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Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?


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The way the Holy Spirit equips and comforts believers is through inspirational insights into God's Word, especially to build up faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Physical manifestations such as "electricity" and "tingling" have no purpose at all. These manifestations are part of the sinful flesh which has been sentenced to death because of sin. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in the flesh. He resides in our spirit and speaks to us through God's Word. Putting any trust in physical or emotional manifestations is putting trust in the flesh, and the Scripture says that those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Paul said, "There is nothing good in me, that is in my flesh". This is why he never mentions physical manifestations are part of the work of the Holy Spirit, because they would be part of the flesh and therefore would see nothing good in them. "We are of the circumcision who worships God, rejoices in Jesus Christ and has no confidence in the flesh". Therefore, putting confidence in "tingling" and "electricity" as an attribute of the Holy Spirit, is a road to nowhere.
There's a large amount of amplification of an individual verse out of context there, as well the Gnostic origins of reformed theology, all while claiming scripture as the primary source. What does the last statement in John's Gospel account say about all of the manifestations being recorded in scripture? That's pretty relevant to this OP, but it doesn't fit with the philosophy of the above post at all, so it must be ignored.
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As I said in my previous post, how does "tingling" contribute to the saving of souls for Christ, seeing that is the full purpose of the Holy Spirit's mission?
I don't see anything in the Bible that says that the mission of the Holy Spirit ends once someone is converted. In fact, I can't find the command to make converts in the Bible. I see that we are to make disciples, and see making a convert listed among the woes of the Pharisees.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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As we can see here, Biblically there is nothing opposing it, but the people who feel entitled to tell God what He can and can't do don't like it.
Those who base their faith on feeling and emotion instead of God's Word, tend to favour "tingling" and goosebumps up the spine as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit for them.
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Those who base their faith on feeling and emotion instead of God's Word, tend to favour "tingling" and goosebumps up the spine as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit for them.
Thank you for making my point. God's word doesn't say anything about it. Man's word has much to say about it. The quoted post falls on the side of man's word. Gnostic philosophies hate emotion. The Bible talks of the emotional facets of God.

If one wants to follow philosophy, one can choose an anti-emotion philosophy, but it's not biblical
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Aug 12, 2007
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Those who base their faith on feeling and emotion instead of God's Word, tend to favour "tingling" and goosebumps up the spine as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit for them.

No one here has said that their Christianity is based solely on just emotion. Nobody has said that here. Nobody has even suggested it.

True born-again, Spirit-filled Christianity will have supernatural moments from eternity. That is because we are adopted into the family of GOD. We are a part of Him now.

If anyone's Christianity is devoid of such things, then I question their blood bought adoption.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Thank you for making my point. God's word doesn't say anything about it. Man's word has much to say about it. The quoted post falls on the side of man's word. Gnostic philosophies hate emotion. The Bible talks of the emotional facets of God.

