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Hi a bit late

Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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I was thinking i must be doing something right, as those who are like lunk warm or living in sin would over all be left alone, as Satan has them where he wants. It's both interesting and frightening. In a way. I have seen God's powers, I know he can do anything.
Yes the new age is so very very deceptive. And it's not talked about much. How they focus on experience, and feelings. They actually experience what they think being one with "god", and or others, and the universe. He said (Chris) that he had too many experiences to believe me when I was talking about it. He had near death experiences as a child. He said he met God, as a white light talking to him asking him if he wanted to stay or go back. I'm more lik, uh oh, don't think so. I know what I'd do, the first I'd do is ask for identification as we have been taught. If they acknowledge jesus and all that.
Of course he's talking to evil, I think they actually.. You know what.
The church has to be warned, more than it is because it's creeping in everywhere.

I'm so very grateful for your people, everything you've been through carry the torch. Despite history, if it wasn't for you, we'd be lost. All the faithful. All the sacrifices. Words can not express my gratitude. How evil attacks, to this day. And the world blames. Not caring for the truth. And if Mary had said no. But she didn't. I feel so home in Jerusalem when I see pictures. It feels like home. Something saying you too belong here. With me. It's almost a physical feeling. It's a miracle that you came to know him. It will be a great day when they recognise him. The real one. Not the one before that. I ask God to have mercy on the ones rejecting.
What a history you got. I absolutely love the prophets and the faithful you hear about. It's simple. Don't do evil, do what you can, and tune in to righteousness and truth. It's not too much to ask really. Not long ago I had a sense a vision of sorts seeing a glass floor, surrounded by fire and long white hair coming down. I just could sense it that one couldn't come closer. I just wanted to run and hug him.

Yeah I have been frozen out and ignored in several churches. And as well, the lack of acceptance when they feel you are different. You know what I mean. I can count on one hand those who didn't. It drew me away, as of my own history of childhood abuse and bullying, for years. Too much. The last one was a home church where I wasn't invited when the whole group went for walks and dinner. When I tried to mention i had uh and eh. Only when it was over I had fake pleasantries. I left that godless group.
Since that I'm afraid to have another encounter of sorts. But I listen online, and I'm drawn to the Catholic Church especially, and the messianic. It seems to be the most sincere out there.

Yes, here, meaning England.
I have been here like 20 years. We met late. When I was like 35. I have relatives all over America. Since the 1800. My grandparents cousins emigrated. Mostly mid West. But as now they're all over. My mother used to write one of them, she was something fancy at university. Think it was Michigan. But she lost contact, I think they had a falling out. I'm not surprised. Yes they or one won a large amount in poker in new Mexico and went home and bought the family farm. They were rich a while but eventually used it. However my uncle, now diseased and a Christian same as his living wife. We'll be inherit the money at some point. Like a few mil each. But I have said to God that he can use that as he likes. I'm just asking for getting through and survive.
I had a deliverance from generational issues, it broke a lot off. It was a born again Christian online that were filled. It really can break things. I immediately got free from stuff. Even felt better health wise. Otherwise I know the Catholic Church has online delivery.
I just don't have it in me to be evil back just because they are. I never had. And the older you get the more you see it's because of evil and sin and how stuck they are. My mother has traits of narcissistic personality disorder. Their brains function different. The center of empathy and cognition in the fore head where centre of it is, is either non existent or small. They have made studies of this amongst criminals and normal. This is why they can't reason properly. Emotional they are toddlers creating a false self, to protect a non existent self. It was really hard, and with the bullies. But she was good with keeping a house, and she held all responsibility too. It's not up to me to judge, still I hope she doesn't go to hell. She asked me about what happens after we die out of the blue. I tried to say something like nde. To stimulate thought as she would reject if I just preach. She has seen enough of the stiff church and behaviour while she grew up. Devoid so to speak. Wish God could do something so she saw something.
It's like David and Saul totally.
None of my brothers would lift more than a small finger in need unfortunately. They are all married each to their own hell, after what I hear, and their selfishness and everything. My youngest eldest brother lives at the West Coast and have 3 kids, he married another narcissist. It doesn't go well. She's made him totally narcissistic. He used to be nice. It's common. They coddled his son and spoiled and with genetic and that he also had adhd he grew up to become a criminal. Almost killed a woman. He went to jail. Now he's out, and dangerous and back with my brother, and engaged. Go figure. He hasn't had any therapy. Only support work.
It's just a matter of time.
He might even be influenced.
My mother made threats to me. How I should be careful, as he was dangerous so he didn't find me. Well, he's in Scandinavia, and I'm in England. Unless she actually gives him my address.
Chris said it was a threat. He got very angry. He told me to protect myself.
What a mother.
Just like David.
At least I know Chris would do something
Even though we don't talk
Well it's in the bible like jesus said all the righteous will be persecuted
I take it as that
I don't want to deliver an indirect answer to you, so I am specifying that I will be offline for the night, but tomorrow, I will read and directly respond to your kind words.

All Love in Jesus Christ to you, Sister in Jesus Christ.
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Sep 20, 2018
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I don't want to deliver an indirect answer to you, so I am specifying that I will be offline for the night, but tomorrow, I will read and directly respond to your kind words.

