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Woke Churches?


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Mar 21, 2023
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Eh, it all depends on how far certain ideas / concepts are taken. "Woke" is a newer term for me and I think, overall, one that is not very helpful. This is just my simple 2 cents, but I would rather each topic and each concern be dealt with individually rather than be tossed in as part of anyone's overarching agenda. Things are so polarized now, and yes, that shows up in churches as well as the rest of society. And back to the word I don't like, "Woke": I have witnessed churches eviscerating wokism and yes, I have seen churches claim that Jesus was woke and we should be as well. But it really all depends on how a person breaks down the individual components and what is exactly is meant... on each and every point, one could go too far in either direction. (And people have). Churches are caught up in it as well and sadly, it can be easy to push each other away and further into it... I think the Covid 19 pandemic further exacerbated the polarization and the divides that were already forming...
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Apr 30, 2013
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Eh, it all depends on how far certain ideas / concepts are taken. "Woke" is a newer term for me and I think, overall, one that is not very helpful. This is just my simple 2 cents, but I would rather each topic and each concern be dealt with individually rather than be tossed in as part of anyone's overarching agenda. Things are so polarized now, and yes, that shows up in churches as well as the rest of society. And back to the word I don't like, "Woke": I have witnessed churches eviscerating wokism and yes, I have seen churches claim that Jesus was woke and we should be as well. But it really all depends on how a person breaks down the individual components and what is exactly is meant... on each and every point, one could go too far in either direction. (And people have). Churches are caught up in it as well and sadly, it can be easy to push each other away and further into it... I think the Covid 19 pandemic further exacerbated the polarization and the divides that were already forming...

Sometimes "anti-woke" is just a reaction to whatever is novel and new. However, people can engage in pointless or foolish intellectualism in spaces where that kind of thing isn't really productive or helpful. Critical theory can be useful in questioning inherited assumptions, but we still need a relatively coherent map to navigate reality and flourish as human beings. And when we are talking about a phenomenon like "society" (for instance), what we are really describing is such a complex series of interconnected systems dynamically interacting that simple analytical tools cannot fully account for them (which is why modelling things like the electrical activity of the heart or the behavior of populations in cities requires something like supercomputers. So we should be very suspicious of any totalizing narrative, even postmodern ones).
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Jul 17, 2024
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Yes, it is. However, I'm talking about the Woke, racist, political agenda that crept into churches. They adopted many of the same policies as were held by those burning cities to the ground in 2020, or taking over areas of Seattle & Portland. They were trying to push masking and vaccine's rather than leaving it an individuals medical choice. And I won't compare it the same as abortion, since abortion kills a life, whereas the whole Covid issue was a lot of fear mongering. How many died from the vaccine, or got very very sick from it? I knew several who got sick for weeks.

Also the whole business of the government trying to force churches to close their doors while liquor stores could remain open. Righteous resistance was practiced by those churches that kept their doors open, because in America we still have a constitution, though it's being shredded and tattered by the day.

D.E.I. is fine as long as it's not insisting the whole rainbow agenda be pushed on kids, and parents can get in trouble for steering their kids away from LGBTQ stuff. They want to tell kids to keep stuff from their parents in regards to all this? That's child abuse. Same stuff that child molesters might tell a kid. Don't tell Mommy. Well, you got people telling kids who aren't even mentally developed yet that they can change genders, which in itself is tampering with God's creation.
You can't take a stand against social equality in one breath and call others racist in another.

Yes, many children keep their sexual orientation and gender identity hidden from their parents for their own safety and well-being. As some of them should.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jan 1, 2024
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You can't take a stand against social equality in one breath and call others racist in another.

Yes, many children keep their sexual orientation and gender identity hidden from their parents for their own safety and well-being. As some of them should.
Funny how the term "woke" went out of style since I posted this.
Children's sexual identity is what they were born with. They should not hide thoughts of
wanting to be anything "other", and these secret "affirmers" who encourage them in transgender things are nothing but child abusers.

As for the racist comment, I was referring to the reverse racism against white people, throwing around terms like "white privaledge," and "whiteness," and saying that one race should pay reparations to another race over things way before our lifetime.

Funny, during the 2020 riots (what was being called "mostly peaceful demonstrations" by the then Woke croud, an Asian girl and a white person had a confrontation, and she said, "Why, the Caucasity of you!" That was pretty racist.

Jesus Christ came to set people free from their sins, not to continue in sin. I saw a blasphemous Presbyterian female pastor on a video say if Jesus were here today, He would be an abortion clinic escorts, and would say "Blessed are those women who choose to end their pregnancy."
She just invited the curse of Revelation 22 where it says anyone who adds to the word, God shall add unto them the plagues written in the book, Proverbs 30:6 also.

God is sorting out who are His, and who are not. Dearly beloved, Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God - 2 Corinthians 7:1
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Apple Sky

In Sight Like Unto An Emerald
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Jan 7, 2024
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The prayer to open the 117th Congress ended with "amen and a-women." Amen is Latin for "so be it." It's not a gendered word. Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable.

Absolute Madness.
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The prayer to open the 117th Congress ended with "amen and a-women." Amen is Latin for "so be it." It's not a gendered word. Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable.