If one wants to follow philosophy, one can choose an anti-emotion philosophy, but it's not biblical
Putting one's faith in feelings and emotions is the same as putting faith in the flesh. This is because feelings and emotions are part of our sinful flesh which is doomed to die as part of natural death involving the physical body. The Scripture says that those who are in the flesh cannot please God, also that "We [says Paul] are of the circumcisions that worship God, rejoice in Jesus Christ, and have no confidence in the flesh. Therefore, Paul would have had no confidence in any feeling or emotion that came from his physical body.
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Putting one's faith in feelings and emotions is the same as putting faith in the flesh. This is because feelings and emotions are part of our sinful flesh which is doomed to die as part of natural death involving the physical body. The Scripture says that those who are in the flesh cannot please God, also that "We [says Paul] are of the circumcisions that worship God, rejoice in Jesus Christ, and have no confidence in the flesh. Therefore, Paul would have had no confidence in any feeling or emotion that came from his physical body.
Again, you are posting Gnosticism, not Christianity. God is the one who made our flesh. We are not to put confidence in our flesh, but in the Bible God ministers to our humanity. The philosophy that our bodies are irredeemably evil is pagan. Yes, there are a small few Bible verses that when yanked complete out of context can be made to seem to say that our flesh is completely irredeemable, much like the Mormon and JWs yank verses out of the Bible to support their stances.
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Putting one's faith in feelings and emotions is the same as putting faith in the flesh. This is because feelings and emotions are part of our sinful flesh which is doomed to die as part of natural death involving the physical body. The Scripture says that those who are in the flesh cannot please God, also that "We [says Paul] are of the circumcisions that worship God, rejoice in Jesus Christ, and have no confidence in the flesh. Therefore, Paul would have had no confidence in any feeling or emotion that came from his physical body.
The body has disordered drives, the stomach, the loins... but love, joy and peace are feelings in part and the body also called the flesh, it is to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.
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To recap one of the philosophies on here:
  • Despite the last statement in John's record of the Gospel, The Holy Spirit is limited to only what is specifically documented in the Bible.
  • Any act of the flesh or performed to the flesh is pure evil, even though God is documented as healing flesh.
  • Even though there is no biblical record of the Holy Spirit ever having anyone use a computer, (therefore He is unable to have anyone use a computer according to the logic presented by one on here), it seems to be okay to use a computer, even though without the Holy Spirit it is an act of flesh and pure evil and invalid and the Holy Spirit is not able, due to precedence limitations imposed by said philosophy, to inspire such use.
  • A tingling sensation, even though no more or less biblical than computer use, is not on the human religious authority's approval list.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Those who base their faith on feeling and emotion instead of God's Word, tend to favour "tingling" and goosebumps up the spine as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit for them.

I don't find anything insulting in what you have said.

"tend to favour" ... that was a kindly way of putting it. :blush:

Some persons do tend to favour tingling and goosebumps.
That is the kind of spirituality some want; a spirituality based on physical feelings.
Apparently not you, and certainly not I. But yes, some do 'tend to favour' it.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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The body has disordered drives, the stomach, the loins... but love, joy and peace are feelings in part and the body also called the flesh, it is to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Love, joy and peace are totally different from the "tingling" and goosebumps up the spine that provides evidence for some that the Holy Spirit is present and working. As is most of the "signs and wonders" in some hyped up meetings, being falling down, jerking, shaking, staggering 'drunk in the Spirit' and other kundalini manifestations. When the Holy Spirit is really present, people get convicted of their sin, their need for righteousness, and the knowledge of judgment to come. Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit, and people's reaction was either to turn to Christ, or to react with rage against him and what he stood for. So, when the Holy Spirit is present and active, and conviction takes hold, there is either "What must I do to be saved?" or angry opposition and rage against the conviction, as happened to Stephen who was stoned to death by an angry mob as the result of being challenged by the Holy Spirit for their hypocrisy and false religion. This is why when someone who has faith in "tingling" and goosebumps, believing in kundalini manifestation as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, tend to become personal, angry, accusative in their opposition to those who say that faith in the Word of God rather than in feelings is what pleases God.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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I don't find anything insulting in what you have said.

"tend to favour" ... that was a kindly way of putting it. :blush:

Some persons do tend to favour tingling and goosebumps.
That is the kind of spirituality some want; a spirituality based on physical feelings.
Apparently not you, and certainly not I. But yes, some do 'tend to favour' it.
Notice that when challenged concerning their faith in "electrical" feelings as evidence of the Holy Spirit, they become accusative and personal in their comments. Stephen faithfully preached the Gospel to the religious Jews and challenged their error, and they also became accusative, personal, angry, and in a rage stoned him to death. So, if we challenge the ones who put their faith on kundalini type manifestations, we get a verbal "stoning" from them, as is often seen in threads like this.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Notice that when challenged concerning their faith in "electrical" feelings as evidence of the Holy Spirit, they become accusative and personal in their comments. Stephen faithfully preached the Gospel to the religious Jews and challenged their error, and they also became accusative, personal, angry, and in a rage stoned him to death. So, if we challenge the ones who put their faith on kundalini type manifestations, we get a verbal "stoning" from them, as is often seen in threads like this.

