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How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?


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Feb 24, 2023
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It's good that you have grown up believing in God. It is a challenge for parents to be able to train up their children so that when they are mature they will choose God's ways over the ways of the ungodly. If one or both of your parents are Christians then, as a child, you were covered by your parent's sanctification (1Cor 7:14) but the thing is, at some point, we each have to meet God and choose Him for ourselves. If we have not chosen to ask His Spirit to come into our heart and committed our life to serve God then all we have is just another religion. There are a lot of people who believe in God, a god of their own imagination, but are not Christians... Hindus, Muslims, Churchians... the list goes on and on. If Jesus is not Lord within our life then there is no way that we can become like Him. This is critical because... if the Holy Spirit is not dwelling with us and in us then we can not be certain that what is placed upon our heart is of God and even then, in these last days, there are those who would, "if it were possible, ...deceive the very elect" (Mat 24:24). But perhaps you have already joined into that relationship with Jesus.

I guess that something I wonder about is why it is so important to you to believe in a flat earth? Does it, somehow, define you? You seem very intent on this belief and I am concerned that it may be something that you hold as a sacred object that, if so, might come between you and the Lord.

Also I wonder how you have come to that conclusion. Was it from something you have read within scripture? If not then we come up against the issue of how do we establish a secure point of reference. Science, ultimately, is dependent upon the orderly universe that God created... even though many Scientists will not acknowledge His part in it... but, even then, a lot of what is postulated could be inaccurate or limited within it's understanding. If we are reliant upon some other person to provide evidence to support some idea then it's just as likely that they are mistaken or, worse still, are pursuing some other agenda that may not be to our benefit. I guess what I'm saying is that we need to rely upon what the Bible says and trust God in everything. They are the only reference points that we have any hope of being accurate. If what we hear is contrary to scripture then it is best to reject that voice and go with what scripture says. It might take some serious study of the Word, and fellowship with our brethren, to uncover what is actually being said in some passages.

Oh... one other point... joining dots is a very Greek way of thinking. Most of western society is taught the Greek logical thought process. It's not the Old Testament Hebrew way of thinking so we often get things messed up in our understanding of the Old Testament when we try to apply that kind of reasoning to it.
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Apple Sky

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I guess that something I wonder about is why it is so important to you to believe in a flat earth? Does it, somehow, define you? You seem very intent on this belief and I am concerned that it may be something that you hold as a sacred object that, if so, might come between you and the Lord.

If anything flat earth has bought me closer to the Lord.

Also I wonder how you have come to that conclusion. Was it from something you have read within scripture?

Yes very much so, pluss Pastor Dean Odle & many other good people.

I guess what I'm saying is that we need to rely upon what the Bible says and trust God in everything.

I do every day. :praying:
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Feb 24, 2023
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If anything flat earth has bought me closer to the Lord.
How does flat earth bring you closer to the Lord? In what way does it help you to become more like Christ?
Yes very much so, pluss Pastor Dean Odle & many other good people.
So... there are passages with scripture that you rely upon to support the concept of a flat earth? What are they?

Back when I was very new in my Christian life I read a book by Watchman Nee called 'The Normal Christian Church Life'. One of the understandings he received from Scripture was the concept of a Church having a multiple eldership. This means that no one person can put forth their own pet ideas and lead people astray into false gospels because each person within the ministry of a fellowship has to be in submission to their brethren and, if one presents a concept that is clearly in contradiction to the Word of God, the others may offer the scriptural guidance provided through the direction of the Holy Spirit. I am always wary of individuals who have a 'ministry' that is not in subject to a Presbytery or leadership group because it tends to be those people who can end up forming a cult based upon some strange personal revelation that they might have received. A quick review of Pastor Odle makes me wonder if he may not also be a law unto himself i.e. only answers to himself when it comes to his views and his teachings. Controversial messages may get a lot of people's attention and a personal following for that speaker (which can be an ego thing eg 3 John 1:9) but it can also distract those people from other things that are more important and foster a fear in them which is not of God or how his people should live.
2Ti 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
1Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