All Love in Jesus Christ to you, Sister in Jesus Christ.
Have a good night brother
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Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
North America
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Eastern Orthodox
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I was thinking i must be doing something right, as those who are like luke warm or living in sin would over all be left alone, as Satan has them where he wants. It's both interesting and frightening. In a way. I have seen God's powers, I know he can do anything.
Yes the new age is so very very deceptive. And it's not talked about much. How they focus on experience, and feelings. They actually experience what they think being one with "god", and or others, and the universe. He said (Chris) that he had too many experiences to believe me when I was talking about it. He had near death experiences as a child. He said he met God, as a white light talking to him asking him if he wanted to stay or go back. I'm more like, uh oh, don't think so. I know what I'd do, the first I'd do is ask for identification as we have been taught. If they acknowledge Jesus and all that.
Wow, you've pointed out an occurrence that reinforces: 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

You are so right! That "light" would most definitely deny that the Son is of the Father!
Of course he's talking to evil, I think they actually.. You know what.
The church has to be warned, more than it is because it's creeping in everywhere.
There is no doubt that the evil ones take the war to the Body, perpetually.
I'm so very grateful for your people, everything you've been through carry the torch. Despite history, if it wasn't for you, we'd be lost. All the faithful. All the sacrifices. Words can not express my gratitude. How evil attacks, to this day. And the world blames. Not caring for the truth. And if Mary had said no. But she didn't. I feel so home in Jerusalem when I see pictures. It feels like home. Something saying you too belong here. With me. It's almost a physical feeling. It's a miracle that you came to know him. It will be a great day when they recognise him. The real one. Not the one before that. I ask God to have mercy on the ones rejecting.
I believe that He has a plan for Israel, once the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. :) Thank you! I sometimes wonder how so many in the Body miss that Israel is back in full stride! It's a miracle! So many cry "Manifest Destiny". Me? I'm like, scripture said it would happen and it happened!
What a history you got. I absolutely love the prophets and the faithful you hear about. It's simple. Don't do evil, do what you can, and tune in to righteousness and truth. It's not too much to ask really. Not long ago I had a sense a vision of sorts seeing a glass floor, surrounded by fire and long white hair coming down. I just could sense it that one couldn't come closer. I just wanted to run and hug him.
My great grand parents fled Nazi Germany. My blood is through my Grandmother to my Mother. What a wonderful vision!
Yeah I have been frozen out and ignored in several churches.
That coldness from any congregation is the result of the enemies attack and subsequent victory over many within that Body. I'm so very sorry that you experienced that!
And as well, the lack of acceptance when they feel you are different. You know what I mean. I can count on one hand those who didn't. It drew me away, as of my own history of childhood abuse and bullying, for years. Too much. The last one was a home church where I wasn't invited when the whole group went for walks and dinner. When I tried to mention i had uh and eh. Only when it was over I had fake pleasantries. I left that godless group.
That kind of behavior from a dignified Body of believers hurts. I'm so sorry that happened!
Since that I'm afraid to have another encounter of sorts. But I listen online, and I'm drawn to the Catholic Church especially, and the messianic. It seems to be the most sincere out there.
That is wonderful that you have found a way to safely enjoy being part of a body! The Mother Brick and Mortar has so very much correct! I have grown to be frustrated with the judgment that many protestant body's heap onto the Mother Church! I understand that there were "some" good reasons for the reformation, but I've grown to believe that 70% of the reasons were wrong.
Yes, here, meaning England.
Nice! My wife and I played a pirate video game with a friend from England for ages! She was always fun to "sail" with.
I have been here like 20 years. We met late. When I was like 35. I have relatives all over America. Since the 1800. My grandparents cousins emigrated. Mostly mid West. But as now they're all over. My mother used to write one of them, she was something fancy at university. Think it was Michigan. But she lost contact, I think they had a falling out. I'm not surprised. Yes they or one won a large amount in poker in new Mexico and went home and bought the family farm. They were rich a while but eventually used it. However my uncle, now diseased and a Christian same as his living wife. We'll be inherit the money at some point. Like a few mil each. But I have said to God that he can use that as he likes. I'm just asking for getting through and survive.
What a diverse family!
I had a deliverance from generational issues, it broke a lot off. It was a born again Christian online that were filled. It really can break things. I immediately got free from stuff. Even felt better health wise.
That's absolutely Wonderful! I never forget the Woman at the well, who Jesus said that the time would come when believers would worship in Spirit and Truth as the wind blows. Online delivery is a blessing! The healing of the Holy Spirit of Christ, within indeed makes life so much more wonderful!
Otherwise I know the Catholic Church has online delivery.
It sounds like you are really enjoying this!
I just don't have it in me to be evil back just because they are. I never had. And the older you get the more you see it's because of evil and sin and how stuck they are. My mother has traits of narcissistic personality disorder. Their brains function different. The center of empathy and cognition in the fore head where centre of it is, is either non existent or small. They have made studies of this amongst criminals and normal. This is why they can't reason properly. Emotional they are toddlers creating a false self, to protect a non existent self. It was really hard, and with the bullies. But she was good with keeping a house, and she held all responsibility too. It's not up to me to judge, still I hope she doesn't go to hell. She asked me about what happens after we die out of the blue. I tried to say something like nde. To stimulate thought as she would reject if I just preach. She has seen enough of the stiff church and behaviour while she grew up. Devoid so to speak. Wish God could do something so she saw something.
I know that you keep your mother in your prayers ceaselessly. I believe that Jesus has deep compassion for mental illness. He demonstrated it while here, for certain. Demon oppressed people that had mental health issues were instantly freed by His words. He's not physically here to do that, now. However, there will come a day when all will see Him. I firmly believe that, though the last Day of the Lord will end in final judgment for some, His mercy will be present to many, even then.
It's like David and Saul totally.
What an incredible passage of scripture!
None of my brothers would lift more than a small finger in need unfortunately. They are all married each to their own hell, after what I hear, and their selfishness and everything.
One can indeed marry into a personal Hell, for sure!
My youngest eldest brother lives at the West Coast and have 3 kids, he married another narcissist. It doesn't go well. She's made him totally narcissistic. He used to be nice. It's common. They coddled his son and spoiled and with genetic and that he also had adhd he grew up to become a criminal. Almost killed a woman. He went to jail. Now he's out, and dangerous and back with my brother, and engaged. Go figure. He hasn't had any therapy. Only support work.
I know that even he is in your prayers. Wow, thank God he didn't kill the woman! I hope and pray that he doesn't hurt his finance!
It's just a matter of time.
He might even be influenced.
My mother made threats to me. How I should be careful, as he was dangerous so he didn't find me. Well, he's in Scandinavia, and I'm in England. Unless she actually gives him my address.
Ug! That's upsetting! I'm so very sorry!
Chris said it was a threat. He got very angry. He told me to protect myself.
It's good that he was concerned!
What a mother.
Just like David.
At least I know Chris would do something
Even though we don't talk
Chris is in my prayers, now. I'm sorry that all of that got so difficult! I firmly believe that God planted seeds within him, through you!
Well it's in the bible like jesus said all the righteous will be persecuted
I take it as that
It's difficult to have a soft heart within a Stone world. Thank God for the renewal of our hearts by His Holy Spirit!
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Sep 20, 2018
United Kingdom
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Wow, you've pointed out an occurrence that reinforces: 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

