed and is being transfered to our local hospital...
  9. Cat59

    Big questions- any answers?

    I'm sure that at times we have all had really big questions floating around in our heads. I unfortunately have several of them all competing for attention at the moment. One of the most difficult ones for me at the moment is equating the God of mercy and compassion with the God who deals out...
  10. Cat59

    Happy Birthday CeeBee!

    I know it was yesterday- but have a good birthday week and I'm sure we're all glad to hear you are safe and well! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: http://www.christianforums.com/t2057611-is-cb-still-around.html
  11. Cat59

    Happy Birthday Aaron Aggie!

    Need I say more.. Happy Birthday to you! May the Lord bless you with many good things this year.. :hug: :groupray: :hug:
  12. Cat59

    Brother Roger of Taize murdered

    http://sg.news.yahoo.com/050817/1/3uarg.html Brother Roger, who founded the Taize ecumenical community in France has been murdered at the age of 90 while praying. I am sure many of the Europeans on this site will be aware of him and his work and may have visitied Taize or participated in the...