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Can Satan make people fall in love??????????


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Jul 5, 2022
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I became a Christian in the summer of 2022. Prior to that, I had been an atheist for many many years. However, there is one thing I should clear up. Despite being an atheist, I never played around with the demonic, I didn't want to "poke the bear" so to speak. So maybe I was more agnostic? Nevertheless, I was quite frankly, scared of the demonic, and wanted nothing to do with it, even then.

This is important.

Now you see, I grew up with what ive recently learned was OCD. "Walk back there or you will develop cancer" "touch that 5 more times or you will hit your head" yadda yadda yadda.

I used to think this was God, but have been informed that God does not threaten in such ways. With that being said, as OCD does, it figures out exactly what it needs to do, to scare you. See where im going with this? I was scared of the demonic. So naturally, my OCD started to veer into that sort of territory. I started to get thoughts telling me to pray to satan. Naturally, I resisted. Again, I wasnt even Christian yet. I just was scared.

However, one day, I was tired, stressed, whatever, I don't really remember, it was years ago. But I gave in. I got on my knees and I prayed to satan. Now before you all start saying "repent repent" believe me, I have. I only did it that one time years ago, and even still, I have apologized to God several times.

Now what did I pray for you ask? Well, I was a teenage boy. What do teenage boys have on their minds? Girls. There was this one girl I really liked. Lets call her Jane. Jane and I had been friends for a couple months and I had developed quite the crush on her. So I prayed that within five days, Jane would reach out to me and confess her love. I got off my knees and didnt think much of it, I was a little disappointed I had listened to the thoughts in my head, but that was it. I tried to just move on.

Five days later, I get a text from Jane. A big text. A paragraph. Within the paragraph she talks about how she had a crush on me and loved me yadda yadda yadda. Normal gushy teenager stuff. I was stunned. Terrified. Did my prayer actually get answered? And if so, what did I owe? Had I sold my soul?? Had I- Questions were flying through my mind.

I decided to not date Jane, for just under a year. This happened in august, it wasnt until June that she and I finally got together. Needless to say...we are still together, and shes now my fiance. And it has got me thinking, I never did get answers to my questions. Did satan make her love me? I don't understand. I don't even know if satan can do that! But nevertheless, it does worry me. Any help?

Grip Docility

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I became a Christian in the summer of 2022. Prior to that, I had been an atheist for many many years. However, there is one thing I should clear up. Despite being an atheist, I never played around with the demonic, I didn't want to "poke the bear" so to speak. So maybe I was more agnostic? Nevertheless, I was quite frankly, scared of the demonic, and wanted nothing to do with it, even then.
Praise our Lord and Savior for your surrender to Him!
This is important.
Putting my extra big Mr. Potato Head Ears on...
Now you see, I grew up with what ive recently learned was OCD. "Walk back there or you will develop cancer" "touch that 5 more times or you will hit your head" yadda yadda yadda.
Fully understood.
I used to think this was God, but have been informed that God does not threaten in such ways.
With that being said, as OCD does, it figures out exactly what it needs to do, to scare you. See where im going with this? I was scared of the demonic. So naturally, my OCD started to veer into that sort of territory. I started to get thoughts telling me to pray to satan. Naturally, I resisted. Again, I wasn't even Christian yet. I just was scared.
Makes solid sense... I can see the compulsion concept in all of this.
However, one day, I was tired, stressed, whatever, I don't really remember, it was years ago. But I gave in. I got on my knees and I prayed to satan.
Your compulsion had you do this. I understand.
Now before you all start saying "repent repent" believe me, I have. I only did it that one time years ago, and even still, I have apologized to God several times.
You gave your entire being to Jesus. The Lion of Judah (Name for Jesus) is intertwined with your very soul. Satan is scared of who dwells within you. You won that battle the second you put Jesus to work within your soul.
Now what did I pray for you ask? Well, I was a teenage boy. What do teenage boys have on their minds? Girls. There was this one girl I really liked. Lets call her Jane. Jane and I had been friends for a couple months and I had developed quite the crush on her. So I prayed that within five days, Jane would reach out to me and confess her love. I got off my knees and didn't think much of it, I was a little disappointed I had listened to the thoughts in my head, but that was it. I tried to just move on.
Ahh, so you prayed to the evil one and a girl was the subject of the prayer. I hope this is received in good cheer. I prayed for a wife from 14 years old forward, to Jesus. I made Ishmael and ended up with a marriage to the evil one. Humor there, but I want you to see that we don't always receive things good or bad, but we rush into manifesting things into our life, instead of being patient with God.
Five days later, I get a text from Jane. A big text. A paragraph. Within the paragraph she talks about how she had a crush on me and loved me yadda yadda yadda. Normal gushy teenager stuff. I was stunned. Terrified. Did my prayer actually get answered? And if so, what did I owe? Had I sold my soul?? Had I- Questions were flying through my mind.
You can't sell what God purchased with His Blood. God's Blood is far more powerful than our mistakes. This I assure you.
I decided to not date Jane, for just under a year.
I understand the concern.
This happened in august, it wasn't until June that she and I finally got together.
Fair enough.
Needless to say...we are still together, and shes now my fiance. And it has got me thinking, I never did get answers to my questions.
God doesn't tamper with human will and satan has no power except to deceive.
Did satan make her love me?
I don't understand. I don't even know if satan can do that! But nevertheless, it does worry me. Any help?
First question. Is Jane a woman of a Loving Spirit that builds you up in Love?
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Jul 5, 2022
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Praise our Lord and Savior for your surrender to Him!