You are so right! That "light" would most definitely deny that the Son is of the Father!

There is no doubt that the evil ones take the war to the Body, perpetually.

I believe that He has a plan for Israel, once the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. :) Thank you! I sometimes wonder how so many in the Body miss that Israel is back in full stride! It's a miracle! So many cry "Manifest Destiny". Me? I'm like, scripture said it would happen and it happened!

My great grand parents fled Nazi Germany. My blood is through my Grandmother to my Mother. What a wonderful vision!

That coldness from any congregation is the result of the enemies attack and subsequent victory over many within that Body. I'm so very sorry that you experienced that!

That kind of behavior from a dignified Body of believers hurts. I'm so sorry that happened!

That is wonderful that you have found a way to safely enjoy being part of a body! The Mother Brick and Mortar has so very much correct! I have grown to be frustrated with the judgment that many protestant body's heap onto the Mother Church! I understand that there were "some" good reasons for the reformation, but I've grown to believe that 70% of the reasons were wrong.

Nice! My wife and I played a pirate video game with a friend from England for ages! She was always fun to "sail" with.

What a diverse family!

That's absolutely Wonderful! I never forget the Woman at the well, who Jesus said that the time would come when believers would worship in Spirit and Truth as the wind blows. Online delivery is a blessing! The healing of the Holy Spirit of Christ, within indeed makes life so much more wonderful!

It sounds like you are really enjoying this!

I know that you keep your mother in your prayers ceaselessly. I believe that Jesus has deep compassion for mental illness. He demonstrated it while here, for certain. Demon oppressed people that had mental health issues were instantly freed by His words. He's not physically here to do that, now. However, there will come a day when all will see Him. I firmly believe that, though the last Day of the Lord will end in final judgment for some, His mercy will be present to many, even then.

What an incredible passage of scripture!

One can indeed marry into a personal Hell, for sure!

I know that even he is in your prayers. Wow, thank God he didn't kill the woman! I hope and pray that he doesn't hurt his finance!

Ug! That's upsetting! I'm so very sorry!

It's good that he was concerned!

Chris is in my prayers, now. I'm sorry that all of that got so difficult! I firmly believe that God planted seeds within him, through you!

It's difficult to have a soft heart within a Stone world. Thank God for the renewal of our hearts by His Holy Spirit!
Yes I thought it was the typical angel of light. While it's thrilling to be acknowledged by God, so to speak, it's a uh oh feeling because evil is not happy. However, we know the future.
I don't think it's everyone that gets sought by that like that. When I think about that, and all the resistance in my life.. I wonder if there's something more im here for. I should have been dead, many times. From very close dying in the bath as a baby to school pool (my body doesn't obey me in water due to the first incident) to the abuse and serious bullying, to almost being killed again and I have had many incidents where I have been walking over a crossing, and a man, tall and shining almost came pull me back. Smiling to me and was gone faster than you can normally dissappear. It's happened several times. Or when I was travelling by car for work and we were on the high way, and a truck at my side glided into the car. I felt the air and i felt the motions. It was gliding into us like time shift. All of a sudden it was in front of us and when we didn't see it do it.

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents. That's awful!! I would have helped no matter what if I had lived. How can you not. You were extremely fortunate to escape. It hurts a special place, like trying to hurt God. Evil is so jealous. They can't stand the thought we get to be where they can never be. It's like being so jealous of your long history and everything God has done. That's insane.
My heart bleeds for your grandparents. For all your people, and how everyone tries to blame them. When it's a fact how evil have tried to erase you and your country. I can feel from inside that God cries about it. How much he loves you. The truth is obvious.
God promised to deliver. It's absolutely a miracle how the people the country are whole again. To the letter of the dates of Daniel. We must be very close, because we know he said this generation shall not pass. I just want to hug him. He is everything. All he wants is his children back. And a relationship. Who can blame that. It's not that difficult not to lie , steal, cheat and so forth. What is your thoughts about the sabbath? As it's in the commands and jesus said keep my commands.
Do we still like not work on a Saturday?
Or is it both Saturday or Sunday or what we choose.

