Healing/blessing Testimonies Unbiblical?


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I think some of you may be familiar with Healing/blessing testimonies where a member would walk up to the stage and share a story about trials or hardships where somehow the Lord provided a miracle and got them out of their bad situation.

However, Jesus told some of the people He healed NOT to tell other people about their miraculous healing - Mark 7:36.

I think the reason why Jesus said such thing so that people would not be drawn into Christianity under the wrong motives such as healing, material prosperity, etc (John 6:26). Because such things don't matter when compared to the saving truth - the Word of God as opposed to the lies and false teachings of the world that wormed its way into "Christian teachings".

Another reason why sharing accounts of Lord's miracle in our lives might be wrong is that it can be a source of pride for the person sharing the testimony. To let everyone know they have the Lord's favor upon them and righteous in their ways. Self-righteousness and conceitedness. I'm not saying everyone feels that way when they share their miraculous healings, financial miracles on the pulpit but it's a very strong temptation to feel that way when you do.

So why put up with it when Lord is telling us NOT to do it that it can mislead (deceive) people into having the wrong intentions for becoming a Christian and also presents itself as a strong temptation to have sinful thoughts?

I wrote this topic because I thought of sharing a testimony but also felt strongly NOT to. I felt strongly I might be doing a wrong thing because I might be only doing it to feed my pride even though it's not in my mind at all... The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9

Maria Billingsley

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I think some of you may be familiar with Healing/blessing testimonies where a member would walk up to the stage and share a story about trials or hardships where somehow the Lord provided a miracle and got them out of their bad situation.

However, Jesus told some of the people He healed NOT to tell other people about their miraculous healing - Mark 7:36.

I think the reason why Jesus said such thing so that people would not be drawn into Christianity under the wrong motives such as healing, material prosperity, etc (John 6:26). Because such things don't matter when compared to the saving truth - the Word of God as opposed to the lies and false teachings of the world that wormed its way into "Christian teachings".

Another reason why sharing accounts of Lord's miracle in our lives might be wrong is that it can be a source of pride for the person sharing the testimony. To let everyone know they have the Lord's favor upon them and righteous in their ways. Self-righteousness and conceitedness. I'm not saying everyone feels that way when they share their miraculous healings, financial miracles on the pulpit but it's a very strong temptation to feel that way when you do.

So why put up with it when Lord is telling us NOT to do it that it can mislead (deceive) people into having the wrong intentions for becoming a Christian and also presents itself as a strong temptation to have sinful thoughts?

I wrote this topic because I thought of sharing a testimony but also felt strongly NOT to. I felt strongly I might be doing a wrong thing because I might be only doing it to feed my pride even though it's not in my mind at all... The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9
The only reason Jesus Christ of Nazareth sometimes asked for secrecy is because crowds of people came to Him for healing and it was not manageable. Remember He did say this:

Luke 17
Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. 13And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
14So when He saw them, He said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.

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Also, there is the man who was demon possessed, who wanted to stay with Jesus after Jesus delivered him, but Jesus told him to go tell his people how the Lord had such great mercy on him.

Mark 5:1-20
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I think some of you may be familiar with Healing/blessing testimonies where a member would walk up to the stage and share a story about trials or hardships where somehow the Lord provided a miracle and got them out of their bad situation.
There are cases where I do not assume the person is telling the truth.

But it can be good to hear testimonies, because they can help us to know that God does exist and He personally does things with people and He is almighty to work miracles and circumstances. This can encourage Christians and this can help unbelievers know there is God who is personal with people.
However, Jesus told some of the people He healed NOT to tell other people about their miraculous healing - Mark 7:36.

I think the reason why Jesus said such thing so that people would not be drawn into Christianity under the wrong motives such as healing, material prosperity, etc (John 6:26).
There is always the possibility that a good thing will be used or done in a wrong way. And we are wise not to avoid doing a good thing because of what evil threatens to do. But do obey God; He knows and controls what will become of what we do.

