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Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

All Becomes New

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Are you restricting that to vocal music, and saying that you only listen to such music that has Christian words, or do you mean that any music you listen to, including orchestral or other instrumental music, must have been written by a Christian composer? I am not sure how a symphony, a string quartet, or a march for brass band (for example) can be "Christian".

The first option. Any music with lyrics I will only listen to music that is God-honoring (or at the very least, positive).
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So i didn't have a dream last night ... Can't remember which one thought i would, but before i went to bed i claimed the blood of Jesus over my life and home.

This morning, i did have a vision of a single roach crawling on a leg.

I believe the roach represents things (or possibly something as it was a single roach), that are unclean.
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All Becomes New

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So i didn't have a dream last night ... Can't remember which one thought i would, but before i went to bed i claimed the blood of Jesus over my life and home.

This morning, i did have a vision of a single roach crawling on a leg.

I believe the roach represents things (or possibly something as it was a single roach), that are unclean.

Interesting. I have a severe and fairly rare mental illness called Schizoaffective Disorder. I sometimes experience tactile hallucinations which could very well feel like a roach crawling on my leg.

IDK what this means...
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Just remember the devil knows scripture too and he often uses it, but the Lords spirit in us can help us what spirit is in operation.

One of my favorite examples of this is the girl with a spirit of divination that followed the apostle paul and his companion proclaiming that they were the servants of the most high God that proclaim the way of salvation.

It began to irritate paul and he commanded the spirit to come out of her.

It is apparent that on surface it seemed like she was doing something good and honorable, and speaking truth, the spirit behind it to exasperate paul was not of God.

But it's not my job to convince you of any dangers. That is the Holy Spirit s job. My job is to speak the truth in love. And not that i claim to know it all, but i believe i know enough and discern enough to not want anything to do with it, not due to fear because the devil don't scare me asi have Jesus, but because i do not believe it is healthy for me.

As i said, time will tell what kind of fruit it bears in the life of those that listen to it.

I have one more thing to say on matter, but i have things i have to do and this takes time so will look to cover tonight with more time.

God bless.
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Aug 18, 2024
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Interesting. I have a severe and fairly rare mental illness called Schizoaffective Disorder. I sometimes experience tactile hallucinations which could very well feel like a roach crawling on my leg.

IDK what this means...
I know others diagnosed with schiz. I see them as very sensitive to the spiritual realm so they do need to be careful what they see and listen to. God can show you dor your situation.

I have a relative diagnosed with autism and when she was young I'd get concerned of all the time she spent on the computer. She'd get so affected / excited by it she couldn't sit still...shoo, this story too long and don't have tine now, but God would reveal things to me about how she was wired and negative influences and he'd always confirm it through her by also givibg her a similar vision.

Just sincerely ask God to show you and know the power of Christ in your life. No greater weapon against the power of darkness
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Aug 18, 2024
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Interesting. I have a severe and fairly rare mental illness called Schizoaffective Disorder. I sometimes experience tactile hallucinations which could very well feel like a roach crawling on my leg.

IDK what this means...
Have a little time this afternoon to just say to thr IDK what this means,

These things can take time to be revealed. It can be as i said i believe, something unclean, or maybe it is a confirmation regarding the mental state you are currently in, or both,

Or none of the above.

And maybe it doesn't even relate to the situation. I just feel it does considering our conversation last night

There was one other detail regarding the leg that makes me lean towards the vision about something unclean looking to defile the body of Christ.

He can reveal more in his time. Just ask him and don't lean on your own understanding.

And I'm not perfect of myself. I make mistakes too and such. I just go with what i sense He is revealing to me within until He shows me otherwise.

For me it had nothing to do with being close minded, but what i believe i was discerning.
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Aug 18, 2024
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Hello, first off I believe in God. I've been to church, Bible study, had random runins with other Christians, etc. However, I really enjoy music. And not the lighthearted good kind, I'm into more darker music. It's a passion of mine and Ive met others who feel the same on this. If you feel that means I'm not a Christian, I hate when that happens, thats very judgemental

So sometimes I get sleep paralysis. If you don't know what it is, it's where something panics you and you try to wake up, even if you manage to you are literally stuck and cant move for some time.

