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Christian theology knowledge, how deep you are into worshipping, and other dating deal breakers

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Jan 16, 2019
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I observed it to affect the world in unconventional and strange ways even without saying a word. There is a very strong opposition to the ongoing trends.

I don't believe it's necessary for you to delve into that topic to acquire the knowledge you seek but that is your choice. For the sake of the rest it is best to table this discussion. That is not a direction I would wish to lead another or encourage them to explore.


I often hear from people today about "positive vibes"

Positive vibes is not the result of worldliness. It's related to your mindset and what you focus on. Some are more attentive and less prone to negative thinking than others. They also employ prayer, meditation, exercise, journaling, gratitude practices and related methods to benefit their psyche. Exposure is another contributor as are connections.

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High Fidelity

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Feb 9, 2014
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There are many Christians who just can't resist the temptation of worldliness.

They aren’t powerless, they’re making a choice, and that choice will be weighed and measured when they’re before the Lord.

It’s very reductive and dismissive of personal agency to say people are simply powerless and devoid of self-control completely.

We all sin, but to say we’re powerless is to excuse and embrace, not rebuke and limit.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I don't believe it's necessary for you to delve into that topic to acquire the knowledge you seek but that is your choice. For the sake of the rest it is best to table this discussion. That is not a direction I would wish to lead another or encourage them to explore.
I agree. It's far too risky for the vast majority but it seems I'm exceptionally gifted for these things. I strongly feel like I had to get into this path because I may be the only one who can.

They also employ prayer, meditation, exercise, journaling, gratitude practices and related methods to benefit their psyche. Exposure is another contributor as are connections.
Many people I know who do this treats these rituals like a "charm" or formula to generate more worldly wealth.

I also do these things you mentioned but never for the purpose of generating wealth or having a good life here on Earth. The knowledge of the Truth is the only thing I seek. Without the Truth, everything is just a waste of time and effort.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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They aren’t powerless, they’re making a choice, and that choice will be weighed and measured when they’re before the Lord.

It’s very reductive and dismissive of personal agency to say people are simply powerless and devoid of self-control completely.

We all sin, but to say we’re powerless is to excuse and embrace, not rebuke and limit.

I agree the choice is always available but making that choice is difficult for most.

When you start getting under attack by evil spirits that's the point you're starting to cross the boundary between worldliness and Godliness. If you never got under oppression, you may not have crossed it yet.

Even Jesus became under attack. An evil spirit tempted Him and evil people worked towards His demise.
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Jan 16, 2019
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I agree. It's far too risky for the vast majority but it seems I'm exceptionally gifted for these things. I strongly feel like I had to get into this path because I may be the only one who can.

You think you're the only one God provided this to since Christ's departure? I've met many people walking in their purpose and we are never the lone ones called to that path. Our focus may differ but the Lord has His share of people around the globe.

Many people I know who do this treats these rituals like a "charm" or formula to generate more worldly wealth.

You assume everything is done to generate wealth. Is that a facet of your culture? Self-care is an integral part of our well-being. We take care of ourselves as an expression of love and regard.

I also do these things you mentioned but never for the purpose of generating wealth or having a good life here on Earth. The knowledge of the Truth is the only thing I seek. Without the Truth, everything is just a waste of time and effort.

If that isn't your focus why does your mind gravitate to the subject immediately? I enjoy taking care if myself for the sake of doing so. The association is odd.

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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You think you're the only one God provided this to since Christ's departure? I've met many people walking in their purpose and we are never the lone ones called to that path. Our focus may differ but the Lord has His share of people around the globe.
I meant getting into the esoteric texts as well. I knew one Christian who tried going there (I never told her anything about it) and ends up under oppression by evil spirits. The evil spirits forced her to live a life like everybody else. A "normal" life. The oppression stopped when she did.

You assume everything is done to generate wealth. Is that a facet of your culture?
Unfortunately, the false 'prosperity gospel' and the love of money is widespread in our culture.

It's even worse compared to USA.

If that isn't your focus why does your mind gravitate to the subject immediately? I enjoy taking care if myself for the sake of doing so. The association is odd.
It is to remind myself of what I should be doing and the things I shouldn't be doing. I often remind myself of the deceitful nature of material wealth because I'm finding it to be the strongest temptation that I face and I think this is also true for many people.

It is one of the very important ways I keep healthy and slow down aging.

Matthew 15:11
A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.

