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Biden Fallout after debate: From his own people

Bible Highlighter

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Jul 22, 2014
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We have had record job creation, a huge economic boom, soaring stocks, corporate profits. The entire world had inflation and we dealt with it more successfully...

Just as the former president was faced with a global pandemic and his erratic refusal to listen to scientists and experts left a million.Americans dead.

Our immigration situation has been greatly exacerbated by Republican refusal to pass legislation or allocate funding for additional immigration judges and personnel--on the command of the candidate whose slogan is "me first. Who cares about the country?"
No. Food has doubled at the grocery store and mortgage rates are still sky high. Where have you been living? You are not living in the same United States I have been living in if you say otherwise. Also, it is a fact that the Biden administration is responsible for allowing tons of illegal immigrants into our country that our hard earned tax paying dollars go to support (See here). He basically was doing the exact opposite of Trump, where he desired to put up a wall and keep illegals out of our country. So you are not living in reality. This is what I have been talking about. You need to face the reality around you and not pander to the Leftist propaganda machine.

New York City has faced a dire migrant crisis, with over 110,000 migrant arrivals in the last year. Mayor Eric Adams has warned that the crisis is threatening to overwhelm every service in the city, from child services to senior care and housing. The financial implications could reach an estimated $12 billion by 2025.

Thank you, Biden for more debt.
Well, I should say, “Thank you, Deep State of the Leftist Movement.”
Biden is not really running this country fully. He is just a puppet now.
We clearly know he is not fully aware of everything that is going on based on the presidential debate.
Did we really beat Medicare as Biden claims?
He said this while he was incoherently babbling.

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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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They could be working now to have him step down or they may not. I think they know its absolutely crazy to assert everything is fine but they also believe it's baked into the cake that the American people will get it....that is even though Biden is elected everyone knows it will be powers which be behind the scenes running the country. Biden of course will be signing this paper and that and will basically claim he listens to his advisors. The listening to them though may be the ONLY thing he does.
Yeah, I think some folks are so hard core Left that they simply do not care if we have a Weekend at Bernie’s president come next term (if the left wins by some odd stray cat chance). As long as the left policies are in place to support their liberal agenda, they will be happy, even if it destroys this country. They must know that the economy is bad and it is a punch to the gut to have illegals killing Americans because of the Leftist machine that made that possible to begin with. I think they just don’t care and protecting climate change, and pushing the Woke agenda is more important. Liberals do not make any sense (Although I care for their souls and wish them the best). It’s just seems like they are taking a bunch of crazy pills and they need to get off of them and look at reality and face it. They need to look at the really important matters that are in the best interests of our country right now. That is why people should vote for Trump. He is not a perfect man by any means. He is not a role model for our kids. But Trump has the track record of doing good for our country, whereas Biden’s track record is a disaster. These are just the facts. Some folks find the facts inconvenient. I am also not saying that Trump is any kind of savior, either. No man is our Savior except Jesus Christ. But I believe things will be going in a better direction with Trump, despite his many problems and imperfections.
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We're Still Here
Sep 25, 2012
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Yeah, I think some folks are so hard core Left that they simply do not care if we have a Weekend at Bernie’s president come next term (if the left wins by some odd stray cat chance). As long as the left policies are in place to support their liberal agenda, they will be happy, even if it destroys this country. They must know that the economy is bad and it is a punch to the gut to have illegals killing Americans because of the Leftist machine that made that possible to begin with. I think they just don’t care and protecting climate change, and pushing the Woke agenda is more important. Liberals do not make any sense (Although I care for their souls and wish them the best). It’s just seems like they are taking a bunch of crazy pills and they need to get off of them and look at reality and face it. They need to look at the really important matters that are in the best interests of our country right now. That is why people should vote for Trump. He is not a perfect man by any means. He is not a role model for our kids. But Trump has the track record of doing good for our country, whereas Biden’s track record is a disaster. These are just the facts. Some folks find the facts inconvenient. I am also not saying that Trump is any kind of savior, either. No man is our Savior except Jesus Christ. But I believe things will be going in a better direction with Trump, despite his many problems and imperfections.
As opposed to a criminal president who is promising to use the power of the government to exact revenge on his perceived opponents? I’ll go with weekend at Biden’s.
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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Yeah, I think some folks are so hard core Left that they simply do not care if we have a Weekend at Bernie’s president come next term (if the left wins by some odd stray cat chance). As long as the left policies are in place to support their liberal agenda, they will be happy, even if it destroys this country. They must know that the economy is bad and it is a punch to the gut to have illegals killing Americans because of the Leftist machine that made that possible to begin with. I think they just don’t care and protecting climate change, and pushing the Woke agenda is more important. Liberals do not make any sense (Although I care for their souls and wish them the best). It’s just seems like they are taking a bunch of crazy pills and they need to get off of them and look at reality and face it. They need to look at the really important matters that are in the best interests of our country right now. That is why people should vote for Trump. He is not a perfect man by any means. He is not a role model for our kids. But Trump has the track record of doing good for our country, whereas Biden’s track record is a disaster. These are just the facts. Some folks find the facts inconvenient. I am also not saying that Trump is any kind of savior, either. No man is our Savior except Jesus Christ. But I believe things will be going in a better direction with Trump, despite his many problems and imperfections.
Hi, you’ve been here on CF for going on a decade, yet only saw fit to visit the heathens-allowed area very recently, (well, how ever long it took to come over to the “dark side”), WELCOME!

Your postings have shown us all what you’re against, which causes me to wonder what things you’d be for?