This was one of those nights it was more intense. I had a dream I was having a heart attack.
Hey Steven. If you don't mind I'd like to try and help you with this one, and you can prayerfully ponder with the Lord.

The heart attack may speak of in danger of losing your heart. Not real heart, but like your heart becoming hardened

I'mI was trying to get up to call 911.
You are aware that you are in serious danger of dying, the real you, not necessarily the physical you, and are crying out for help.

I dreamt I finally got up and went to my door and my mom and dad walked through it.
This portion may give a clue as to why the heart attack. Seems like it relates back to your parents.

He was in a tuxedo and she in a wedding dress(theyve never been married and aren't together) My dad and I aren't currently speaking but he was trying to comfort me and had this demeanour on him like he knew it was gonna happen.
This part possibly speaks of a generational curse. Your father saw it coming and appears to really care and tries to comfort you

Wondering if the wedding attire and they never marrying may point to a lack of commitment, but dunno.

I got up and seen out my window three shirtless guys running up to my apartment and got up ran to the door to lock it and I woke up.
Apparently you sensed danger. Getting up to lock the door may speak of you closing the door of your heart to these men.

If you sense danger that is a wise move.

The creepiest part is when I woke up id fallen asleep listening to music, and I heard gutteral moans and groans. I listened back to tx ofhe song and it wasn't on there, I was actually hearing it.
I suspect a warning of influence in your life.

I opened my phone and a video with the thumbnail said "Now you know what happened... Do not be worried though"

I then got up and watched a beautiful sunrise. I wasnt worried. I just knew what couldve happened if i hadn't been communicating with the Lord like I've been now for some time.
Yep, have nothing to add there.

Overall, if the dreams have any spiritual significance it appears to speak of how you were in danger of losing your heart, like your true self). It appears to be associated with your parents relationship with each other and you.

But you were able to rouse yourself from the heart attack, and you were able to lock the door of your heart to what you saw as danger.

Don't know if all right, but maybe something will help. God bless.
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Aug 18, 2024
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Hey Steven. If you don't mind I'd like to try and help you with this one, and you can prayerfully ponder with the Lord.

The heart attack may speak of in danger of losing your heart. Not real heart, but like your heart becoming hardened

You are aware that you are in serious danger of dying, the real you, not necessarily the physical you, and are crying out for help.

This portion may give a clue as to why the heart attack. Seems like it relates back to your parents.

This part possibly speaks of a generational curse. Your father saw it coming and appears to really care and tries to comfort you

Wondering if the wedding attire and they never marrying may point to a lack of commitment, but dunno.

Apparently you sensed danger. Getting up to lock the door may speak of you closing the door of your heart to these men.

If you sense danger that is a wise move.

I suspect a warning of influence in your life.

Yep, have nothing to add there.

Overall, if the dreams have any spiritual significance it appears to speak of how you were in danger of losing your heart, like your true self). It appears to be associated with your parents relationship with each other and you.

But you were able to rouse yourself from the heart attack, and you were able to lock the door of your heart to what you saw as danger.

Don't know if all right, but maybe something will help. God bless.

I know others diagnosed with schiz. I see them as very sensitive to the spiritual realm so they do need to be careful what they see and listen to. God can show you dor your situation.

I have a relative diagnosed with autism and when she was young I'd get concerned of all the time she spent on the computer. She'd get so affected / excited by it she couldn't sit still...shoo, this story too long and don't have tine now, but God would reveal things to me about how she was wired and negative influences and he'd always confirm it through her by also givibg her a similar vision.

Just sincerely ask God to show you and know the power of Christ in your life. No greater weapon against the power of darkness.
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Aug 18, 2024
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Hey Steven. If you don't mind I'd like to try and help you with this one, and you can prayerfully ponder with the Lord.

The heart attack may speak of in danger of losing your heart. Not real heart, but like your heart becoming hardened

You are aware that you are in serious danger of dying, the real you, not necessarily the physical you, and are crying out for help.

This portion may give a clue as to why the heart attack. Seems like it relates back to your parents.

