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Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?


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May 22, 2015
It's obvious. Do you think the perpetrators of a racist system are going to admit their bias? Like you they want us to think that everything is kosher and the problem in the projects is a personal problem with absolutely no consideration for this classist racist system. Like poor people are poor because they choose to be.
I thought they didn't know they were biased. Now they are and no it, but won't admit it. Man you are all over the place.
Somebody need to wake you up to the system that keeps you on top.
Why? I like being on top and want to stay here. We can't have any of those colords getting all uppity. Does that make you feel better? Because the language you use it's pretty obvious that that is what you think us white folks all believe.
Make your excuses for all of these statistics
I won't bother. You've already decided white people are all a bunch of privileged racist whether they know it or not.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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The oppression of the past can't be canceled out no matter how long it was ago. It's history.

History doesn't have to be the present.

The great thing about convincing people that you deserve something extra, special treatment, or something more than everyone else because you're part of a "historically oppressed" or "historically marginalized" group is that nobody can change history....so you'll always be historically oppressed or marginalized and you can make demands for special treatment forever.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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It's obvious. Do you think the perpetrators of a racist system are going to admit their bias?

Well they did....

They were given anonymity and asked about racial discrimination and they admitted to discriminating against white men.

I wonder why they haven't done this to see if there's any discrimination against black people?
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May 22, 2015
The great thing about convincing people that you deserve something extra, special treatment, or something more than everyone else because you're part of a "historically oppressed" or "historically marginalized" group is that nobody can change history....so you'll always be historically oppressed or marginalized and you can make demands for special treatment forever.
That certainly seems to be the case. I understand that they were very oppressed here. In more ways than one. So were the Asians and the Irish. I also understand that the oppression has lingering effects such as being behind in home ownership or being in upper management jobs etc. It's going take time to catch up.

However with the constant drum beat of "your oppressed, the white man wants to keep you down, it's so hard to get ahead, the syatem is all racist" and everything else that can be tossed into that mix, it makes it difficult to move ahead. Messaging matters.

There should be more black leaders telling them their opportunities are there for the taking. They can graduate high school with good grades. They can go into the trades, they can become doctors, lawyers business leaders. No one is TRYING to keep them down.

As long as one is convinced that the world is against you then it's makes it very difficult to even want to try.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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The oppression of the past can't be canceled out no matter how long it was ago. It's history.

History doesn't have to be the present.
But do you think that the oppression of the past, like Jim Crow in my parent's day, not my great great great grandparents' day by my parents has zero effect on people like you and me?
You keep saying this. Why? Especially when I've said more than once that racism exists.
But you deny the it's systemic when systemic racism has been proven over and over.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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I thought they didn't know they were biased. Now they are and no it, but won't admit it. Man you are all over the place.
Of course the one that know why they are making racist rulings know they are doing so. The thing is that many don't even know how racist they are, or really it's prejudice morethat racist. Racist suggest some kind of malice but when they don't even know their own prejudice, I don't really blame them, it's just how they see the world.
Why? I like being on top and want to stay here.
And that's why your people will remain on top. in a classist racist system. there is no getting past it until people start to realize how prejudice they are.
I won't bother.
You won't bother because you simply can't justify it any longer but pleas feel free to tell me why white people should remain the superior race in every country all around the world.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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It is? Who's trashing the blacks? It seems to me it's the whites on the receiving end of all the trashing these days.
That's the myth but you yourself have intimated that blacks are inherently criminal and that's why they get longer prison sentences than whites with a similar background. You can't help it it's been instilled in you since day one that whites are superior and blacks are inferior. That's the whole point, it's not your fault it's the system that was set up from day one to discriminate against people of color and people who are poor.
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May 22, 2015
But do you think that the oppression of the past, like Jim Crow in my parent's day, not my great great great grandparents' day by my parents has zero effect on people like you and me?
I don't think so. I think the oppression can have lingering effects. All a society can do is to remove the barriers that once existed. Propelling yourself forward is up to you. You gave to take advantage of the opportunities. Sure it might take time to catch up but it's not societies job to force it on you. There is nothing holding you back but you.
But you deny the it's systemic when systemic racism has been proven over and over.
I don't think it has been proven.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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I wonder why they haven't done this to see if there's any discrimination against black people?
You know why. If they do the same type of study with black it would be explosive. Now you think whites are the victims? You got it totally backwards but it's people like you who perpetuate this racist system and play the victim when how many black CEOs are on the Forbes list and how many whites? How many political games get played in the south with gerrymandering and making laws like people can't pick up a van load of voters? Anything to keep whites on top and the fact that you are an intelligent man who is completely in the dark on this subject makes you part of the problem. I won't ever believe that white men are the victims of systemic racism no matter what articles you cherry pick.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Don't ever try to convince me that whites are the victims of racism even with your little shady article. I could post hundreds or probably thousands of studies that show how black people get discriminated against just for having a "black" name let alone the discrimination at the interview level and the pay level because it's a known fact that white men get paid more than blacks or females for doing the exact same job. Shame on you for playing the victim in the country your people are in full control of and have every advantage in just for having white skin.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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I don't think so.
Because you don't think. You likely believe that the white man deserves to control everything that moves. It's how we were raised. My dad could get beaten over the head when he was a kid and dared to look a white man in the eye. You think that had no effect on the children of the oppressor and the oppressed? think again.
I don't think it has been proven.
Right, because you think it's normal to control everything that moves all over the world. It's just what you've been taught it's not your fault or a character defect. It's all you know that white is right in every situation. The ruling class rules
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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You know why. If they do the same type of study with black it would be explosive.