Do not let evil have power to decide what you do >

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

"nor give place to the devil." (Ephesians 4:27)
Another reason why sharing accounts of Lord's miracle in our lives might be wrong is that it can be a source of pride for the person sharing the testimony. To let everyone know they have the Lord's favor upon them and righteous in their ways.
So, yes this can happen. Even in prayer by ourselves we can be self-righteous, like that hypocrite in the temple. But Jesus says to pray, but He warns against how prayer can be done the wrong way.

Luke 18:9-14
I'm not saying everyone feels that way when they share their miraculous healings, financial miracles on the pulpit but it's a very strong temptation to feel that way when you do.
And so we do well to pray about if we are ready to stand in front of people and share with them.
So why put up with it when Lord is telling us NOT to do it that it can mislead (deceive) people into having the wrong intentions for becoming a Christian and also presents itself as a strong temptation to have sinful thoughts?
When we share how God blesses us personally, it is good to also talk about what is required. We needed to humble ourselves and trust the Lord to decide what He would do. And we renewed our commitment not to make it about us. We can note how God is all-loving and so He blesses us so this can be good for others too.
I wrote this topic because I thought of sharing a testimony but also felt strongly NOT to. I felt strongly I might be doing a wrong thing because I might be only doing it to feed my pride even though it's not in my mind at all... The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9
Well - - - you are sharing this testimony of yours, here, in order to tell us not to share with our testimony(!! and/or ??).

Yes indeed, we can fool our own selves and not even know this. So, this is part of why we need to trust God at every moment to personally correct and guide us.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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We needed to humble ourselves and trust the Lord to decide what He would do. And we renewed our commitment not to make it about us. We can note how Gid is all-loving and so He blesses us so this can be good for others too.

Well - - - you are sharing this testimonynpf yours, here, in order to tell us not to share with our testimony(!! and/or ??).

Yes indeed, we can fool our own selves and not even know this. So, this is part of why we need to trust God at every moment to personally correct and guide us.

I'm finding it hard to humble myself even if I prayed about it.

I can try to talk like the most humble person you know, convince myself I'm doing it right. But deep inside, there's no denying It will make me feel "justified" somehow in front of other people so I think I in my case, I'll keep quiet about it.

I often discern this problem quite strongly from other Christians as well but many of them brush the problem aside like it's no big deal, it doesn't matter.

It's very difficult to try to be humble I know. I see it in myself and I also see it in most Christians....At least in most mega churches I go to. Maybe the problem is only present in mega churches?
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I think some of you may be familiar with Healing/blessing testimonies where a member would walk up to the stage and share a story about trials or hardships where somehow the Lord provided a miracle and got them out of their bad situation.

However, Jesus told some of the people He healed NOT to tell other people about their miraculous healing - Mark 7:36.

I think the reason why Jesus said such thing so that people would not be drawn into Christianity under the wrong motives such as healing, material prosperity, etc (John 6:26). Because such things don't matter when compared to the saving truth - the Word of God as opposed to the lies and false teachings of the world that wormed its way into "Christian teachings".

Another reason why sharing accounts of Lord's miracle in our lives might be wrong is that it can be a source of pride for the person sharing the testimony. To let everyone know they have the Lord's favor upon them and righteous in their ways. Self-righteousness and conceitedness. I'm not saying everyone feels that way when they share their miraculous healings, financial miracles on the pulpit but it's a very strong temptation to feel that way when you do.

So why put up with it when Lord is telling us NOT to do it that it can mislead (deceive) people into having the wrong intentions for becoming a Christian and also presents itself as a strong temptation to have sinful thoughts?

I wrote this topic because I thought of sharing a testimony but also felt strongly NOT to. I felt strongly I might be doing a wrong thing because I might be only doing it to feed my pride even though it's not in my mind at all... The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9
I have often struggled with the same thoughts as you have for all the reasons you have listened. I try not to be drawn into looking at motivations for these testimonies, either positively or negatively.