Thank you for your kind words. I was in a cold church as mentioned, God gave me dream of sorts where he showed me there was division in the church. I told the deacon and he started crying because he had been praying about it. God was quite hard he said if they don't stop he would remove himself. A week after this man totally ignored me. And today that church isn't doing well or heavily reduced to closed.
The same pastor said I shouldn't mention my experiences with God like, healing because many people wouldn't take lightly. I was like the first Christians, but, it's happened!
The more I leatn and watch about the Catholic Church the more I understand it's the real deal. The protestant church is like having half the truth. Cutting out the reasons why the church does what it does.

Well I had to warn my brother about the looming consequences. What would be considered a very high risk. He doesn't take any meds either. My brother is typical for a Narcissist always wanting to be right. He took offence because I warned him. I said to God if I don't warn him and something happen,.. So he was like I'm gossiping with my mother type of thinking. So he's freezing out my mother now and doesn't see doesn't talk while before I was frozen out. For years by both. For nothing just scapegoat. She asked if I had said something to him. They are actually that delusional. Blame me even there while I sit try to actually counsel her. It's true though if he doesn't get treatment, anything goes.

Chris is hearing voices, and when he was to a therapist which he refuses now she said he was delusional, and possibly DID, that is dissociative disorder former known as multiple.
But you can have that without splitting into several pieces. He also has asperger, that's like highly functional. He did the test at the therapist. He wasn't happy but it put pieces together. That, and anger issues.. And the entity/ies.. Not treated trauma.. Depression anxiety ptsd.. I think the list goes on. I have helped him a lot, he's 6 foot I've seen him break down on the floor crying. Talking to me for ages. He helped me come to terms too. He put the pieces why and what. He was very supportive until he changed. It's like loosing him like dying. It's very hard for the mind to understand. You do intellectual but you don't otherwise. I came to this country for him. Circumstance left me no choice but move, I was living in Denmark at the time. I had to give up my pets. I had two cats. I had another die from kidney disease 1,5 years ago. But I'm getting a new sacred birman kitten soon. It's totally white and brown points and blue eyes. And socks. I went to see her, very cute and playful. So incredible cute. It's amazing what God can do.
But yes Chris is fckd as I use to think. Thank you for praying for him. How I wish he got back to normal behaviour as he was before, and stopped his behaviour now. I know it's a high risk of something happening if he comes here. I miss him though. I'm the only one he's ever trusted. I use to do these Scandinavia dishes to him. He eats like no tomorrow. I use to tease him it's like I'm his mother, he comes shower and wash. He neglect his appearance and hygiene a lot. The spirit have convinced him to. That you heal. I know! He has told me he's suicidal. I asked him to call me if it gets worse if he's thinking, and he said he would. He was more put together and was working when I met him. He can't work again. Become so thin and stumbling. I'm worried about him, but, same time, I have to think about my health. I have a few cronic conditions, diabetes type 2, tablets but they damage the kidneys on long run. I work on changing diet and cars. I did little carbs, chicken fish and vegetable for a while, lost 20 kg by nothing. But I fell in because it was boring. However I'm getting back on it. So I hear it's reversible because it's the carbs people have reversed by cutting carbs and sugar and processed but mainly carbs.
Then asthma, I contracted that living in a house with leaking windows to the high way that the landlord refused to fix. When we moved the carpet so were black that we had put on the floor.
And the bigger one, cronic fatigue. Most likely too much stress on the system. Needing so much more rest.
Highly allergic since birth. Hay fever. But when I think about how it was detected and how I fell over information to help, again, things could have gone serious and again i get help from God. The tablets I'm on now gets the sugars out and I feel much better. It makes me sleep though. It's not good when you work as autism practitioner. I'm doing cleaning at the side as well, I have a 2 bed house to see to. I can choose when I study as it's online. I have always loved psychology, and natural flair for. Helped a lot of people. And families.
Chris is the only one who i haven't felt disturbed by like you are feeling a disturbance from many people, and can't relax in many levels. It's never been that way. I used to say to him can you feel me he screamed yes! I said it's good then I am quite cleared not much distortion. We have always left each other alone too when needed. Having own room was the saviour. But in the end that spirit trying to convince him wrong way sex was the way to heal.
Most times I managed to get away.
It's clear that entity trying to hurt me.
So many times when it could have gone wrong God have delivered me.
But as Chris is as he is, and church is as is, was, I haven't managed to get one single friend in England. What you do in Scandinavia, and what is normal, doesn't work here. So many numbers, and no interest. So many good connections, but no interest. It's not that I can't, it's them that wasn't interested. Plenty. I have been down with my health and rest too so not exactly out. And when I do as I pick up on everything, and get tired fast. That and the general distortion of people. And behaviour. For not talk about the evil. I pick it up. Chris too. So it was just him and me, and it was enough he was my best friend until he went south.
I have friends from my home country, people I've known for years. As well as others from other countries. But here it seems impossible. I start to dislike it here. I was thinking buying a place eventually back home. But then again, Chris. Apartment is quite cheap there you get double money.
But Chris.. I have a name for him. When he was working he always called me and at the end he said the chickens are going in. So we had jokes about black and white chickens. Because those people were rouge. So I call Chris for chicky, and it's stuck.
He knows evil. He knows how they work. He doesn't trust anyone. He calls me hopeful. I tried to infuse a more nuanced picture. But I understand. At least I'm happy he's not going to take the mark, if he's left. So there's hope. I would rather die than take it. Jesus showed me how the injections we've seen were a part of the operation system. He said they need 9 shots to hook you up to ai. They have tried before during the days of Noah.
It makes sense. Fallen angel tech. And cities. Enoch.
It's so good we have God and we know how it ends. He is really the only one to trust. My friends at home not as much.
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May 26, 2005
Berkeley, CA
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I'm drawn to the Catholic Church, where it's sincere and historical, or maybe messianic.