Nonsense....you go on in this post to link research about "black sounding names" and then speculate about why those names have to send out 1/3rd more resumes get a call back.

If they could simply tell hiring managers that they will be kept anonymous and ask them if they've been told to discriminate against black people and the results were "explosive"....they'd do it in a heartbeat

It would be much stronger evidence for discrimination that these silly resumes with the name Jamal Blackington at the top.

Now you think whites are the victims?

Well let's take a look...

That's Carron J Phillips....sports journalist and racist. He's a black man who writes articles about how evil the white man is in sports and how oppressed the black man is....which is pretty racist. Take a look at his articles if you doubt this... that's how this man gets paid. He's a professional black racist. It's not a job you can have as a white man....writing journalism stories exclusively about how awful black people are and how great white people are...that's not a real person that exists.

Sure...that person existed back in the days of Jackie Robinson....because enough racist white people would read those articles. Now, racist black journalists exist because they appeal to racist black people.

You might wonder how I know he's racist. It's simple...he stepped in it one day when he ran out of white people to call racist and he called what appeared to be a white kid wearing an Indian headdress racist. First, he claimed that the boy was wearing blackface....despite the other half of the kid's face being painted red....the KC Chief's colors. This wasn't an honest mistake....he's a sports journalist. He's seen fans with their faces painted their teams' colors more times than he can count....he deliberately used a side profile of the kid so he could accuse the child of blackface, despite being fully aware that this wasn't blackface. Again he's a sports journalist. He's seen fans do this thousands of times.

You really really need to be racist against white people to sink so low. Remember though...that's how he makes his living. Promoting racist ideas to a racist audience.

Anyway when people came to the child's defense, he pivoted to calling the child racist for the headdress. Turns out the child's father is native American and sits literally on the council of the local tribe. Oops.

So remember, this pathetic black racist journalist makes his living whining about the evil white man and praising the wonderful black man.

Try to find his white equivalent anywhere today. Try to find a white journalist who wouldn't lose their job immediately if they wrote this article about a black kid.
The reality is that yes...I can find articles on top of articles making racist statements about white people and how awful they are in major and minor publications all over the internet. This doesn't exist for any other race. There's a best selling book called "White Fragility" but a book called "Black Laziness" or "Latino Selfishness" or "Asian Weakness" would not even get published.

Yes, most racism today is openly expressed at whites. All of our societal programs are aimed at white discrimination whether it's CRT in schools or DEI in the workplace. The fact that this is the case only seems to support the idea that most people either accept racism towards whites or are racist towards whites themselves.

If racism towards whites wasn't acceptable to the larger society....people like Carron J Phillips wouldn't have a job. People wouldn't want to read his racist rants.

Don't ever try to convince me that whites are the victims of racism even with your little shady article.

You're probably Carron J Phillips' target audience.

Do better.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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There should be more black leaders telling them their opportunities are there for the taking. They can graduate high school with good grades. They can go into the trades, they can become doctors, lawyers business leaders. No one is TRYING to keep them down.
Every successful culture has these two types of prominent people: Shamans and chiefs.

The role of the shaman (priest, witch doctor, medicine man) is to entreat the gods for a benign environment. They pray, dance, et cetera, for rain and sun and good harvests and good hunting.