Anyways, again welcome and let us dialog in peace!
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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As opposed to a criminal president who is promising to use the power of the government to exact revenge on his perceived opponents? I’ll go with weekend at Biden’s.
What does a personal vendetta have to do with it? You’re basing your decision on “what if scenarios.” Look at the track records. If Trump can do the same thing he did before by giving us a good economy again like he did previously, and protect our borders from an outpouring of illegal immigrants to live on our dime, then I am for such a term again. Biden has made things more difficult for people financially. This is a fact. Unless you’re so rich you don’t notice the price difference at the grocery store, or you are ignorant of mortgage rates, things are not better with Biden’s shadow organization. You’re not looking at the bottom line and how that affects you personally or other Americans. Unless you were living in a coma for Trump’s term, I am not sure how you can say Biden’s term was better. Biden made things worse for this country in many ways. Illegal immigrants are living here and causing great burdens upon Americans. Criminals among these illegal immigrants have killed Americans. How many lives would have not been lost to these criminals if the Biden administration did not open the flood gates for illegals to come here? Again, the Leftist machine is illogical and they are not dealing with reality. So far, you have not given any good rebuttals or reasons for the weekend at Biden option. It is not even remotely tempting. It’s actually disgusting, and wrong of what happened to America the past four years under his administration‘s dark reign. Granted, we are living in the last days, and I should not be surprised things are getting worse and not better. You want Biden, then you are for the freedom of idiots chanting, “Death to America!” Sorry, I don’t think there should be any freedom for a person in America to do that. That is treason in my book. If a person does not want America to live, then they should move back where they came from. They shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Hi, you’ve been here on CF for going on a decade, yet only saw fit to visit the heathens-allowed area very recently, (well, how ever long it took to come over to the “dark side”), WELCOME!
I am into the recent election because we are living in unusual times that is unprecedented. Never before in history do we have such candidates running for president who check the boxes in odd things. One presidential candidate has cognitive problems that are very serious, and the other candidate is a convicted felon (albeit this is due to the Leftist machine making this is so right before an election - weaponizing the justice system against a political opponent).

I wanted to share my mind on the election because it is very odd and unusual point in time. So this really does not have anything to do with joining an endless discussion with unbelievers. It is more about expressing my thoughts for a while during an unusual time.

Your postings have shown us all what you’re against, which causes me to wonder what things you’d be for?
I have stated I want a good economy like the one we had while under the previous Trump administration. I am also not for tons of illegal immigrants burdening Americans that is the fault of the Biden administration today. Some of these illegals even killed Americans. We did not have such a widespread problem under Trump. So another administration like he gave us before would be good because we did not have the problems we have now because of Biden’s administration. I am also for Christian moral values of course, which have been attacked while under this current administration. You know, good guys do good, right? It’s why you root for the good guys when you watch a super hero movie or series. We like to see good triumph over evil. But folks have a distorted view of what is good today.

Jesus is who I am ultimately for. He is the source of all that is good and right. Jesus loved you enough to die in your place for your sins upon the cross. He suffered so much because He cares for you, and wants you to be with Him in His Kingdom. He wants you to have a love, joy, and a peace that you have never known before.

Anyways, again welcome and let us dialog in peace!
I can be passionate in my defense of what I feel is right and good. It is by no means a war or dislike against anyone personally. I am wishing nothing but good things to all men by the changing power of Jesus Christ. He is the one that needs to be welcomed into men’s hearts whereby those hearts are transformed or changed for the better. Jesus is the Prince of peace and can bring peace to every soul that is at war with itself.
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The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
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As opposed to a criminal president who is promising to use the power of the government to exact revenge on his perceived opponents? I’ll go with weekend at Biden’s.
Thats the best way to describe Biden’s next four years.
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Jun 17, 2008
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As opposed to a criminal president who is promising to use the power of the government to exact revenge on his perceived opponents? I’ll go with weekend at Biden’s.

Thats the best way to describe Biden’s next four years.
If so, then so long as it remains part of his official duties, the Supreme Court says he has absolute immunity from prosecution for it.

-- A2SG, guess we'll have to wait and see if he actually takes advantage of that ......
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The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
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If so, then so long as it remains part of his official duties, the Supreme Court says he has absolute immunity from prosecution for it.

-- A2SG, guess we'll have to wait and see if he actually takes advantage of that ......
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Reasonably Sane

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Oct 27, 2023
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They are trying to deflect from the real takeaway: That the MSM was lying to us and they got caught. It's amazing that anyone trusts them any more. Reminds me of the movie, "Don't look up". where the MSM is lying about what is really happening. Life imitates art.
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Jun 25, 2024
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They are trying to deflect from the real takeaway: That the MSM was lying to us and they got caught. It's amazing that anyone trusts them any more. Reminds me of the movie, "Don't look up". where the MSM is lying about what is really happening. Life imitates art.
Yes, and the movie "Wag The Dog."
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Francis 1928

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Jul 10, 2024
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If he doesn't withdraw, he should at least pick a popular vice president. That way if he wins and can't continue his duties people won't fear being stuck with Kamela Harris.
I agree, He picked Harris for all the wrong reasons . She is an empty suit and will be part of his downfall. I noticed a mental decline back during the 2020 election with Joe and its only gotten worse. Misguided voters can say he has a stutter all they want but its obvious , Joe is suffering and his wife should encourage him to come home so she can take care of him and save whats left of his dignity .Or she can continue taking orders from Obama and the rest of the small circle of liberals ccontrolling her and her husbands every move.
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