Putting my extra big Mr. Potato Head Ears on...

Fully understood.


Makes solid sense... I can see the compulsion concept in all of this.

Your compulsion had you do this. I understand.

You gave your entire being to Jesus. The Lion of Judah (Name for Jesus) is intertwined with your very soul. Satan is scared of who dwells within you. You won that battle the second you put Jesus to work within your soul.

Ahh, so you prayed to the evil one and a girl was the subject of the prayer. I hope this is received in good cheer. I prayed for a wife from 14 years old forward, to Jesus. I made Ishmael and ended up with a marriage to the evil one. Humor there, but I want you to see that we don't always receive things good or bad, but we rush into manifesting things into our life, instead of being patient with God.

You can't sell what God purchased with His Blood. God's Blood is far more powerful than our mistakes. This I assure you.

I understand the concern.

Fair enough.

God doesn't tamper with human will and satan has no power except to deceive.


First question. Is Jane a woman of a Loving Spirit that builds you up in Love?
this response is GOLD haha! I appreciate the humor! and Yes she is, she and I have honestly never had a single fight.
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Grip Docility

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Nov 27, 2017
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this response is GOLD haha! I appreciate the humor! and Yes she is, she and I have honestly never had a single fight.
Satan was busy doing satan things and didn't hear your prayer. He's not omnipresent. He has limited angelic servants and the people he uses are slick as grease, but they can't hold a gentle Spirit for prolonged periods of time without manifesting their malice and condemnation. God is satan's Adversary. God heard your prayer and spared you the pain of having the evil one answer that for you.

Me? I was just dumb! I married a woman that manifested all Christian and Worldly red flags. I did spend a decade plus a few years learning the meaning of humility, patience, surrender to God and such forth. Even my dumb decision was able to be used by God to bring about good.

God Bless you and "Jane". I pray for the happiness of both of you and that you both grow in His Love and guidance.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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Satan was busy doing satan things and didn't hear your prayer. He's not omnipresent. He has limited angelic servants and the people he uses are slick as grease, but they can't hold a gentle Spirit for prolonged periods of time without manifesting their malice and condemnation
Preach it, brother. Amen!

Look what power we wield when we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to recognize his lies and schemes. We come up with a response like this! And everybody is emboldened with another tool in our toolbelt - the ability to easily recognize the deception next time he tries it against us again. Yep, once again he's exposed for the chump that he is, and flees from the Spirit in us, just like the coward that he is. A little man with a big mouth spewing a multitude of words, utterly defeated by just one Word - JESUS!
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Richard T

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I have to say your situation sounds like quite a mess. Fortunately, you can move this to being under the blood of Jesus. Seems like you have confessed the sin, yet still have doubts? Why? Jesus is faithful (Always) and Just (satisfies the sin as forgiven in the court of heaven).

