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Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?


Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
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I found this forum and site just moments ago after an internet search for "Holy Spirit like electricity buzz through body" I'm no stranger to the full body tingling sensation that can come over me during heavily emotional times dealing with Kingdom business. That has happened to me all my life since childhood. However, this experience left me in shock, overwhelmed, and looking as some might say "You look like you've just seen a ghost!"

Last night I was completely overwhelmed by a vision of rapture. I was having a run of the mill dream then the trumpet sounded it wasn't a sound that was close or narrow in scope like one would hear from an instrument near by, it was deep rich with sound and filled the entire sky with vibration one long blow and I opened my eyes to see out my window. The landscape was filled will a dark grayish brown haze looking like a mixture of dust, smoke, and fog.The distant sky and near sky over homes was filled with glowing lights. In an instant I felt a shockwave come through my wall and my body was immediately vibrating like electricity was flowing through it, the feeling was overwhelming and euphoric at the same time. I said immediately "Jesus" and my body began to float through my wall, from the outside of my house I looked to my children's window and said "Oh Jesus save my children" (7 & 5 at the time of writing this). I was then moved back inside and gently laid back down into my bed still feeling the full buzz.

That's the moment when I actually woke up for real, looking out the window all had returned to normal. But I didn't want to move for fear that the feeling of the euphoric full body feeling would leave me. I stayed laying down recounting what I had just seen and experienced, and felt the waves continue to move through my body until it slowly faded away over about 5 minutes time. I opened my eyes periodically during that time, to see peer out the window trying to catch a glimpse again of what I had seen it my vision.

This feeling of electricity, vibration, buzzing ,whatever one might describe it as was a 1000% amplification of the normal sensations I described when "moved by the Holy Spirit." I drove my children to school in a daze having trouble breathing, just completely overwhelmed, as I remembered the vision again in the morning.

Thanks for sharing! I remember 10 years ago or so when people all over the world were hearing trumpet sounds in the sky, I heard it also and my first thought was the rapture.
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Galatians 6:8
The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

So, something happened to me about 7 months ago and I've been trying to find out if anyone else had ever had this experience. I've seen a few others describe tingles, and then others criticize them for having emotions or goosebumps. This was not goosebumps people. I wanted to share my story with someone because I finally found a group of some individuals who have supposedly felt the same thing I did. I was actually driving to work one day and it was a very tough time in my life (I don't want to go into how bad it was, but it involved legal problems). Anyway, I had begun to read my Bible ferociously, every day, and was praying a lot. One day I just started praying for a friend's son who had cancer, then all the sick people I could think of, then all the sick people in the world. I got a little carried away with the intent of my prayer, overwhelmed you might say, and started to cry. All of the sudden I felt this crazy tingling begin. It started at the top of my head and proceeded downwards. It absolutely freaked me out, but in a good way. It was like an electro-magnetic-euphoric feeling really. It felt like the cells in my body (but it was bigger than that) or something astounding was revolving like a particle-beam masssage inside me. Again I was driving my car and I was like, I hope I don't pass out or crash, but I was totally in control. It was a very good feeling, but also incredibly intense. Something I had never felt before or since. It was absolutely inexplicable. It continued down my spine and radiated from the inside outward -- this steady stream of rolling bliss. It was like tingley-bubblely-electric all at the same time and just kept going all the way down my legs to my toes. I was like, "What just happened to me!!!" I've asked all kinds of people, including my pastor and everyone I've asked gives me the weird eye. But, really the only thing I can come up with to this day is it was God. I had been asking for the Holy Spirit to enter me, too, because I really wasn't sure if I had it or not. And, well I guess I don't have to wonder anymore. I just want to feel that again and again, like on a daily basis. And now, I've found some others that have confirmed what I have been thinking it was. Anyone else experience this? Have you ever had it the head-to-toe version more than once? Amazing is all I can say! If that's anything like what heaven will be like, we are stoked people!
Since October 27th of 2023, I have had a continuous physical presence. I can't see it, but it usually is in the form of the strong physical tingling feeling, or I even get temporary sharp pains as it appears to move through my physical body. What you felt was/is real. The Bible says that the visible things of this world were created from the invisible. It can't get any more real than that.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Since October 27th of 2023, I have had a continuous physical presence. I can't see it, but it usually is in the form of the strong physical tingling feeling, or I even get temporary sharp pains as it appears to move through my physical body. What you felt was/is real. The Bible says that the visible things of this world were created from the invisible. It can't get any more real than that.
That phenomena is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. Paul never taught that evidence of the Holy Spirit is perceived that way. He said that the real power of God is in the Gospel of Christ, unto salvation to those who believe it. The real evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit is when you share the Gospel with people and they turn to Christ as their Saviour. Depending on physical manifestation as evidence of the Holy Spirit is a road to nowhere.
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Prevent Slavery, support the persecuted.
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The NT is a summary, and does not mention the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and "decently and in order" is not correctly understood as from the Roman Catholic times and after. It is about enthusiastic people prophesying one at a time. Even in the great awakenings, wording of events was puzzling because much was omitted, other accounts mention ecstasy and things one can't learn much from.
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Sep 16, 2021
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That phenomena is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. Paul never taught that evidence of the Holy Spirit is perceived that way. He said that the real power of God is in the Gospel of Christ, unto salvation to those who believe it. The real evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit is when you share the Gospel with people and they turn to Christ as their Saviour. Depending on physical manifestation as evidence of the Holy Spirit is a road to nowhere.
I don't depend on what is, I just accept it. Also, a phenomenon is something where the source can't be explained. The Holy Spirit has a known source, God. Zechariah 12:10, “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the Holy Spirit's presence can't be felt physically. Be careful what you say, I'm completely comfortable with what I said, are you?
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Presbyterian Continuist