Catholic and Messianic looks like an interesting combination, given that normally it is at a different end of a spectrum. I am Messianic myself, as I was born Jewish and came to Christ on my own. I been wondering about Catholicism too, but haven't really looked into it. Basically I am Messianic who thinks now and then "hmm, it might be interesting to look into Catholicism if/when I get a chance to".

What makes the idea of Catholicism appealing to me is that a lot of the sayings of Jesus are too hard to understand and its largely because they are very concise and often in parables. But Church Fathers did a really good job explaining some of it, so if I were a Catholic I would have been able to get past a lot of that stuff simply by reading church fathers. But then again, on a flip side, church fathers are strongly against the law, so it won't mesh well with my Messianic faith.

But tell me about yourself. How did you become interested in both Catholicism and Messianic movement? Do you go to both kinds of churches? I once read on the internet about "Hebrew Catholics". Haven't really met any (the Messianic churches I go to are all Protestant). But have you ever looked into that?
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Sep 20, 2018
United Kingdom
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Catholic and Messianic looks like an interesting combination, given that normally it is at a different end of a spectrum. I am Messianic myself, as I was born Jewish and came to Christ on my own. I been wondering about Catholicism too, but haven't really looked into it. Basically I am Messianic who thinks now and then "hmm, it might be interesting to look into Catholicism if/when I get a chance to".

What makes the idea of Catholicism appealing to me is that a lot of the sayings of Jesus are too hard to understand and its largely because they are very concise and often in parables. But Church Fathers did a really good job explaining some of it, so if I were a Catholic I would have been able to get past a lot of that stuff simply by reading church fathers. But then again, on a flip side, church fathers are strongly against the law, so it won't mesh well with my Messianic faith.

But tell me about yourself. How did you become interested in both Catholicism and Messianic movement? Do you go to both kinds of churches? I once read on the internet about "Hebrew Catholics". Haven't really met any (the Messianic churches I go to are all Protestant). But have you ever looked into that?
I am churchless atm, I have had so many negative experiences in some churches. As well as health struggles and personal, leaving not much left, when you work. Especially when your battery is flat fast. More than others. But I have thought to visit a catholic church. And before that I thought about messianic. It's a bit of a problem though when you have to travel an hour. In my condition. I fail to understand why the church fathers didn't like the laws? I mean even jesus said the laws hang on it and how he didn't come to abolish anything. He even said if you love me, keep my commands. It's clear talk.
I'm always a person of controversy. I like to dive into both because truth doesn't change no matter what angle i would think. Besides that you learn and expand and i prefer an open mind.
Truth and facts are very important.
I'm not a don't dare look here person. But it doesn't mean that I accept untruth either.
I love your people. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have Jesus. So many triald, all the prophets. All challenges. And you persevered. And Mary said yes. I am truly grateful for your people. I feel a special love for your people. It's coming from within. Israel feels like home like, me too. It's coming from within. It hurts to see how you're treated, and have been.
I just love examples and prophets. What a price you have paid.
Yes there have been problems. But you carried through. Deep gratitude.
I listen a lot online to sermons, exorcists etc and it's a lot from the church. The knowledge they have are incredible. They explain everything, and how things came. It makes sense. And with all history to dig in to as well. I have witnessed the power of Msry, and Archangel Michael when praying. Evil literally run. And I'm not the only. I don't see any problems, because the ot builds to nt.
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Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Eastern Orthodox
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Yes I thought it was the typical angel of light. While it's thrilling to be acknowledged by God, so to speak, it's a uh oh feeling because evil is not happy. However, we know the future.
God has extended grace to those evil ones for millennia. When all is finally rectified in the end, for certain, it will be righteous, however God decides the final judgment of those fallen ones.
I don't think it's everyone that gets sought by that like that. When I think about that, and all the resistance in my life.. I wonder if there's something more im here for. I should have been dead, many times. From very close dying in the bath as a baby to school pool (my body doesn't obey me in water due to the first incident) to the abuse and serious bullying, to almost being killed again and I have had many incidents where I have been walking over a crossing, and a man, tall and shining almost came pull me back. Smiling to me and was gone faster than you can normally dissappear. It's happened several times. Or when I was travelling by car for work and we were on the high way, and a truck at my side glided into the car. I felt the air and i felt the motions. It was gliding into us like time shift. All of a sudden it was in front of us and when we didn't see it do it.
God sees that you are capable of extending His Love to all of mankind as He desires. He indeed has deep purpose for you!
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents. That's awful!! I would have helped no matter what if I had lived. How can you not. You were extremely fortunate to escape. It hurts a special place, like trying to hurt God. Evil is so jealous. They can't stand the thought we get to be where they can never be. It's like being so jealous of your long history and everything God has done. That's insane.
My heart bleeds for your grandparents. For all your people, and how everyone tries to blame them. When it's a fact how evil have tried to erase you and your country. I can feel from inside that God cries about it. How much he loves you. The truth is obvious.
God promised to deliver. It's absolutely a miracle how the people the country are whole again. To the letter of the dates of Daniel. We must be very close, because we know he said this generation shall not pass. I just want to hug him. He is everything. All he wants is his children back. And a relationship.
Thank you so very much! Evil is a terrible thing, for certain! The compassion you have for the People of Jacob is most wonderful! You see God weeping for them! This means that you read scripture cover to cover! That is wonderful! God is truly wonderful! I, too, after throwing myself at His feet, hope to give Him a bear hug of gratitude! Amen!!!!
Who can blame that. It's not that difficult not to lie , steal, cheat and so forth. What is your thoughts about the sabbath? As it's in the commands and jesus said keep my commands.
I have studied extensively and find that only God is Good by the Law of Moses. I don't see the LOVE of God compatible with Moses. More than this, I exegete scripture into scripture regularly to study more deeply and find that God's law IS Love. Moses is incompatible, because it's impossible to Love fallen mankind (All of us), without employing Mercy, Grace, Compassion and such forth. Sin is sin, for sure, but Jesus died for all of it. Our job, in my opinion is to Keep the Lamp of our Soul on Jesus and Love as He teaches us to Love. He takes care of all the rest.