In my fellowship we have been finding, since Covid challenged us in how we meet together, that we have a lot of liturgical concepts and traditions that we follow that are not of any biblical origin... and we are not even one of the traditional denominations... we have, in many ways, formed our own over the past 40 or 50 years. The point is... we hold on to ideas and actions that have meant something to us in the past or somehow make us feel good, or spiritual or, in some way, caters to something in our fleshly ways. These things can get in the way of what God is doing in us and where he is taking us in the future. It is often difficult to put those traditions aside and to move into something brand new that God is calling us to but if we are going to be His people then we are going to have to change to be more like Him. Change is part of who we are... if we are not changing then, effectively (and sometimes literally), we have died. It's great that you spend time reading God's Word and praying to Him. When you do ask Him to reveal to you the areas in which you need to change and the ideas or traditions that you need to discard to learn more about what He is teaching us. Oh... and if that means you may have to change your mind about somethings you are intent upon believing then summon up the courage to do so... God has something greater for you to step into.
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Apple Sky

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So... there are passages with scripture that you rely upon to support the concept of a flat earth? What are they?

There are too many to mention here.

a two hundred.jpg

A quick review of Pastor Odle makes me wonder if he may not also be a law unto himself i.e. only answers to himself when it comes to his views and his teachings.

Dean has been doing his preaching for thirty odd years & has even preached in Africa, he has also preached in prisons & on the streets.
His eagerness to get people to be saved is second to none.
He has only been preaching flat earth for a short time as like me he came upon passages in the Bible which he didn't quite understand, that when one understands the flat earth concept enables one to understand some passages in the Bible better........ see above!

When you do ask Him to reveal to you the areas in which you need to change and the ideas or traditions that you need to discard to learn more about what He is teaching us. Oh... and if that means you may have to change your mind about somethings you are intent upon believing then summon up the courage to do so... God has something greater for you to step into.

This is right in what you say....but I will never waver from the fact that the earth is level & stationary as this is what God has shown me to be true & it will never distract me from the love I have for Jesus. I do feel as tho God has something great for me to step into, but what ? I don't know yet but he will show me as Jesus is the light.

King James Bible
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

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A good thing taken to excess can be equally harmful as a bad one. The most obvious problem for what you've described is the propensity for overthinking or bending the information to make it fit a narrative. I broach the topic from two perspectives. Need to know has primacy and they're things that require action. I don't load up my head with facts that I'll utilize one day. It's overkill.

The same things applies to the dots. I don't need to know everything. I need to be aware of the things most likely to affect me, my loved one or livelihood. As a result, I'm able to offset or minimize hardships because I wasn't distracted with unimportant things or overwhelmed by a sea of information.

Discrimination is a must and that requires you to ask questions. Why do I need to see, read or hear this information? How is impacting me directly? And what is my response? If you do that before you dive in you'll eliminate the majority. Because it's irrelevant and often incites anxiety and a lack of discernment. People stop questioning after awhile and believe every thing they hear.

There's someone I used to watch in the past who's addicted to gematria. Everything he decodes equals Obama, Biden or Donald Trump. It's ridiculous and he's a believer. But he's too far gone to see it. He raises good points but once he starts calculating I stop the video. Because I know where it leads and I listen to more knowledgeable people. Which he needs to do.

The best approach I've seen thus far is a group effort. Where a group of people come together and specialize in one topic and share what they've learned instead of tackling everything. And bring in experts for the rest so the group is bettered. I do the same at home. I'm the go-to for certain topics and my daughter is too. We supplement our knowledge with well vetted sources that fill in the gaps.

I think it's harder if you're a doomsayer or obsessed with the end times. It feeds them both.

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Jun 26, 2003
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I just know.

I dont want the the world to be deceived anymore than it has to.

I know this, but if you thoght your salvation depended on it would you believe it then ?
Ok, I trust that you have a sincere heart, but stop and think about what you are saying. On one hand you say that you know it is God that has guided your thoughts, yet you come here to get help with what you describe as an addiction.

Do you see the inconsistency in those statements ?

There are a few facts to consider. God is not the author of confusion. If your thoughts fill you with doubt, then it is probably not God, no matter how “sure” you say it is.

The other fact is that there is a conspiracy. Satan prowls about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. He is on conspiracy to deceive as many souls as possible and get them to reject God. God gives us free will, not infinite intellect. Satan knows this and will attempt to confuse our mind in order to deceive our will.

If you want to read a good book that explains the current conspiracy I recommend

The Devil and Karl Marx:
Communisms long march of death, deception, and infiltration
By Paul Kengor

It’s not just a wild conspiracy theory, it is real and well documented

The primary Christian virtue is humility, as the word of God says that He resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. I can truly testify that I have felt that grace. When I gave up all my individual will and submitted to the Apostolic authority of the Catholic Church, the sin that had used to so easily beset me was gone. I know it was God because Satan does not cast out Satan.