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I don't depend on what is, I just accept it. Also, a phenomenon is something where the source can't be explained. The Holy Spirit has a known source, God. Zechariah 12:10, “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the Holy Spirit's presence can't be felt physically. Be careful what you say, I'm completely comfortable with what I said, are you?
I am quite comfortable with what I said. The Scripture says that without faith it is impossible to please God, also that whatever is not of faith is sin. We work with the Holy Spirit through faith based on what the Word of God says. Because the Spirit is a spirit, it is not connected to any physical manifestation.
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Sep 16, 2021
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I am quite comfortable with what I said. The Scripture says that without faith it is impossible to please God, also that whatever is not of faith is sin. We work with the Holy Spirit through faith based on what the Word of God says. Because the Spirit is a spirit, it is not connected to any physical manifestation.
The promise can't come without faith, and the Holy Spirit is that promise. The visible is created by the invisible. God can manifest anything with, or by the Spirit.
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Because the Spirit is a spirit, it is not connected to any physical manifestation.
What? So the Holy Spirit is not connected to physical manifestations? Tongues of fire? Healing? Floating metal? People being in one place one second and somewhere else the next?

Something is not adding up to me there.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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The promise can't come without faith, and the Holy Spirit is that promise. The visible is created by the invisible. God can manifest anything with, or by the Spirit.
If the whole mission of the Holy Spirit i to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgement to come, and that the real power of God is involved in the preaching of the Gospel of Christ in order to bring salvation to those who believe it, then how does "tingling" contribute to that?
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Presbyterian Continuist

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What? So the Holy Spirit is not connected to physical manifestations? Tongues of fire? Healing? Floating metal? People being in one place one second and somewhere else the next?

Something is not adding up to me there.
As I said in my previous post, how does "tingling" contribute to the saving of souls for Christ, seeing that is the full purpose of the Holy Spirit's mission?
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As I said in my previous post, how does "tingling" contribute to the saving of souls for Christ, seeing that is the full purpose of the Holy Spirit's mission?
So you hold the theology that if something is not listed specifically, it is not valid, like using computers to evangelize. The Holy Spirit equips and comforts believers as well as convicting non-believers.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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So you hold the theology that if something is not listed specifically, it is not valid, like using computers to evangelize. The Holy Spirit equips and comforts believers as well as convicting non-believers.
The way the Holy Spirit equips and comforts believers is through inspirational insights into God's Word, especially to build up faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Physical manifestations such as "electricity" and "tingling" have no purpose at all. These manifestations are part of the sinful flesh which has been sentenced to death because of sin. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in the flesh. He resides in our spirit and speaks to us through God's Word. Putting any trust in physical or emotional manifestations is putting trust in the flesh, and the Scripture says that those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Paul said, "There is nothing good in me, that is in my flesh". This is why he never mentions physical manifestations are part of the work of the Holy Spirit, because they would be part of the flesh and therefore would see nothing good in them. "We are of the circumcision who worships God, rejoices in Jesus Christ and has no confidence in the flesh". Therefore, putting confidence in "tingling" and "electricity" as an attribute of the Holy Spirit, is a road to nowhere.
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Prevent Slavery, support the persecuted.
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In Joel we read, God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. The tingling is looked upon a lot to ask, what is the fruit of this out pouring? People say they are more in love with God, or they can heal the sick...
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
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I've felt what felt like electricity before shooting through me. Almost like lightening but it wasn't the Lord as it happened when I was an unbeliever.
Also I wouldn't say it was an enjoyable feeling but it didn't hurt just wasn't very enjoyable. (It WASN'T a natural occurrence either. It was supernatural)
Just figured I'd speak of an experience I had as an unbeliever
Please understand in no way am I trying to cause anyone to stumble etc.
Just felt I needed to share
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Aug 12, 2007
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The way the Holy Spirit equips and comforts believers is through inspirational insights into God's Word, especially to build up faith and trust in Jesus Christ.