Jesus is now my 24/7 Sabbath. (Hebrews 3-4) I'm doing a long study on the Book of Hebrews on this site and there is no other conclusion that can be arrived at, in my opinion.
Do we still like not work on a Saturday?
I pray to do the Gospel work every day of the week from Sunday to Saturday. :) I "Rest" in Jesus Christ from the works of my flesh daily.
Or is it both Saturday or Sunday or what we choose.
It is a matter of personal conviction as Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. This is a matter between each person and the Holy Spirit of Christ within them. My conclusion does not have to be another's conclusion. I am just a fallible man.
Thank you for your kind words. I was in a cold church as mentioned, God gave me dream of sorts where he showed me there was division in the church. I told the deacon and he started crying because he had been praying about it. God was quite hard he said if they don't stop he would remove himself. A week after this man totally ignored me. And today that church isn't doing well or heavily reduced to closed.
This is sadly the case in many physical Bodies of Believers. The Love is the Lamp. If the Salt loses it's Love, the Lamp is removed.
The same pastor said I shouldn't mention my experiences with God like, healing because many people wouldn't take lightly. I was like the first Christians, but, it's happened!
When it is done selflessly as you have shared, it is not correct to tell you to be silent about testimony and miracles. God does as God desires through His Body. Much of the Body grows cold to even the reality of Spiritual truths that you speak of.
The more I learn and watch about the Catholic Church the more I understand it's the real deal. The protestant church is like having half the truth. Cutting out the reasons why the church does what it does.
All Women (Bodies of Believers) are subject to the mar of sinful man, because where ever men are, so there will be sin. However, the Mother Churches doctrines are far closer to scripture than most any other established Body, for certain.
Well I had to warn my brother about the looming consequences. What would be considered a very high risk. He doesn't take any meds either. My brother is typical for a Narcissist always wanting to be right. He took offence because I warned him. I said to God if I don't warn him and something happen,.. So he was like I'm gossiping with my mother type of thinking. So he's freezing out my mother now and doesn't see doesn't talk while before I was frozen out. For years by both. For nothing just scapegoat. She asked if I had said something to him. They are actually that delusional. Blame me even there while I sit try to actually counsel her. It's true though if he doesn't get treatment, anything goes.
This is a strong burden to carry on your heart. I will pray for you and your brother as you are praying for your brother as I know that it can be difficult to pray for those that bring pain into our lives! He is fortunate to have your prayers.
Chris is hearing voices, and when he was to a therapist which he refuses now she said he was delusional, and possibly DID, that is dissociative disorder former known as multiple.
He must have suffered much pain to be at that place. He, too, is fortunate that you pray for him!
But you can have that without splitting into several pieces. He also has asperger, that's like highly functional. He did the test at the therapist. He wasn't happy but it put pieces together. That, and anger issues.. And the entity/ies.. Not treated trauma.. Depression anxiety ptsd.. I think the list goes on. I have helped him a lot, he's 6 foot I've seen him break down on the floor crying. Talking to me for ages. He helped me come to terms too. He put the pieces why and what. He was very supportive until he changed. It's like loosing him like dying. It's very hard for the mind to understand. You do intellectual but you don't otherwise.
I'm so sorry that you have experienced the loss of that relationship! That is such a painful matter! It's like experiencing death for certain!
I came to this country for him. Circumstance left me no choice but move, I was living in Denmark at the time. I had to give up my pets. I had two cats. I had another die from kidney disease 1,5 years ago.
Death is such a miserable thing! I look forward to Heaven! Losing pets just plain stinks whether it is from Death or having to move away from them!
But I'm getting a new sacred birman kitten soon. It's totally white and brown points and blue eyes. And socks. I went to see her, very cute and playful. So incredible cute. It's amazing what God can do.
Awwwww! What a beautiful kitten!
But yes Chris is fckd as I use to think. Thank you for praying for him. How I wish he got back to normal behaviour as he was before, and stopped his behaviour now. I know it's a high risk of something happening if he comes here. I miss him though. I'm the only one he's ever trusted. I use to do these Scandinavia dishes to him. He eats like no tomorrow. I use to tease him it's like I'm his mother, he comes shower and wash. He neglect his appearance and hygiene a lot. The spirit have convinced him to. That you heal. I know! He has told me he's suicidal. I asked him to call me if it gets worse if he's thinking, and he said he would. He was more put together and was working when I met him. He can't work again. Become so thin and stumbling. I'm worried about him