Some do appear to be very sensitive about having their beliefs questioned, but when someone pops in to ask a question, I think it helps them most to get a variety of feedback for them to consider, minus the 'in fighting', that is.

It would be different if this were a church or denomination here ... where someone is boss ('pastor'), and all believe the same as him ... but that is not the case in an open forum like this. Nope, no bosses here. :)

This 'electrical tingling' thing is a controversial subject. For some, a sensitive one. I'm trying not to speak too harshly against it, but really I do not believe it is of God. I have experienced liken-type things in the past, and I do believe in retrospect that it was largely due to emotionalism and/or the power of suggestion. Hopefully not demonic influence, but that is always a possibility in these things, too.

(Okay, so now I'm going to duck and run! Those ripe tomatoes will stain my white blouse too badly!! lol)
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I’ve never felt “electric tingling,” but I often feel a surge of energy, when I get into prayer, that starts in the base of my head, where my neck meets and it spreads out from there. Doesn’t go past my shoulders or my head, but it seems to be a precursor to a strong sense of a peaceful presence with me, like God dropped by for a few moments, or as an alert to something to pay attention to… like a heightened awareness. Sometimes I could often feel “energy” on certain objects or in certain places, typically of a religious nature. Like one time, I walked passed by a bookshelf, not thinking of reading annything, and paused. I didn’t know any of the titles that were there, but I ran my hand past the books quick and located the one that was the source of the energy. It was a book about the Eucharist.
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Love, joy and peace are totally different from the "tingling" and goosebumps up the spine that provides evidence for some that the Holy Spirit is present and working. As is most of the "signs and wonders" in some hyped up meetings, being falling down, jerking, shaking, staggering 'drunk in the Spirit' and other kundalini manifestations. When the Holy Spirit is really present, people get convicted of their sin, their need for righteousness, and the knowledge of judgment to come. Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit, and people's reaction was either to turn to Christ, or to react with rage against him and what he stood for. So, when the Holy Spirit is present and active, and conviction takes hold, there is either "What must I do to be saved?" or angry opposition and rage against the conviction, as happened to Stephen who was stoned to death by an angry mob as the result of being challenged by the Holy Spirit for their hypocrisy and false religion. This is why when someone who has faith in "tingling" and goosebumps, believing in kundalini manifestation as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, tend to become personal, angry, accusative in their opposition to those who say that faith in the Word of God rather than in feelings is what pleases God.
The feeling of coldness or warmth can precede a healing in that part. It can lead to repentance, a numbness or static electricity on the head. Kundalini kriyas look only similar and have different fruits, if you watch them testify and they have strong emotional trips, ups and downs. It comes with a catch, that love, you must worship another god. Satan will not do good for people, at least, not without a catch.

I once aggressively laid my sins down at the foot of the cross, and found a freedom and a new sense of honour, it led to feelings of humiliation as I thought of getting married and due to illness, then kept seeing failure, infidelity and divorce... I'd love the complete blessing and complete freedom from illness, but I came to a new understanding of the importance of holiness and honour, amidst friendship and love.

Benny Hinn mentions the tingling as an unreliable sign of the Spirit, that comes merely as a nice feeling during worship and the focus on the Spirit anticipating healing. But then the real thing, and people say they are healed, and secret thoughts are revealed...

Jesus' sacred blood gave me peace from fear and anxiety. I once asked for spiritual vision for repentance, in prayer a static like numbness on the head as a lady laid hands on me. but I only received half the blessing. Later she told me I need to ask for change of heart.

Stephen the first martyr was young and may not have given such a tactful speech as later Paul would.

People who manifest are sometimes known to fall radically in love with God and love people such as in Nigeria or Mozambique. CFAN and IRIS Ministries. People seeming to ab crunch, were receiving waves of love. Others were set free from strong controlling temptation, writhing on the floor as a snake left.

The Kundalini spirit is said to be a snake, rising up from the base of the spine to the head. It is not the Holy Spirit, the fruit is not the same.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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The feeling of coldness or warmth can precede a healing in that part. It can lead to repentance, a numbness or static electricity on the head. Kundalini kriyas look only similar and have different fruits, if you watch them testify and they have strong emotional trips, ups and downs. It comes with a catch, that love, you must worship another god. Satan will not do good for people, at least, not without a catch.