Absolute Madness.

Amen is Hebrew, not Latin.

Quibbling about words in a prayer seems more than a little like pearl clutching. It's the intentions that ultimately matter.
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Jul 17, 2024
United States
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Funny how the term "woke" went out of style since I posted this.
Children's sexual identity is what they were born with. They should not hide thoughts of
wanting to be anything "other", and these secret "affirmers" who encourage them in transgender things are nothing but child abusers.

As for the racist comment, I was referring to the reverse racism against white people, throwing around terms like "white privaledge," and "whiteness," and saying that one race should pay reparations to another race over things way before our lifetime.

Funny, during the 2020 riots (what was being called "mostly peaceful demonstrations" by the then Woke croud, an Asian girl and a white person had a confrontation, and she said, "Why, the Caucasity of you!" That was pretty racist.

Jesus Christ came to set people free from their sins, not to continue in sin. I saw a blasphemous Presbyterian female pastor on a video say if Jesus were here today, He would be an abortion clinic escorts, and would say "Blessed are those women who choose to end their pregnancy."
She just invited the curse of Revelation 22 where it says anyone who adds to the word, God shall add unto them the plagues written in the book, Proverbs 30:6 also.

God is sorting out who are His, and who are not. Dearly beloved, Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God - 2 Corinthians 7:1
There is no racism against white people in the US. Racism is systemic. It's a power differential. It's more than individual prejudices. The riots happened because people of color were outright murdered by their government. Without cause. But yes, more than 90% of the demonstrations were peaceful. Meanwhile, on Jan 6th your side rioted because you lost a free, fair, constitutional election. Actually, it was more than a riot. You tried to topple constitutional rule of law. Stones from a glass house.

Many children risk abuse if honest about their sexual orientation or gender identity with their family. That's why allies like myself advise against it in a lot of cases. If not outright abuse, harmful and ineffective "treatments" that are for some reason still legal in some places.
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Oct 28, 2004
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Absolute Madness.
There always has been madness. What's new is that it's not being treated as madness. The lunatics are running the show now. Many churches are promoting the shifting Zeitgeist rather than any authentic Christianity. :)
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Angels Team
Feb 10, 2013
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Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father...
Apr 9, 2010
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There is no racism against white people in the US. Racism is systemic. It's a power differential. It's more than individual prejudices.
You right here, some "isms" are systemic. As a person of color living in a country with a history of racism. I know it is not a biblical construct, but a man made evil to pit one ethnicity against another for the purpose of power and domination.

The below is extracted from Isiphambano, centre for biblical justice. A South African christian initiative.

Racism is centered as prejudice plus : desire, myths/narratives, structures, and fruit.

Where desire is the lust for power, control and wealth at the expense of others.

Narratives of justification is then created to give legitimacy to these sinful desires. The stories of supremacy, racial differences, meritocracy, along with theological narratives which justify complacency and inactivity in the face of injustice.

Structure are the systems, laws and processes that are intentionally created to embody the myths of racism and superiority and fufil the lust and greed for wealth and power. Fruit are the intended outcome of the structural aspects of racism, like inferior housing, inferior or no education, disrupted family systems, as well as interpersonal outworkings like ethnic privilege or lack of diversity in social circles and churches.

Although as a country we are no longer where we use to be. The above is what transpired when people lusted for power at the expense of others. Myths, even Bible interpretations (black people are descendants of Cain, God endorses slavery, etc) were told to promote these lies and justify the greed.

Laws and policies were created to perpetuate the evil (Apartheid was a legal act, whites/black only segregation, housing segregation, (Group areas act) inferior education, inferior jobs for certain groups and it's supporting laws).
The intention to keep people in bondage and uninformed, to maintain racial hierarchy, affecting their image and suppressing identity. Instilling inferioty complexes, thereby undermining the sense of worth, and cowed by systemic violence, where people relinquished the quest for basic human rights.

So yes racism is systemic. It is not biblical, but man made and has ungodly structural systems supporting it. Systems designed to discredit the dignity of humanity.
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Jan 1, 2024
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Amen is Hebrew, not Latin.

Quibbling about words in a prayer seems more than a little like pearl clutching. It's the intentions that ultimately matter.
It is a big deal, considering the Holy Scriptures specifically use Amen which, yes is originally Hebrew, and means "so be it."
To throw in a gender made up word is just plain foolishness and mockery.
But I guess it really doesn't matter much since he's praying to Brahma, the Hindu god, and not to Yahweh the Father, and Lord Jesus Christ.
His prayer is a Universalist prayer, (monotheistic god by many names) not a Biblical prayer to the true God.
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It is a big deal, considering the Holy Scriptures specifically use Amen which, yes is originally Hebrew, and means "so be it."
To throw in a gender made up word is just plain foolishness and mockery.
But I guess it really doesn't matter much since he's praying to Brahma, the Hindu god, and not to Yahweh the Father, and Lord Jesus Christ.
His prayer is a Universalist prayer, (monotheistic god by many names) not a Biblical prayer to the true God.

Last time I checked, Christians believe in only one God. And God isn't a Christian, Jew, or Hindu.
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