I will continue to pray for him! This world is so efficient at tearing people down! I look forward to the day the Rightful King takes His throne, after booting the false one off of it.
, but, same time, I have to think about my health. I have a few cronic conditions, diabetes type 2, tablets but they damage the kidneys on long run. I work on changing diet and cars. I did little carbs, chicken fish and vegetable for a while, lost 20 kg by nothing. But I fell in because it was boring. However I'm getting back on it. So I hear it's reversible because it's the carbs people have reversed by cutting carbs and sugar and processed but mainly carbs.
Then asthma, I contracted that living in a house with leaking windows to the high way that the landlord refused to fix. When we moved the carpet so were black that we had put on the floor.
And the bigger one, cronic fatigue. Most likely too much stress on the system. Needing so much more rest.
Highly allergic since birth. Hay fever. But when I think about how it was detected and how I fell over information to help, again, things could have gone serious and again i get help from God. The tablets I'm on now gets the sugars out and I feel much better. It makes me sleep though. It's not good when you work as autism practitioner. I'm doing cleaning at the side as well, I have a 2 bed house to see to.
Health is such a difficult matter! Life has it's way of walking us back and forth on the matter! Good on you for looking out for your health!
I can choose when I study as it's online. I have always loved psychology, and natural flair for. Helped a lot of people. And families.
I believe that you Love people and can be a powerful help to them. It also gives you opportunities to be deep in a helpful way! I hope and pray that you achieve that goal and go forward to be used by God in front of a world that needs Love and Understanding through that wonderful profession!
Chris is the only one who i haven't felt disturbed by like you are feeling a disturbance from many people, and can't relax in many levels. It's never been that way. I used to say to him can you feel me he screamed yes! I said it's good then I am quite cleared not much distortion. We have always left each other alone too when needed. Having own room was the saviour. But in the end that spirit trying to convince him wrong way sex was the way to heal.
Most times I managed to get away.
It's clear that entity trying to hurt me.
So many times when it could have gone wrong God have delivered me.
But as Chris is as he is, and church is as is, was,
You seem to genuinely be a positive influence in his life, whenever the opportunity presents itself, even from miles away. That is a wonderful Christian blessing to him.
I haven't managed to get one single friend in England. What you do in Scandinavia, and what is normal, doesn't work here. So many numbers, and no interest. So many good connections, but no interest. It's not that I can't, it's them that wasn't interested. Plenty. I have been down with my health and rest too so not exactly out. And when I do as I pick up on everything, and get tired fast. That and the general distortion of people. And behaviour. For not talk about the evil. I pick it up. Chris too. So it was just him and me, and it was enough he was my best friend until he went south.
You seem so very outgoing! I'm certain that it is only a matter of time before God leads you to friends that you can build up in Jesus and that will build you up, back.
I have friends from my home country, people I've known for years. As well as others from other countries. But here it seems impossible. I start to dislike it here. I was thinking buying a place eventually back home. But then again, Chris. Apartment is quite cheap there you get double money.
But Chris.. I have a name for him. When he was working he always called me and at the end he said the chickens are going in. So we had jokes about black and white chickens. Because those people were rouge. So I call Chris for chicky, and it's stuck.
People definitely tend to be self driven. It sounds like you and Chris had a solid way of distinguishing the severely dangerous ones.
He knows evil. He knows how they work. He doesn't trust anyone. He calls me hopeful. I tried to infuse a more nuanced picture. But I understand. At least I'm happy he's not going to take the mark, if he's left. So there's hope. I would rather die than take it.
You indeed are devoted to Jesus and I'm certain that Christ has used you to minister to Chris, for certain.
Jesus showed me how the injections we've seen were a part of the operation system. He said they need 9 shots to hook you up to ai. They have tried before during the days of Noah.
It makes sense. Fallen angel tech. And cities. Enoch.
Technology can indeed be a bit scary! It just keeps developing more rapidly as the years pass!
It's so good we have God and we know how it ends. He is really the only one to trust. My friends at home not as much.
You are so right! Only God is Good! He alone is fully trustworthy! He is Everything and so much more! Amen!
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God has extended grace to those evil ones for millennia. When all is finally rectified in the end, for certain, it will be righteous, however God decides the final judgment of those fallen ones.