I once aggressively laid my sins down at the foot of the cross, and found a freedom and a new sense of honour, it led to feelings of humiliation as I thought of getting married and due to illness, then kept seeing failure, infidelity and divorce... I'd love the complete blessing and complete freedom from illness, but I came to a new understanding of the importance of holiness and honour, amidst friendship and love.

Benny Hinn mentions the tingling as an unreliable sign of the Spirit, that comes merely as a nice feeling during worship and the focus on the Spirit anticipating healing. But then the real thing, and people say they are healed, and secret thoughts are revealed...

Jesus' sacred blood gave me peace from fear and anxiety. I once asked for spiritual vision for repentance, in prayer a static like numbness on the head as a lady laid hands on me. but I only received half the blessing. Later she told me I need to ask for change of heart.

Stephen the first martyr was young and may not have given such a tactful speech as later Paul would.

People who manifest are sometimes known to fall radically in love with God and love people such as in Nigeria or Mozambique. CFAN and IRIS Ministries. People seeming to ab crunch, were receiving waves of love. Others were set free from strong controlling temptation, writhing on the floor as a snake left.

The Kundalini spirit is said to be a snake, rising up from the base of the spine to the head. It is not the Holy Spirit, the fruit is not the same.
I am in agreement with your comments. Your personal feelings show conviction and humility before a holy God. It is good to recognise our faults and shortcomings because it drives us to Christ. Paul, in the face of his shortcomings said, "Oh wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this body of death?" Then he says, "I thank God through Jesus Christ". What he did was to turn to Christ and trust Him in the face of his shortcomings. Charles Spurgeon had much the same experience, and this is why he quoted, "I'm just a poor sinner and nothing at all, but Jesus Christ is my all in all." D Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, "There is no such thing as a good Christian, but vile people who are saved by the grace of God." Paul also said about his struggles in Asia (2 Corinthians 1), "We had the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God, who raises the dead." Paul went through deep depression and struggling to the point where he "despaired of life".

I don't think that the stoning that Paul received where he was left for dead gave him any tingling feelings or goosebumps up his spine. But he and Silas had joy and praise during their suffering in the Philippian jail resulting in them singing praises to the Lord. They then had this shaking feeling causing the jailor to cry out "What shall I do to be saved?" Now that's the sort of shaking that I believe in! :)

When I read of the revivals resulting from Jonathan Edwards' preaching, I note that the falling down, writhing on the floor came from unconverted people under severe conviction of sin. But when they came through to assurance of salvation, the struggling, writhing in agony, were replaced by peace and joy as they were given saving faith, and Christ became real to them.

The real presence of the Holy Spirit brings strong conviction of sin to unconverted people that can result in severe physical reactions as they are in agony when they realise that they are lost and will perish in hell. In His presence sinners are converted to Christ, and sick people are healed, along with demons being cast out as possessed unconverted people are set free to embrace Christ as Saviour. That is the steam going into the driving wheels that set the locomotive in motion. A lot of what we see in hyper meetings where there is drunkeness "in the spirit", falling down, jerking, shaking, uncontrolled babbling in false tongues, idiotic laughter, is just steam going out through the whistle instead of to the driving wheels of deliverance from demons, salvation of lost souls, and healing of sick and disabled bodies.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Don't know anyone here that bases their Christianity on emotion either.

My question is Why wouldn't we experience Him?

Jesus is our example to follow, so yes, we should be experiencing Him as well as having Him do things through us. As Paul said: "Imitate me as I imitate Christ."

Jesus Himself made the statement:

"The-one believing in me, the works that I do shall that-one do also, and greater works than these shall he do because I got unto The Father."

Christianity is not designed as a thing of the mind. We are Spiritual beings now, and will have Spiritual experiences with GOD,... that is if we are actually trying to remain in a relationship with Him.

The bible is true, yes,... but GOD is the ultimate truth.
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