This verse is not just about the corruption of the soul but the corruption of the physical body as well.
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Jan 16, 2019
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Unfortunately, the false 'prosperity gospel' and the love of money is widespread in our culture.

Self-care has no correlation to the prosperity gospel or love of money. Valuing yourself and being attentive to your temple is responsible. This must be a cultural difference. We don't attribute those practices to either.

It is to remind myself of what I should be doing and the things I shouldn't be doing. I often remind myself of the deceitful nature of material wealth because I'm finding it to be the strongest temptation that I face and I think this is also true for many people.

You're applying your struggles indiscriminately to others and assume they view the world as you do. They don't have your mindset, challenges, temptations or convictions. It will never be the same.

It's important to take ownership of your struggles and acknowledge how you're working through them and growing in christlikeness. But you must own the experience. Don't shift the focus onto others or bring them into the conversation to make your point. You have the problem not the world. You're accountable for your actions not theirs.

@DragonFox91 does this admirably on his thread. He uses it for self-reflection and takes himself to task when he stumbles. He doesn't point the finger at others. He deals with himself. That's how healing occurs.

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May 20, 2015
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There are many Christians who just can't resist the temptation of worldliness.

I knew one Christian who told me she gets tormented by evil spirits if she refuses to be worldly and I believe what she's saying because I experienced it too.

I often hear from people today about "positive vibes" and it has all to do with worldliness because if they stop being worldly, they feel under attack by evil spirits and their loved ones gets attacked too.

On one hand, worldliness can make you feel good, on the other hand, you get under attacked by evil spirits including your loved ones if you refuse to be worldly. There is a very strong push by the evil spirits to keep people worldly.

I'm just brave enough to resist the attacks of evil spirits because I have no children of my own, no wife, no GF, no friends. I have very little to lose.
I think you have become too familiar with evil spirits. All these posts sound very unhealthy and creepy.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
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It's the only way I could stop evil spirit(s) from returning. I'm able to absorb their energy and I think it weakens them and for some reason, they cease from returning. I've ended up with "roommates" before but eventually capturing them as well.
My friend I wasn't going to return to this website after the last thing I posted but I feel the need to tell you that it's impossible to absorb their powers. By doing such you've given permission to unclean spirits to enter you. Any reduction of the palpability of their presence or preternatural abilities you may have received is not because you absorbed their powers, but because they are exercising their powers within you and they have chosen to reduce their presence for a time in order to deceive you. The only way to truly remove their presence is with the name of Jesus Christ and through the power of The Holy Spirit (He is more powerful than them, we are not). It is deception to think that you can have any kind of symbioses with demons. These are beings whose very nature has become evil, they tell the truth only to deceive; they are not offered redemption and the lake of fire was prepared for the devil and his angels. The worst sins imaginable are the things which these beings desire to do 24/7. We have no fellowship with demons and the only thing which weakens them is Jesus Christ. You can't capture them, they are by no means bound to the material unless you give them a reason to be. It is our job as Christians to remove their presence in the name of Jesus Christ, not to capture or to take them on (i.e., absorb them).

You need to receive some spiritual counselling and possibly to be exorcised depending on how far you've gone with this and how long it's gone on for. For as long as you entertain demons and give them permission to be around you, you will be afflicted by them. Please mate I truly do plead with you you, do not entertain this line of pagan thinking. Pray to The Lord Jesus Christ for help and for Him to remove them from you and always remember that He loves you so much that He bore your sins on the cross and died for you. These unclean spirits who live only to sin are not compatible with the atonement and love of Christ, they desire to take you to Hell with them so that they may grieve the God who in His love died to save you.

"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?" -2 Corinthians 6:14-15

"Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons." -1 Corinthians 10:20-21

Here is what Athanasius has to say about demons when he was arguing for the resurrection of Christ: "Or how, if He be not risen but is dead, does He drive away, and pursue, and cast down those false gods said by the unbelievers to be alive, and the demons they worship? For where Christ is named, and His faith, there all idolatry is deposed and all imposture of evil spirits is exposed, and any spirit is unable to endure even the name, nay even on barely hearing it flies and disappears. But this work is not that of one dead, but of one that lives—and especially of God. In particular, it would be ridiculous to say that while the spirits cast out by Him and the idols brought to nought are alive, He who chases them away, and by His power prevents their even appearing, yea, and is being confessed by them all to be Son of God, is dead." -Athanasius of Alexandria. “On the Incarnation of the Word.”