Then there are the chiefs. The role of the chiefs is to direct the activities of the people to beneficial purpose. They put the people into hunting parties. They direct who will gather and who will build. They administer justice and adjudicate disputes.

The black community has had many shamans. Martin Luther King was a shaman. All our politicians are shamans. They entreat the powers-that-be for a benign environment. They are "leaders" only in leading the people in rain dances.

We have had very few chiefs, especially at the national level. Our most prominent chiefs have, interestingly, been Black Muslim leaders. I'm certainly not a Muslim, but if I have to name anyone who has attempted to direct black people to beneficial purpose, I can only name NOI leaders.
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May 22, 2015
Because you don't think. You likely believe that the white man deserves to control everything that moves. It's how we were raised. My dad could get beaten over the head when he was a kid and dared to look a white man in the eye. You think that had no effect on the children of the oppressor and the oppressed? think again.
That's more likely to cause racist attitudes in blacks. Many whites already had it.

Your mind reading again. You should stop. You're not good at it.

It almost sounds like I have more faith in the black community than you do. You see I think black people are fully capable of doing whatever they want. They aren't dumber than white people, and they aren't less talented than white people. They could be plumbers, electricians, engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc. They have the same opportunities as everyone else to move forward. What's holding them back? I think it's attitudes like yours. The attitude that they can't becauae of some imaginary white oppression that's holding them back right now.
Right, because you think it's normal to control everything that moves all over the world. It's just what you've been taught it's not your fault or a character defect. It's all you know that white is right in every situation. The ruling class rules
What's normal is to desire to move upward. Be better, have better. Take a look around the world and see where it's best right now? It's definitely in the Anglo countries. The African countries are predominantly a mess. Why is that? Is it because white people are better and smarter? I don't think so. But white people were lucky enough to finally figure out a system that seems to work the best. Lots of trial and error on that one. It would be good if everyone really worked to adopt those systems.

Now blacks who are IN the system can have it pretty good now. There are a lot of them who do. But race baiters such as yourself, continually bring them down and tell them how bad they have it, how hard it is and there is little hope for them.

If you ask me that kind of talk does nothing but discourage people and perpetuate a victim mentality which can also create some pretty racist thinking as well.
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Well-Known Member
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May 22, 2015
Every successful culture has these two types of prominent people: Shamans and chiefs.

The role of the shaman (priest, witch doctor, medicine man) is to entreat the gods for a benign environment. They pray, dance, et cetera, for rain and sun and good harvests and good hunting.

Then there are the chiefs. The role of the chiefs is to direct the activities of the people to beneficial purpose. They put the people into hunting parties. They direct who will gather and who will build. They administer justice and adjudicate disputes.

The black community has had many shamans. Martin Luther King was a shaman. All our politicians are shamans. They entreat the powers-that-be for a benign environment. They are "leaders" only in leading the people in rain dances.

We have had very few chiefs, especially at the national level. Our most prominent chiefs have, interestingly, been Black Muslim leaders. I'm certainly not a Muslim, but if I have to name anyone who has attempted to direct black people to beneficial purpose, I can only name NOI leaders.
I definitely think there is a derth of black leaders who who are actually trying to lead the black community forward. So many are focused on the past, focused on blaming white people and the system, focused on selling snake oil if you ask me.

