I’m not purporting the end of science, but I am saying that our scientific knowledge is so limited that belief in both the supernatural and science is not unreasonable. From our modern perspective, we have progressed greatly from the days of alchemy, because of our vanity. However, we have only taken little steps, and, in a thousand years, we will seem ignorant.You are raising the question of how free will - ours or God's - enters into the explanation of physical phenomena. I agree that "God controls nature" and he does not do it in a capricious or chaotic way but acts within the bounds of his creational upholding activity that we recognize scientifically as the laws of nature. We might have no explanation for how he does it, but we are still a long way from the End of Science.
I addressed the topic of free will and determinism in an article on determinism and semi-decidability.
I read your article very carefully, and it is very nicely written. I understand what it is saying about free will for us, but I don’t see how it touches on God’s free will. I am probably missing something.