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Evangelist evicted, beaten. Pastor's children threatened. 2 families lose crops, livestock


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  • Jul. 25, 2024 | Nepal​

    Convict-Turned-Evangelist Evicted, Beaten

    [2] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Paiswan.
    Hindus in Nepal often oppose the witness of Christians.
    Bhaluwan Kumar Paiswan was serving a 20-year prison sentence for gang-related crimes when he ended up in a cell with a Christian evangelist. Annoyed at first, he eventually placed his faith in Christ and experienced new joy and peace. When he was released early, he met another evangelist who discipled him, and they began to work together. The church in that village grew to 25 people in a few years with many more showing interest. Read More.
  • Jul. 25, 2024 | Colombia​

    Pastor's Children Threatened

    [3] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for the Luz family.
    The lives of Jaime and Ana Luz's children were threatened by violent guerrillas in Colombia.
    Jaime and Ana Luz have ministered in one of Colombia's "red zones," areas under guerrilla control, for nine years. In early 2024, they received a phone call from a member of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) demanding they pay four million pesos [roughly $1000] in half an hour or their two children, ages 8 and 9, would be killed. The family paid a portion of the demanded amount but have received threatening phone calls and letters slipped under their door. Still, Jaime and Ana Luz remain committed to advancing the gospel in this area. Read More.
  • Jul. 25, 2024 | Laos​

    Two Families Lose Crops, Livestock

    [2] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Christians in Laos.
    Xing shared his testimony at a seminar for persecuted Christians.
    Two families in one Bru tribal village in Laos became Christians in February 2023. One of the families was driven out after enduring the threats and pressure of the community, which included the destruction of crops and livestock. The other family, Xing, Nang and their three children, were then alone, facing the same daily persecution as the family who had been driven out. Read More.