God bless :heart:.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Self-care has no correlation to the prosperity gospel or love of money. Valuing yourself and being attentive to your temple is responsible. This must be a cultural difference. We don't attribute those practices to either.
I found via experimenting that maximizing care of both our body and the soul have many opposites to how worldly people do it.

As I've said previously, our bodies are like mini worlds. It follows our example, our convictions, and the things we say. For example if we are friendly to activities that directly or indirectly contribute to the corruption / pollution of Earth, then our bodies will also corrupt itself (waste away). Disease, aging, other unwanted stuff, and even change the way we look. It's Matthew 15:18 working as it is written.

You're applying your struggles indiscriminately to others and assume they view the world as you do. They don't have your mindset, challenges, temptations or convictions. It will never be the same.
I can try to be more discreet or more obscure or post somewhere else. But I really have to say it nonetheless. It's Matthew 15:18.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Pray to The Lord Jesus Christ for help and for Him to remove them from you and always remember that He loves you so much that He bore your sins on the cross and died for you.
I did this already and I fast frequently. I'm clean as a whistle.

I was born with the gift to actually harm evil spirits. I've known how to do it before I learned words when I was a young child. Jesus had the same ability. Evil spirits pleaded with Him for the obvious reason, they don't wish to be harmed which means they can be harmed.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I think you have become too familiar with evil spirits. All these posts sound very unhealthy and creepy.

I have the gift of exorcising places. Experience taught me many things about evil spirits and the rest of the knowledge I got from the Bible.

Study the Bible very carefully and there's far more knowledge contained in it than is seen in plain sight.
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Jan 16, 2019
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I found via experimenting that maximizing care of both our body and the soul have many opposites to how worldly people do it.

Based on your perception you've determined others who don't share your opinion are worldly and adherents of the prosperity gospel. Under no circumstances should you say that or suggest they're following false teachings. It's irresponsible. You don't have to agree but when it comes to things of God you should hold yourself to a higher standard before allegations are made.

As I've said previously, our bodies are like mini worlds. It follows our example, our convictions, and the things we say. For example if we are friendly to activities that directly or indirectly contribute to the corruption / pollution of Earth, then our bodies will also corrupt itself (waste away). Disease, aging, other unwanted stuff, and even change the way we look. It's Matthew 15:18 working as it is written.

Are your maladies the result of that corruption? Have you directly contributed to the earth's pollution and borne the punishment in your flesh?

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May 20, 2015
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I have the gift of exorcising places. Experience taught me many things about evil spirits and the rest of the knowledge I got from the Bible.

Study the Bible very carefully and there's far more knowledge contained in it than is seen in plain sight.
I think this discussion about exorcisms and spirits is actually proving how important theology is in a relationship.
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Dec 5, 2019
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This topic could simply be titled, "He isn't Christian enough for me", the operative word "enough".

I have noticed some Christian women complaining how they are single for a while because the Christian single men they keep meeting aren't as higher up on the scale that the women are when it comes to "being Christian". I mean, these are good, decent men, but apparently not being on the up and up on the scale of Biblical knowledge as their lady counter parts isn't necessarily fair, is it? I mean, no one's perfect.

For instance, some complain that even though they are weekly church goers, they are rather complacent in their faith, or hadn't risen up beyond the level they are currently are in their theology knowledge and passion. That men's theological knowledge is quite lacking. Apparently, Bible reading is a biggie, or lack thereof across the men folk. Example, it's not enough that a man is getting his knowledge via the weekly Bible study and listening to the pastor on Sundays?

It take it that it's more attractive for a man to shout "Can I get an Amen!!", than a guy that sits there quietly during servcies?

Apparently, this can be deal breakers with Christian women, yes...no? I would think the only kind a man this woman would be compatible with is a church leader or pastor?
I think it has more to do with our confidence, our comportment, the ease in which people can relate to us. If two individuals are meeting and perhaps interested in knowing the other better, insecurity and subtle hints of self defense are not going to impress. Be natural, don't force it and do not make excuses for a poor showing. Do not be in a hurry and that voice in your head that's telling you your sinking, tell it to shut up. It will happen or not. It's not the end of the world.
There are billions of humans on earth, relax...
I should trash my aspirations as a relationship advice columnist?
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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I think you have become too familiar with evil spirits. All these posts sound very unhealthy and creepy.

Yeah, I left this post a while ago , come back and it's gone off rails pretty much. Isn't this the guy that told me that he won't even do hand holding with a woman before marriage?
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Yeah, I left this post a while ago , come back and it's gone off rails pretty much. Isn't this the guy that told me that he won't even do hand holding with a woman before marriage?