This part possibly speaks of a generational curse. Your father saw it coming and appears to really care and tries to comfort you

Wondering if the wedding attire and they never marrying may point to a lack of commitment, but dunno.

Apparently you sensed danger. Getting up to lock the door may speak of you closing the door of your heart to these men.

If you sense danger that is a wise move.

I suspect a warning of influence in your life.

Yep, have nothing to add there.

Overall, if the dreams have any spiritual significance it appears to speak of how you were in danger of losing your heart, like your true self). It appears to be associated with your parents relationship with each other and you.

But you were able to rouse yourself from the heart attack, and you were able to lock the door of your heart to what you saw as danger.

Don't know if all right, but maybe something will help. God bless.

I know others diagnosed with schiz. I see them as very sensitive to the spiritual realm so they do need to be careful what they see and listen to. God can show you dor your situation.

I have a relative diagnosed with autism and when she was young I'd get concerned of all the time she spent on the computer. She'd get so affected / excited by it she couldn't sit still...shoo, this story too long and don't have tine now, but God would reveal things to me about how she was wired and negative influences and he'd always confirm it through her by also givibg her a similar vision.

Just sincerely ask God to show you and know the power of Christ in your life. No greater weapon against the power of darkness
I also believe that the actions of your father in the dream shows that he really does care for you and wants to comfort you.

Parents are human and make mistakes too. It's easier to be more understanding when we get older and see our own weaknesses and mistakes.

Another take on the parents coming through the door may speak of your heavenly father coming in with the bride of Christ looking to comfort you. You opened the door to your heart and they came through.

They heard the 911 call.

The body is still preparing for her wedding day so she'll make mistakes too, but she has his heart.
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Hoping we can get more on the three men. I had some thoughts on what they may represent, but nothing substantial.

Things I'd prayerfully consider is if you can relate the feelings you had at seeing them and not wanting to let them in. If you can relate it to anything in your waking life.

And as i said, i believe that's wise because whether they mean harm or not, we won't be open to them if we sense danger. It can take time to see the intentions of others. We also may need to work on issues with us first.
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All Becomes New

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There was one other detail regarding the leg that makes me lean towards the vision about something unclean looking to defile the body of Christ.

What was it about the leg? This could be very significant to me depending on the answer.
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Aug 18, 2024
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What was it about the leg? This could be very significant to me depending on the answer.
It belonged to someone i know that the Lord can often use in my dreams to represent the body of Christ, although this was a vision.

I just don't care to see symbolism as set in stone. I realize He can mix it up so we don't become dependant on ourselves for interp.

And we know He created roaches too. They are considered pests to the majority of people, including myself, so I'm leaning towards something unclean looking to affect the body of Christ, her walk. I'm always open to Him showing me otherwise.

Hope that helps.
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Aug 18, 2024
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I know others diagnosed with schiz. I see them as very sensitive to the spiritual realm so they do need to be careful what they see and listen to. God can show you dor your situation.

I have a relative diagnosed with autism and when she was young I'd get concerned of all the time she spent on the computer. She'd get so affected / excited by it she couldn't sit still...shoo, this story too long and don't have tine now, but God would reveal things to me about how she was wired and negative influences and he'd always confirm it through her by also givibg her a similar vision.

Just sincerely ask God to show you and know the power of Christ in your life. No greater weapon against the power of darkness

This is a long story, but i would tell her mom what the Lord was showing me and she didn't seem to take it too seriously as the things were things she knew already, she was just challenged on how to resolve it. Yet i felt if the Lord was pointing them out, He was bringing attention to it for a reason.

And He would confirm it as her daughter would have similar vision a few days later.

Like one night i had a vision of a door open and a black cartoon like figure standing st the door. Scene switches to her angrily holding a harmful weapon and swinging it.

So i call her mom and she tells me that yeah, she knows this. Her daughter was attracted to cartoons online that were dark in nature. She had same concerns, but was stumped on how to stop it as she didn't have much friends and such, and there were good things she got out of her computer too.