When I look through Acts and the letters of Peter and Paul, etc.,..... I don't see them doing anything like what you're mentioning. I see them being led by The Holy Spirit Himself, not by scripture.

In fact, Jesus didn't walk about with parchments to try and build up faith, He allowed The Father to manifest His power through Him. He stayed in contact with The Father during His ministry.

Maybe all this bible idolatry that people try to hide behind does more harm to the relationship that all of us is suppose to have with Jesus. Maybe it's one of the real reasons we don't see GOD operating through any Christians currently. People want to develop a relationship with their bibles instead of GOD.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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When I look through Acts and the letters of Peter and Paul, etc.,..... I don't see them doing anything like what you're mentioning. I see them being led by The Holy Spirit Himself, not by scripture.

In fact, Jesus didn't walk about with parchments to try and build up faith, He allowed The Father to manifest His power through Him. He stayed in contact with The Father during His ministry.

Maybe all this bible idolatry that people try to hide behind does more harm to the relationship that all of us is suppose to have with Jesus. Maybe it's one of the real reasons we don't see GOD operating through any Christians currently. People want to develop a relationship with their bibles instead of GOD.
So you don't agree with the Bereans when they checked out what Paul was preaching, by searching the Scriptures daily to "see that these things are so". Maybe they should have gone into meditation in a quiet place so they could hear an inner voice either rejecting or confirming what Paul was preaching.

To know how to get my new dehumidifier running, I had to read and study the instructions. I could have waited for the inner voice to tell me what to do. Any intelligent person would laugh at anyone saying, "Wait a minute, I have to get a mental reading to give me guidance on how to get the unit running correctly", when all the information is in the instruction manual.

All the information that God has to give us concerning His plans and purposes concerning our salvation and our walk in the Spirit, is in the Bible. David said, "I love your Law (the Torah). I meditate in it day and night. Your word (the Torah) is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." The Bible is our instruction book, and when we become fully conversant with its contents, we get a complete insight by the Spirit about God's ways, what He approves and disapproves, and what we need to know in order to accurately believe in Christ and His finished work on the Cross.

If we didn't have the Bible, we would have to depend on a god from our imagination, and we would be dependent on doing what seems right to us. But the Scripture says that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the way is death."

Post modern liberals, such as Bishop Spong, have ignored the Bible as the foundation of Christian faith, and consequently, their view of God is as just a concept and not a real Person. They don't believe in the historical Jesus, but in a "Christ of faith". Their version of faith is what feels right to them, as long as they have an attitude of love. They don't believe that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, but as a great example of love for mankind. They don't believe in the resurrection and their version of resurrection is to do with a new level of realisation of the way we should love each other, and care for the environment. The Bible to them is just a book of metaphors and guides to moral living in love. This type of theology is the result of departure from trust in what God has said in the Bible. The theology is rife among the Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist churches.
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Aug 12, 2007
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So you don't agree with the Bereans,............blah, blah, blah,.....

What I don't agree with here,.... is this idea of yours, where we are suppose to fence ourselves in on only what scripture says and absolutely nothing more, as if I need some sort of modern safe place from bullies.

I can't begin to explain all the different Spiritual experiences from GOD I have had over 30 years so far. And the majority of those you wouldn't find in scripture at all.

In your mind, I should have disowned any of it from GOD if I couldn't find an example of it scripture, and forced GOD to only communicate with me through scripture.

I'm never going to agree with some sort of hyper-scriptural stance like that in my life with GOD. Sorry but not sorry.
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Prevent Slavery, support the persecuted.
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God is almighty, omnipotent and was able to raise up Abraham and raise Jesus from the dead. He creates each person. Billions today. He can do anything, He can reveal Himself or reveal scripture. Bearing in mind how bad some people's interpretations of the Bible have been in history, with the witch hunts, crusades, the Thirty Years War... Some going by Sola Scriptura.
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What I don't agree with here,.... is this idea of yours, where we are suppose to fence ourselves in on only what scripture says and absolutely nothing more, as if I need some sort of modern safe place from bullies.

I can't begin to explain all the different Spiritual experiences from GOD I have had over 30 years so far. And the majority of those you wouldn't find in scripture at all.

In your mind, I should have disowned any of it from GOD if I couldn't find an example of it scripture, and forced GOD to only communicate with me through scripture.

I'm never going to agree with some sort of hyper-scriptural stance like that in my life with GOD. Sorry but not sorry.
The irony in that, not on your side of it, is that an adherent of reformed theology is arguing that scripture is the end all be all but labels himself by his identification with the teachings of men who got their teachings from a Catholic/Fatalist.
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