I don't remember telling you that. The keys on my keyboard must have moved on its own!
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Jan 16, 2019
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All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible], but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life].

Curiosity on its own isn't wrong. But when we allow ourselves to navigate waters beyond our maturity with no anchor in place bad things follow. We'll attract lying spirits and supernatural experiences that corroborate the deception and draw us further from the Lord.

LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; Nor do I involve myself in great matters, Or in things too difficult for me.

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible], but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life].

Curiosity on its own isn't wrong. But when we allow ourselves to navigate waters beyond our maturity with no anchor in place bad things follow. We'll attract lying spirits and supernatural experiences that corroborate the deception and draw us further from the Lord.

LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; Nor do I involve myself in great matters, Or in things too difficult for me.


Thanks but no need to worry at all. I haven't violated any teachings of Jesus and I never intend to.

John 16:13
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

1 John 2:27
As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.
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Thanks but no need to worry at all. I haven't violated any teachings of Jesus and I never intend to.

On post #43 you explained your process of spiritual engagement:

I never done it for other people. I still worry my presence may cause more harm than good. My method involves "baiting" dark spirits to make them come out. I bait them out with my own negative emotions and I have plenty of negative emotions in store! It's the part were a lot of things can go wrong. It's like drawing a wild and dangerous animal to you and can put people nearby in great danger.

* Baiting evil spirits
* Using negative emotions to entice demonic entities
* Admitted the practice was dangerous

On post #51 you explained spiritual absorption:

It's the only way I could stop evil spirit(s) from returning. I'm able to absorb their energy and I think it weakens them and for some reason, they cease from returning. I've ended up with "roommates" before but eventually capturing them as well.

* Absorbing demonic energy
* Capturing and weakening evil spirits
* Accepting the indwelling or presence of said entity

On post #54 you acknowledged interest in The Testament of Solomon. A book well regarded in occult circles:

King Solomon is one example according to the "Testament of Solomon". He used at least one talisman. There are images of these talisman online.

A description for the reader. "This text is an Old Testament Pseudepigraphic catalog of demons summoned by King Solomon, and how they can be countered by invoking angels and other magical techniques."

Why would a layman need to study sorcery or summon demons?

On post #56 you explained your reasons:

I'm literally born with the ability. Really have no choice. It's a lesser reason why I need to go over non-canon scriptures and Jewish esoteric texts to be able to control it, even turn it off.

* Born with a special ability
* Require non biblical resources to control or turn off said ability

You affirm your reasoning by citing Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did so many things that are not written in the Bible (John 21:25). I have a burning curiosity to find out what they were. I have the Spirit of Truth to guide me as well (John 16:13)

You acknowledge a lack of fear, suspicions and personal beliefs related to the subject:

And I have very little to fear about these things. I don't really trust the goal behind the canonical process. They seem to continue the work of the Pharisees which is to deny access to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus had access to the Kingdom of Heaven while on Earth is how how he's able to perform many miracles. Jesus even guaranteed His followers to be able to do even greater than the things He did.

I believe that time is today where we now have access to as much knowledge we can possibly absorb with the spare time we have. I think religious authorities fear they would actually happen. It has the potential to change the world's status quo. It can decentralize the world's power structure, literally end the age we're in. Those in power have the most to lose.

On post #58 you explain how the kingdom is impacted by your knowledge:

I observed it to affect the world in unconventional and strange ways even without saying a word. There is a very strong opposition to the ongoing trends.

I look at all scriptures, canon or otherwise with same level of suspicion or scrutiny even after I read them. Never let your guard down.

On post #63 you address giftedness:

I agree. It's far too risky for the vast majority but it seems I'm exceptionally gifted for these things. I strongly feel like I had to get into this path because I may be the only one who can.

* Personal acknowledgment of specialness or the one one who possesses the ability


There is nothing within these statements that supports a biblical position on the subject or justification for interactions or explorations to the degree you've undertaken. It is categorically wrong and rife with untruths and dangers for any who would mimic the same.

We've witnessed a cacophony of mental and spiritual impediments that support a mish mash of supernatural grandiosity and confusion. To say you're deceived is an understatement. Your remarks bear witness to your condition and the dangers of straying from the narrow path.

In light of the TOS further discourse isn't possible and requires the chaplains involvement. Let this be a lesson to everyone.

There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, But its end is the way of death.

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