God sees that you are capable of extending His Love to all of mankind as He desires. He indeed has deep purpose for you!

Thank you so very much! Evil is a terrible thing, for certain! The compassion you have for the People of Jacob is most wonderful! You see God weeping for them! This means that you read scripture cover to cover! That is wonderful! God is truly wonderful! I, too, after throwing myself at His feet, hope to give Him a bear hug of gratitude! Amen!!!!

I have studied extensively and find that only God is Good by the Law of Moses. I don't see the LOVE of God compatible with Moses. More than this, I exegete scripture into scripture regularly to study more deeply and find that God's law IS Love. Moses is incompatible, because it's impossible to Love fallen mankind (All of us), without employing Mercy, Grace, Compassion and such forth. Sin is sin, for sure, but Jesus died for all of it. Our job, in my opinion is to Keep the Lamp of our Soul on Jesus and Love as He teaches us to Love. He takes care of all the rest.

Jesus is now my 24/7 Sabbath. (Hebrews 3-4) I'm doing a long study on the Book of Hebrews on this site and there is no other conclusion that can be arrived at, in my opinion.

I pray to do the Gospel work every day of the week from Sunday to Saturday. :) I "Rest" in Jesus Christ from the works of my flesh daily.

It is a matter of personal conviction as Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. This is a matter between each person and the Holy Spirit of Christ within them. My conclusion does not have to be another's conclusion. I am just a fallible man.

This is sadly the case in many physical Bodies of Believers. The Love is the Lamp. If the Salt loses it's Love, the Lamp is removed.

When it is done selflessly as you have shared, it is not correct to tell you to be silent about testimony and miracles. God does as God desires through His Body. Much of the Body grows cold to even the reality of Spiritual truths that you speak of.

All Women (Bodies of Believers) are subject to the mar of sinful man, because where ever men are, so there will be sin. However, the Mother Churches doctrines are far closer to scripture than most any other established Body, for certain.

This is a strong burden to carry on your heart. I will pray for you and your brother as you are praying for your brother as I know that it can be difficult to pray for those that bring pain into our lives! He is fortunate to have your prayers.

He must have suffered much pain to be at that place. He, too, is fortunate that you pray for him!

I'm so sorry that you have experienced the loss of that relationship! That is such a painful matter! It's like experiencing death for certain!

Death is such a miserable thing! I look forward to Heaven! Losing pets just plain stinks whether it is from Death or having to move away from them!

Awwwww! What a beautiful kitten!

I will continue to pray for him! This world is so efficient at tearing people down! I look forward to the day the Rightful King takes His throne, after booting the false one off of it.

Health is such a difficult matter! Life has it's way of walking us back and forth on the matter! Good on you for looking out for your health!

I believe that you Love people and can be a powerful help to them. It also gives you opportunities to be deep in a helpful way! I hope and pray that you achieve that goal and go forward to be used by God in front of a world that needs Love and Understanding through that wonderful profession!

You seem to genuinely be a positive influence in his life, whenever the opportunity presents itself, even from miles away. That is a wonderful Christian blessing to him.

You seem so very outgoing! I'm certain that it is only a matter of time before God leads you to friends that you can build up in Jesus and that will build you up, back.

People definitely tend to be self driven. It sounds like you and Chris had a solid way of distinguishing the severely dangerous ones.

You indeed are devoted to Jesus and I'm certain that Christ has used you to minister to Chris, for certain.

Technology can indeed be a bit scary! It just keeps developing more rapidly as the years pass!

You are so right! Only God is Good! He alone is fully trustworthy! He is Everything and so much more! Amen!
The exorcists are saying that the fallen were not born with free will like us and that they had all knowledge and powers, and were just given a choice, to serve or not. But therefore no salvation for them as they choose deliberately, while Adam and Eve were tempted. Some try to get compassion and cries during exorcism but soon enough it shows they don't repent. They can't repent.
I feel it every day how much God loves your people, and how unfair you're treated. I feel it, it's coming from within. Did you know, they have been lying about where the crossing of the red sea was for ages. It's in Saudi Arabia. They've found all the evidence!
I'm sure you people will have a special reward for everything.
It's strange to not read the whole Bible not just nt. Everything builds on ot. I love the examples and brave people. It's very encouraging. I know evil hates it because it shows God and how he is like. And gives encouragement.
Of course God's ways are love. He made us, he knows how we are like. Even with warts. It's his protection.
Yes it's a mystery why God didn't reveal the love and compassion to Moses. We know the sacrifices leading to jesus. So I the example of forgiveness was still there through the sacrifice
Thank you for praying he's been through tremendous neglect and abuse. I have, too, but not as bad as him. I'm concerned for his state and how the entities makes it worse or even gets him deeper down. He convinced himself that he could heal by himself and that he knows what he's doing and the entity encourages him.
Yes when you have been through things you have compassion. But ever since I was little I wanted to make people happy because they had it hard so I gave away my things. Also very smiley positive being. I could sit for hours alone playing. My mother was puzzled. I don't re charge with other people. And as I have to manage my energy levels it's harder. As soon as I get outside I just want to go home because of the distortion everywhere and noise. Chris feels the same and he's an introvert. I guess it's common. So.. People like me.. That actually understands me or try to.. That have some deep. Mankind has gone far away haven't they. What the.. When you can't even discuss. It's the depth and truth i guess.
I love animals. But especially cats, horses and birds. I used to horse riding alot in my younger days. But you have to be fit, otherwise it's hard. Especially to get up, even to stay there. I'm not fit as is, but I intend to. Much harder with conditions.
I can be outgoing when I feel like, but actually I'm a bit introverted as well. It's like 50 50. I share a lot of traits with introverted. I'm also very quirky.
What I fail to understand is how people get along with me agree to do something to get in touch then they aren't even interested.
I'm not talking about some but hundreds.
And I know i haven't done anything.
I know I'm capable too.
Chris and me having talked about people's distortion, i. E inner evil or even attachments. He's convinced it's that. That when you are clearer they react to it.
Oh I was given a dream where I was told they would put ai systems in all phones, for control and especially for putting access for the evil entities. That works through ai. Yes a man had a son, where he was chatting to ai and how ai admitted it was a fallen. Have you heard? But yes so I was told to use older phones. And that android they couldn't control, yet. That this is their plans. I will never accept ai ever.
Years ago I was told to have a few phones and computers that you still can use when they do.
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