If you really love this girl, confess the word of God over her and give no thought to the devil. Likely the devil saw the attraction and got you to pray for it to Him in order to cause confusion in your life. If you are both in church and progressing in God then your prayer to Satan can now be meaningless through forgiveness.
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Strong in Him

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I became a Christian in the summer of 2022. Prior to that, I had been an atheist for many many years. However, there is one thing I should clear up. Despite being an atheist, I never played around with the demonic, I didn't want to "poke the bear" so to speak. So maybe I was more agnostic? Nevertheless, I was quite frankly, scared of the demonic, and wanted nothing to do with it, even then.

This is important.

Now you see, I grew up with what ive recently learned was OCD. "Walk back there or you will develop cancer" "touch that 5 more times or you will hit your head" yadda yadda yadda.

I used to think this was God, but have been informed that God does not threaten in such ways. With that being said, as OCD does, it figures out exactly what it needs to do, to scare you. See where im going with this? I was scared of the demonic. So naturally, my OCD started to veer into that sort of territory. I started to get thoughts telling me to pray to satan. Naturally, I resisted. Again, I wasnt even Christian yet. I just was scared.

However, one day, I was tired, stressed, whatever, I don't really remember, it was years ago. But I gave in. I got on my knees and I prayed to satan. Now before you all start saying "repent repent" believe me, I have. I only did it that one time years ago, and even still, I have apologized to God several times.

Now what did I pray for you ask? Well, I was a teenage boy. What do teenage boys have on their minds? Girls. There was this one girl I really liked. Lets call her Jane. Jane and I had been friends for a couple months and I had developed quite the crush on her. So I prayed that within five days, Jane would reach out to me and confess her love. I got off my knees and didnt think much of it, I was a little disappointed I had listened to the thoughts in my head, but that was it. I tried to just move on.

Five days later, I get a text from Jane. A big text. A paragraph. Within the paragraph she talks about how she had a crush on me and loved me yadda yadda yadda. Normal gushy teenager stuff. I was stunned. Terrified. Did my prayer actually get answered? And if so, what did I owe? Had I sold my soul?? Had I- Questions were flying through my mind.

I decided to not date Jane, for just under a year. This happened in august, it wasnt until June that she and I finally got together. Needless to say...we are still together, and shes now my fiance. And it has got me thinking, I never did get answers to my questions. Did satan make her love me? I don't understand. I don't even know if satan can do that! But nevertheless, it does worry me. Any help?

I'm sorry to hear that you have OCD; that sounds tough.
I'm glad to hear that, even as an atheist/agnostic you were not drawn to the occult. I believe that may well have been God protecting you before you even knew him.
I know you said you prayed to Satan once, but - though I'm no expert - that was possibly your compulsion, driven by fatigue or stress, that made you do that.

You are now a child of God; nothing can separate you from his love nor snatch you from his hand.

Long story short; God is love.
The devil is the complete opposite of God and wouldn't know love if he fell over it. I don't believe the devil could give you love for someone else. If he was capable of that, he would, without doubt, send you someone who would lead you away from God. He is a liar and a murderer and the thief who comes to steal and destroy.

Jesus came to give abundant, and eternal, life.
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I became a Christian in the summer of 2022. Prior to that, I had been an atheist for many many years. However, there is one thing I should clear up. Despite being an atheist, I never played around with the demonic, I didn't want to "poke the bear" so to speak. So maybe I was more agnostic? Nevertheless, I was quite frankly, scared of the demonic, and wanted nothing to do with it, even then.

This is important.

Now you see, I grew up with what ive recently learned was OCD. "Walk back there or you will develop cancer" "touch that 5 more times or you will hit your head" yadda yadda yadda.

I used to think this was God, but have been informed that God does not threaten in such ways. With that being said, as OCD does, it figures out exactly what it needs to do, to scare you. See where im going with this? I was scared of the demonic. So naturally, my OCD started to veer into that sort of territory. I started to get thoughts telling me to pray to satan. Naturally, I resisted. Again, I wasnt even Christian yet. I just was scared.

However, one day, I was tired, stressed, whatever, I don't really remember, it was years ago. But I gave in. I got on my knees and I prayed to satan. Now before you all start saying "repent repent" believe me, I have. I only did it that one time years ago, and even still, I have apologized to God several times.