At the same time, I cannot rest in all things Catholic. Satan had infiltrated the Church in an attempt to subvert her, but we have the promise that the gates of hell will not prevail

Life is a spiritual battle, and that battle takes place in your will. Do you exalt your own intellect and will, or do you rather say Lord, not my will but thine be done?

I will pray for you and peace be with you
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Jun 26, 2003
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There are too many to mention here.

View attachment 350317

Dean has been doing his preaching for thirty odd years & has even preached in Africa, he has also preached in prisons & on the streets.
His eagerness to get people to be saved is second to none.
He has only been preaching flat earth for a short time as like me he came upon passages in the Bible which he didn't quite understand, that when one understands the flat earth concept enables one to understand some passages in the Bible better........ see above!

This is right in what you say....but I will never waver from the fact that the earth is level & stationary as this is what God has shown me to be true & it will never distract me from the love I have for Jesus. I do feel as tho God has something great for me to step into, but what ? I don't know yet but he will show me as Jesus is the light.

King James Bible
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

An excellent video series that I can recommend is “how the world was made in six days” by the Kolbe institute. It shows how the words of Genesis are scientifically valid and not myth or allegory.

I do believe the Earth is stationary, as even modern astronomers say they cannot tell where the center of the Universe is. Galileo did not prove the Earth rotates around the sun, he inferred it. His observations show that moons go around Jupiter and Venus goes around the sun. Earth around the sun cannot be proved observationally.
Check out the videos, I believe that the Earth is stationary yet a sphere. The fact that the Sun was not created until the fourth day is easily explained and the firmament is explained in the video on Day 2

Peace be with you
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The Liturgist

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I think that intelligent Christians have a moral obligation to encourage people to reflect on what science actually says about motion and to understand the beauty in God’s creation, as it truly exists, and that every Christian should also strive to recognize those areas where they are not qualified to speak, and hold their tongue, rather than risk inadvertently spreading falsehoods. The freedom of speech is one so easily abused.
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Jun 26, 2003
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I think that intelligent Christians have a moral obligation to encourage people to reflect on what science actually says about motion and to understand the beauty in God’s creation, as it truly exists, and that every Christian should also strive to recognize those areas where they are not qualified to speak, and hold their tongue, rather than risk inadvertently spreading falsehoods. The freedom of speech is one so easily abused.
Yes that is true, and if you look at what science is really saying at this point, you can see that they have abandoned science in favor of a narrative

Science makes a claim and then looks for all evidence to disprove it

A narrative makes a claim and then looks for evidence to support it, and discards evidence that disproves it as statistical variations

What is true is that our children are being indoctrinated to suspend critical thinking. They are indoctrinated to accept the current narrative by peer pressure and appeals to authority. All logical fallacies.

Case in point. My daughter brings home her third grade homework and she has to say whether a sentence is true .

The one sentence was Galileo proved that the Earth goes around the sun. She had to state that as true fact, when it is demonstrably false. Galileo’s data shows that moons orbit Jupiter and Venus goes around the Sun. He infers that the Earth goes around the Sun, but that cannot be proved observationally.

I could try to explain to her that the statement is not factually correct, but she says the teacher says it’s true.

I try to read evolution articles and they are filled with wild speculative language that is based in imagination and not science but purported to be such. People think that just because it is thought that chimps and humans are 98-99% genetically equivalent, that proves evolution. It does not.
Even if that is accepted, it still leaves 35 million base pair differences that cannot be easily overcome by 4 billion years of “slow evolution”
What are children are being taught is not science. It is narrative
Evolution is not taught as a rigorous scientific discipline, but as a narrative that we are told to accept or be labeled a kook. Whatever

If you want real science then go to the discovery institute that gives a scientific critique or Darwin and neodarwinism.

There is no moral obligation to accept a narrative that suspends critical thought, violates philosophical truths and is basically absurd.
We are the light of the world, not the buy-ins of darkness.

I do not accept the label that my God who loved me and gave himself for me is a legend or mere human poetry because some blind atheists say He is.
The fool says in his heart there is no God, and the academy of science is made up of over 90% atheists that have taken the stance that they have to explain the material universe in any way that cannot include God, no matter how absurd the proposition.