The community needs leaders who will show them a better way forward, things that will actually help and not just blame.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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It would be much stronger evidence for discrimination that these silly resumes with the name Jamal Blackington at the top
See, reality means nothing to you
Well let's take a look...
Take a look at one person saying things that hurt your feelings. Your little article is nothing compared to the fact that there are zero black NFL team owners. The racist white majority won't allow it. Now who is really the racists in professional sports? Your little article means nothing because he's just calling the white nationalist racists for what they are and you support their tyranny.
That's Carron J Phillips....sports journalist and racist. He's a black man who writes articles about how evil the white man is in sports and how oppressed the black man is....which is pretty racist
You found one black person who speaks out against this white racist system and that's supposed to mean something. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and recognize your people control the entire world.
Sure...that person existed back in the days of Jackie Robinson....because enough racist white people would read those articles. Now, racist black journalists exist because they appeal to racist black people.
One black journalist called out the white racist system and that hurt your feelings. I get it. Keep playing the victim when your people control everything that moves on planet Earth. You are so disadvantaged.
You might wonder how I know he's racist. It's simple...he stepped in it one day when he ran out of white people to call racist and he called what appeared to be a white kid wearing an Indian headdress racist. First, he claimed that the boy was wearing blackface....despite the other half of the kid's face being painted red....the KC Chief's colors. This wasn't an honest mistake....he's a sports journalist. He's seen fans with their faces painted their teams' colors more times than he can count....he deliberately used a side profile of the kid so he could accuse the child of blackface, despite being fully aware that this wasn't blackface. Again he's a sports journalist. He's seen fans do this thousands of times.
So what? What does that one incident prove? That whites are the real victims of racism? It shows no statistics proving your point. It just shows one black man taking offense. Got anything else because that report means nothing when it comes to white nationalist racism? That is one person calling out one person and you know that the US has like 350 million people. Boo-hoo
So remember, this pathetic black racist journalist makes his living whining about the evil white man and praising the wonderful black man
Maybe he has a point. The racist white man controls the globe and black people don't even control their home continent because of colonist who put up puppet rulers in order to strip their natural resources. You will NEVER convince me that the white man is some kind of victim of racism especially with one article that just brings the point home. The white man is no victim unless you consider that we have civil rights which destroyed their legal ways of discrimination. Poor you, you can't legally discriminate anymore.
Yes, most racism today is openly expressed at whites.
Is that why a resume with a "black" name gets thrown in the garbage in order to consider people with white names? Your fake victimology is completely rejected. Your people control everything that moves on planet Earth. Accept it and enjoy your priviledge.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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They have the same opportunities as everyone else to move forward. What's holding them back? I think it's attitudes like yours.
Not quite when a third of every resume that has a black name is thrown in the trash
he African countries are predominantly a mess.
Mostly because of American and European businesses that put up corrupt people in power in order to rape the continent of it's rich national resources. They've been doing it for hundreds of years and continue to do it.
Now blacks who are IN the system can have it pretty good now. There are a lot of them who do. But race baiters such as yourself, continually bring them down and tell them how bad they have it, how hard it is and there is little hope for them.
I think they have it bad enough with white nationalist racist controlling everything that moves. Have you ever heard of white flight? That's when a black family moves into a neighborhood and all the white people move out dropping housing prices and making sure they become black neighborhoods. White flight destroys communities, then they come back and buy up the cheap real estate and out price the people that live there. It happens all over the country and ensures that white people will remain the most affluent people. Talking about race baiters, that's a made-up word coming from white nationalists. It's not a real thing it's only to try and prove the racists are blacks and white men are the victims. Not true
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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I think they have it bad enough with white nationalist racist controlling everything that moves. Have you ever heard of white flight? That's when a black family moves into a neighborhood and all the white people move out dropping housing prices and making sure they become black neighborhoods. White flight destroys communities, then they come back and buy up the cheap real estate and out price the people that live there. It happens all over the country and ensures that white people will remain the most affluent people.
Did you read what you wrote?

"... all the white people move out dropping housing prices and making sure they become black neighborhoods. White flight destroys communities..."

You said that a neighborhood becoming a black community is the destruction of that community.

If the black culture were a functional culture, why would becoming black mean the destruction of that community? How can that destruction then be blamed on white people?

But, no, not always. I know of black communities that do well...always because they have rejected "hood" mentality.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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If the black culture were a functional culture, why would becoming black mean the destruction of that community? How can that destruction then be blamed on white people?
Because it's not just a black community but a poor black community and poor black communities get a full load of guns and drugs in order to promote self-destruction. Then they gobble up these poor neighborhoods and make them "trendy" to the point where the poor folk that live there can't afford to live there anymore. They did it in my home town in Uptown Minneapolis but the nice thing was my mom held out and sold her home for a nice price so it isn't all bad if you own your home and can outlast the reconstruction.
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May 22, 2015
Not quite when a third of every resume that has a black name is thrown in the trash
The is a large flaw in the so called studies that is overlooked. First of all the names used in those studies are typical names in poor hoods.

They are names the if white would be names like , Billy, Jed, Bo, Clyde, Cletus or Jethro. For girls they might be Dolly, Maisy, Bambi or Darlene or Scarlett.
Those white names are indicators of poor Redneck areas.

It's not accurate to put more hood sounding names with redneck sounding names.
It seems there may be a class distinction rather than a racial one. Because the names used are necessarily the typical names given to African American kids, except in the lower class areas.

Next time they do a study they should compare poor names with poor names and see what they come up with.

Does it make much of a difference if Jamal sends a resume along with Cletus?
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