Now what did I pray for you ask? Well, I was a teenage boy. What do teenage boys have on their minds? Girls. There was this one girl I really liked. Lets call her Jane. Jane and I had been friends for a couple months and I had developed quite the crush on her. So I prayed that within five days, Jane would reach out to me and confess her love. I got off my knees and didnt think much of it, I was a little disappointed I had listened to the thoughts in my head, but that was it. I tried to just move on.

Five days later, I get a text from Jane. A big text. A paragraph. Within the paragraph she talks about how she had a crush on me and loved me yadda yadda yadda. Normal gushy teenager stuff. I was stunned. Terrified. Did my prayer actually get answered? And if so, what did I owe? Had I sold my soul?? Had I- Questions were flying through my mind.

I decided to not date Jane, for just under a year. This happened in august, it wasnt until June that she and I finally got together. Needless to say...we are still together, and shes now my fiance. And it has got me thinking, I never did get answers to my questions. Did satan make her love me? I don't understand. I don't even know if satan can do that! But nevertheless, it does worry me. Any help?
No Satan cannot do that. It’s your OCD. You guys were kids and you both liked each other. Satan had nothing to do with it but he’d like you to think he did. He plays on weaknesses. By the way, you cannot sell your soul to the devil.
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Jul 5, 2022
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No Satan cannot do that. It’s your OCD. You guys were kids and you both liked each other. Satan had nothing to do with it but he’d like you to think he did. He plays on weaknesses. By the way, you cannot sell your soul to the devil.
Where in the bible does it say satan can't do that?
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2022
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I have to say your situation sounds like quite a mess. Fortunately, you can move this to being under the blood of Jesus. Seems like you have confessed the sin, yet still have doubts? Why? Jesus is faithful (Always) and Just (satisfies the sin as forgiven in the court of heaven).

If you really love this girl, confess the word of God over her and give no thought to the devil. Likely the devil saw the attraction and got you to pray for it to Him in order to cause confusion in your life. If you are both in church and progressing in God then your prayer to Satan can now be meaningless through forgiveness.
So interesting little piece of info just dropped. I talked to "Jane" and asked her when she first recounts having feelings for me. And she actually was able to give precise date that was just under 2 months BEFORE all this happened...so idk what to make of that
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Jul 5, 2022
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Satan was busy doing satan things and didn't hear your prayer. He's not omnipresent. He has limited angelic servants and the people he uses are slick as grease, but they can't hold a gentle Spirit for prolonged periods of time without manifesting their malice and condemnation. God is satan's Adversary. God heard your prayer and spared you the pain of having the evil one answer that for you.

Me? I was just dumb! I married a woman that manifested all Christian and Worldly red flags. I did spend a decade plus a few years learning the meaning of humility, patience, surrender to God and such forth. Even my dumb decision was able to be used by God to bring about good.

God Bless you and "Jane". I pray for the happiness of both of you and that you both grow in His Love and guidance.
So interesting little piece of info just dropped. I talked to "Jane" and asked her when she first recounts having feelings for me. And she actually was able to give precise date that was just under 2 months BEFORE all this happened...so idk what to make of that
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Where in the bible does it say satan can't do that?
Believe it or not, not everything is in the Bible. But we do know that greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world. That should tell you Who is in control.
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Grip Docility

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So interesting little piece of info just dropped. I talked to "Jane" and asked her when she first recounts having feelings for me. And she actually was able to give precise date that was just under 2 months BEFORE all this happened...so idk what to make of that
She had the feelings before any of that happened. This leans towards the “be at peace with this” side of things.

You have all assurance to place this in God’s hands and move forward with peace.
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She had the feelings before any of that happened. This leans towards the “be at peace with this” side of things.

You have all assurance to place this in God’s hands and move forward with peace.
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Richard T

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So interesting little piece of info just dropped. I talked to "Jane" and asked her when she first recounts having feelings for me. And she actually was able to give precise date that was just under 2 months BEFORE all this happened...so idk what to make of that
Satan counterfeits and tries to pretend all the time. As long as your relationship is positive and moving toward God then it seems like a thing you can praise God over.
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