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Dream interpretation


Aug 23, 2023
United Kingdom
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I had a really strange dream a few nights ago. I was stood in a room and there were lots of cages in it with people locked in them. Jesus was in the room and he was just walking around the room touching the tops of the cages. In my dream, Jesus didn’t look at me, it was like I wasn’t there. I was thinking ‘why are these people locked in cages?’ and ‘why is he not letting them out?’ At that moment, I woke up. The dream was very short. How would you interpret this dream?


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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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I had a really strange dream a few nights ago. I was stood in a room and there were lots of cages in it with people locked in them. Jesus was in the room and he was just walking around the room touching the tops of the cages. In my dream, Jesus didn’t look at me, it was like I wasn’t there. I was thinking ‘why are these people locked in cages?’ and ‘why is he not letting them out?’ At that moment, I woke up. The dream was very short. How would you interpret this dream?
I am no interpreter, but maybe the cages are our sins that we are locked up in, or maybe a denial of Christ's power. It is a choice for us to repent. Once we repent, our cages will be opened.
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Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father...
Apr 9, 2010
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I had a really strange dream a few nights ago. I was stood in a room and there were lots of cages in it with people locked in them. Jesus was in the room and he was just walking around the room touching the tops of the cages. In my dream, Jesus didn’t look at me, it was like I wasn’t there. I was thinking ‘why are these people locked in cages?’ and ‘why is he not letting them out?’ At that moment, I woke up. The dream was very short. How would you interpret this dream?
Hi sunflower39:wave:

So, I'm no dream interpreter either. But I can share how I explore my own dreams. Maybe you'll find some valur in my approach, maybe you won't.
I tend to focus on the dreams that really stand out to me, as they often feel like messages from God that He wants me to ponder.

I'm intrigued by your dream, where you're more of an observer, watching Jesus do His thing without being directly involved.
It seems like you're wondering why He's doing certain things or why He's not responding in the way you'd expect. Maybe there are some questions you've been asking God, and you're unsure why He hasn't answered in the way you thought He would. Could it be related to loved ones who haven't found Him yet? And you've been praying for their journey to faith? And their has been no change. Maybe your dream is a nudge from God, inviting you to seek understanding and guidance or even how you are to participate in their release.

Either way, I'd encourage you to take your dream to God in prayer.
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Oct 30, 2006
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Not a dream interpreter either. Thought of these Scripture.

Jesus touching the cages -
"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:44)

They have to make the decision though.

"...for their minds have been blinded by the god of this age, leaving them in unbelief. Their blindness keeps them from seeing the dayspring light of the wonderful news of the glory of Jesus Christ, who is the divine image of God." (II Cor 4:4).

Maybe God is prompting you to reach out more in prayer and community to those in the cages.
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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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Thank you so much for your replies. They’re very insightful and helpful. This is the only dream I’ve ever had with Jesus in. I will definitely take my dream to God in prayer.
You are welcome. And remember, talk to a pastor/priest about this as well, to get a second opinion.
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Jan 16, 2019
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The cages may represent bondage. If that's the case He couldn't release them without repentance. The sin must be addressed and atoned for then He can intervene. That's a requirement for deliverance.

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May 22, 2013
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I had a really strange dream a few nights ago. I was stood in a room and there were lots of cages in it with people locked in them.
Well, I don't claim to interpret, but I look for how Jesus could treat a dream like a symbol or parable with a Bible meaning.

Lots of people in cages and you free > God's word says many are on the wrong road, to destruction.

And we have >

"And He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again." (2 Corinthians 5:15)

Ones in cages can be people who live for themselves. People concerned mainly about themselves can have a way of taking things hard, like they are victims, and they can feel they have to control what is happening to themselves and others; and so they isolate themselves, versus how they could share personally with Jesus while discovering how He has things work out.
Jesus was in the room and he was just walking around the room touching the tops of the cages.
Possibly He is showing He cares about these people, but there is not much He can do for ones living for themselves. The cages can mean their own ways isolate them, emotionally. And the cages can represent how >

"God resists the proud" (in James 4:6 and in 1 Peter 5:5).

And God's resistance is good, keeping evil people from doing much more harm than they do, and keeping them from getting into much more trouble. So, Jesus, then, could be touching and blessing those cages of God's caring resistance.

He might not say something to you, but He is communicating to you how God is indeed caring for evil people, using the cages of His resistance, each cage giving personal care to each proud person.

And in this way Jesus is personally caring about ones who refuse
Him; because Jesus is not conceited, He cares even about wrong people.

So He is communicating, by being our example, that you and all of us be humble to care about wrong peoole who are isolated because they do not submit to God and share with Him and have hope and blessing for even selfish people who do not love us.
In my dream, Jesus didn’t look at me, it was like I wasn’t there.
Oh, but while He might not obviously speak to us, He has us in mind and His example can be communicating.

And if you are resting . . . this can be communicating without words. God is quiet, though not silent.
I was thinking ‘why are these people locked in cages?’ and ‘why is he not letting them out?’ At that moment, I woke up. The dream was very short. How would you interpret this dream?
They can be all together with other people, but isolated by their own desires, loneliness, unforgiveness, how they stay under the power of how others have hurt them, anger, and other isolating things.

But Jesus is free and you are free with Him. So, keep attentive to Jesus, more than to ones in cages. This world's zoo of people can call for a lot of attention, but notice Jesus and however He is communicating, speaking to you or without words. He is always sharing.
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