So maybe it was shown to me to just pray and i did. A few days later her mom calls to tell me that her daughter was going to shower but didn't want to go in bathroom because there was a dark figure there, and when asked to describe, cartoon like figure.

To me this was God confirming and letting us know He is bring it up for a reason. It needs attention.

I prayed for her, and i knew her mom would.

She's older now and high functioning. She has speech and goes out on her own, but she does have meltdowns still and at times needs to be hospitalized ... Can be a typical thing with condition, yet God knows how much worse things could have been.

So anyway, not trying to sound super spiritual because God can help any of us like this, but it is important to take what He is showing us seriously, whether that be in a dream or vision, or discerning, that inkling within that something is wrong, and He can confirm it by another

And again, his Word is a lamp unto out feet and a light unto our path. Prayerfully read it to help you know his voice. Ask him to reveal it by his Spirit.

The devil probably can recite the whole bible, but he twists it contrary to the Spirit of God / the heart of God.

Anyway, stuff you probably know, but thought I'd throw it in in case it may help.
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Forgot to mention that during that time she did have a lot of meltdowns with several trips to the hospital.

She can still get that way, but as far as i know it is much fewer and far between, and it is more about obsessive compulsions.
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The difference i see with the dream here is that the dreamer knew his life, even if just spiritual life, was in danger and cried out for help. And he received it as He was able to rouse out of it.

And he closed, and believe he said locked the door to what he sensed as danger.

If that was indeed why he did that. If it was something like hatred, etc, then he would need to work on bad spiritual fruit with the Lord.
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It belonged to someone i know that the Lord can often use in my dreams to represent the body of Christ, although this was a vision.

I just don't care to see symbolism as set in stone. I realize He can mix it up so we don't become dependant on ourselves for interp.

And we know He created roaches too. They are considered pests to the majority of people, including myself, so I'm leaning towards something unclean looking to affect the body of Christ, her walk. I'm always open to Him showing me otherwise.

Hope that helps.
It was a short vision, but with the finer details it went like this: i saw a leg and all of a sudden a roach came from what may have been under it, but unsure, just remember it looking that way, and it began to crawl on the leg. At the end i recognized the leg as a female leg and honestly can't say 100 percent that it was that female's leg that I mentioned, but as i recall believe that was revealed to me. The focus seemed more on the leg and roach though.

Anyway, have to go. God bless. Don't believe i have more to say. You can pray on it.
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I did have one more thing afterall. I didn't look into the other Christian black metal music because the first one felt like opening the door to negative energy and i did not see Christ nature in it, so i closed and locked the door.

As Jesus said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God."

I have nothing to prove, just looking to follow my Shepherd's voice as best I can.

That's the message that I'm discerning for me. God bless.
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Hello, first off I believe in God. I've been to church, Bible study, had random runins with other Christians, etc. However, I really enjoy music. And not the lighthearted good kind, I'm into more darker music. It's a passion of mine and Ive met others who feel the same on this. If you feel that means I'm not a Christian, I hate when that happens, thats very judgemental

So sometimes I get sleep paralysis. If you don't know what it is, it's where something panics you and you try to wake up, even if you manage to you are literally stuck and cant move for some time.

This was one of those nights it was more intense. I had a dream I was having a heart attack. I was trying to get up to call 911. I dreamt I finally got up and went to my door and my mom and dad walked through it. He was in a tuxedo and she in a wedding dress(theyve never been married and aren't together) My dad and I aren't currently speaking but he was trying to comfort me and had this demeanour on him like he knew it was gonna happen.

I got up and seen out my window three shirtless guys running up to my apartment and got up ran to the door to lock it and I woke up.

The creepiest part is when I woke up id fallen asleep listening to music, and I heard gutteral moans and groans. I listened back to the song and it wasn't on there, I was actually hearing it.

I opened my phone and a video with the thumbnail said "Now you know what happened... Do not be worried though"

I then got up and watched a beautiful sunrise. I wasnt worried. I just knew what couldve happened if i hadn't been communicating with the Lord like I've been now for some time.
I dream of three men chasing or stalking me. They look like men but are not. Three is the number of God, and to mock Him, Satan uses it too.
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