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Why didn't Lot just leave Sodom when he first found out about their wicked practice?


24/7 Christian
Oct 2, 2011
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Since the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah bothered Lot so much, why didn't he move away before God destroyed the cities?

2 Peter 2:

5 if he [God] did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;
Noah was a preacher of righteousness among ungodly people.

6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard).
If it bothered Lot so much, why didn't he move away?

Lot might have seen himself as setting a good example for the men of Sodom and Gomorrah. He knew what they were doing was wrong, Genesis 19:

6 Lot went out to the men at the entrance, shut the door after him, 7 and said, “I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly".
God placed Lot there to set a good example, so they had no excuse. Like Noah, Lot was a righteous witness for God's law among lawless and ungodly people.


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Dec 29, 2002
United States
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yeah I don't know this is not written. A righteous man yes yet man. I mean to be in that city.. yeah. Why are we righteous? What I love is how Abraham asked him about if there are 50 got Him down to 10 and God never stopped him. Then to know there was not 10 yet God said "as long as you are here I can do nothing".

You said God places lot there. You know a girl trying to go to her fav store yet keeps getting cut of and has to go to a store she didn't like. As she is checking out she smiles at the Cashier who thinks to her self "ooh she must be a Christian I would love to be that happy". And she leaves the store. Because she was cut off so many times had to go to a store she does not like that simple smile.. that coming weekend that Cashier got saved. Then the girl has to go to her new apartment where she never wanted to be but didn't have allot of money. What she never saw again was once she went in all the demons screaming. We tend to look at how "bad" it is around us but... He knows what He is doing. Yet still we freely make the Choices. He turns it all around for our Good. I mean our GOOD. Yeah He may not have wanted her there yet.. that place will now know Christ.. is there.
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