The Discovery Institute is made up of secular scientists that recognize the inadequacy of Darwinian theory to explain the existence of life.
DNA is the most sophisticated computer program ever written or conceived. No way it happened by chance. They recognize that there is an intelligence in the universe

What Christians have a moral obligation to do is look at the data and develop critical thinking skills, rather than accept the gobbledygook that atheistic scientists falsely so called claim we must accept

I am in favor of science, not narrative
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An excellent video series that I can recommend is “how the world was made in six days” by the Kolbe institute. It shows how the words of Genesis are scientifically valid and not myth or allegory.

I do believe the Earth is stationary, as even modern astronomers say they cannot tell where the center of the Universe is. Galileo did not prove the Earth rotates around the sun, he inferred it. His observations show that moons go around Jupiter and Venus goes around the sun. Earth around the sun cannot be proved observationally.
Check out the videos, I believe that the Earth is stationary yet a sphere. The fact that the Sun was not created until the fourth day is easily explained and the firmament is explained in the video on Day 2

Peace be with you
If the earth is stationary then you necessarily have stars orbiting the earth at faster than the speed of light.
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Apple Sky

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An excellent video series that I can recommend is “how the world was made in six days” by the Kolbe institute. It shows how the words of Genesis are scientifically valid and not myth or allegory.

Do you have a link for this video ? Thanks.
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If the earth is stationary then you necessarily have stars orbiting the earth at faster than the speed of light.
Only if you know what the speed of light is, and the proper distance of stars, both of which are inferred and cannot be directly observed
The thing about inference is the premise must be absolutely sound or the inference is flawed

Atheistic scientists have constructed their narratives so as to exclude God and mock His word. God does not fit into their narrative, but if you critically look at the data, you can see the deception. They don’t admit what they don’t know, so they make things up, like dark matter and dark energy.

We can’t see them or ever observed them, but we know they are there because they are necessary to make our narrative work. Ok, and we are mocked for God of the gaps? Nice

We look at Genesis and see that God says water was at the start of the universe, and the Spirit moved on the waters. He also created light before the light of the stars and sun.
If that is true, then there should be water everywhere and light should exist separate from the stars. Guess what? It’s true. Water has been found on the surface of the Sun in sun spots and ice is on Mars, the moon and other planets in our solar system. Also of one observes space and subtracts all of the light from the Sun and stars, there is still a faint glow that has no source.
Left over from the great light of the first day? Oh we can’t have that, Genesis is poetry Yeah right

My evidence is that my God rose from the dead and worked many other signs and wonders. His Spirit was breathed on the Apostles of His Church. Many have tried to take her down, but the gates of hell have not prevailed for 2000 years. Genesis was told directly to Moses on My Sinai. Do we think God just thought it was a good day for poetry? Or is it that the One that is not a man that He should lie just told the truth?
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Do you have a link for this video ? Thanks.
This is the trailer

They have day one and day two produced. Days three through six are still in the works. I can’t wait till they come out.

There is such good scientific and theological analysis in days one and two. They explain the great light of the first day and the firmament in scientific and biblical terms. The whole videos cost 10 dollars each and can be streamed

I have no financial interest in this sight. If you can’t afford it, I believe they have a way for you to view it if you contact them

Peace be with you
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Apple Sky

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This is the trailer

They have day one and day two produced. Days three through six are still in the works. I can’t wait till they come out.

There is such good scientific and theological analysis in days one and two. They explain the great light of the first day and the firmament in scientific and biblical terms. The whole videos cost 10 dollars each and can be streamed

I have no financial interest in this sight. If you can’t afford it, I believe they have a way for you to view it if you contact them

Peace be with you

Thanks @boughtwithaprice, I'll be sure to watch them :)
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How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

Ever since I was a kid I've rebelled against authority & I love to join all the dots.
I was only 10 years old when I tried to join the dots concerning the book of Revelation.

As I grew older I would buy any conspiracy book I could get my hands on & even joined forums such as 'David Icke' which was wrong as most members on there are far from being Christians.

It was only when I discovered that earth is flat that I truly became a Christian & have read the Bible numerous of times, & the fact that I should be dead right now if God hadn't give me a second chance.

I have truly prayed about my addiction but God has truly laid it on my heart heavy about the shape of the earth.

I thank you for listening to me :praying:
You believe the earth is flat ?
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Apple Sky

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