Christianity is a personal walk with God. What I TRY to do is focus on MY sinfulness while remembering God's grace and mercy in my life. What grace and mercy God gives to me, I can praise and thank Him. Every trial I experience is a blessing because I know He loves me and wants to make me more like Christ. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28) What other people experience doesn't have relevant on my personal walk.

John 21:21 So Peter seeing him said to Jesus, “Lord, and what about this man?” 22 Jesus *said to him, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!”
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I have often struggled with the same thoughts as you have for all the reasons you have listened. I try not to be drawn into looking at motivations for these testimonies, either positively or negatively.

Christianity is a personal walk with God. What I TRY to do is focus on MY sinfulness while remembering God's grace and mercy in my life. What grace and mercy God gives to me, I can praise and thank Him. Every trial I experience is a blessing because I know He loves me and wants to make me more like Christ. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28) What other people experience doesn't have relevant on my personal walk.

John 21:21 So Peter seeing him said to Jesus, “Lord, and what about this man?” 22 Jesus *said to him, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!”

I think the vast majority of Christians who goes to the pulpit to share a testimony have good intentions.

However, it's also 2nd nature for many of us to brag and boast and many of us don't even realize we're doing it.

Even Godless, unbelievers who outright worship Satan also do it and refer to themselves as "#blessed".

What other people experience doesn't have relevant on my personal walk.

I would kindly disagree with your statement. I think we're all connected in deeper ways we can imagine. I'm not saying if one goes to hell, everyone goes to hell. Not that extreme.

I mean for example when you commit a sin, it's not only you who will suffer the consequences of your sin but also the people around you and it can even extend to many other people far beyond those you know personally.

Simple but extreme example, one parent commits adultery, suffers the terrible consequences of divorce. Children are suffer terribly from the consequences too. The sin of one parent, affects the whole family and it doesn't end there. The psychologically scarred children might also do the same in their relationships when they become adults later on.

The consequences of your sin would affect people other than yourself.

But that also means the sins of other people can have its consequences affect you as well. Because we live in this sinful generation, it's going to affect you whether you like it or not.

Biblical example: Jesus saves woman from being stoned to death.

The reason why Jesus intervened and saved the woman's life is because the Jews won't be serving this woman justice if they stoned her to death.

Because it wasn't the woman's entire fault why she committed adultery.

Remember what I wrote earlier that our own sins will also have negative consequences on other people. The sinfulness of the people around the woman and sinfulness of her generation is partly to blame.

This is why only those who have not sinned have the right to cast the first stone because they don't share the blame of the woman's sin.

This is why if others are sinning whether willfully or unknowingly, it is your duty to call it out because it's going to affect you and many other people in some form or another. If nobody would listen or take heed, it is also your duty to leave them, disassociate yourself who are unwilling to acknowledge their sin because one way or the other, the consequences of their sin is bound to affect you.

In fact, Jesus instructed His disciples, if no one would heed your words, you should leave. Matthew 10:14.

Because that's the only way to best escape the consequences of other people's sins.

While we often hear Christians say Jesus ate and drank and fellowshipped with sinners. Not all. Jesus in particular avoid people who have hardened their hearts like some of the Pharisees. Jesus and some of His disciples rebuked sinners. So it is our duty to speak out when wrongs are being made than be silent about it. It's even worse when nobody thinks they're doing anything wrong.
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I'm finding it hard to humble myself even if I prayed about it.
I think it is good that we are making this philosophy and ethics discussion about how it goes for us personally.

So, you confess that you have difficulty being humble >

"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16)

I trust that God means He uses our mutual confession and mutual prayer to get each other "healed" of what in our character makes us able to sin and not be humble. So, yes we can pray successfully for God to do the correction in us which produces the character of Christ!

So . . . prayer for you now . . . .

I can try to talk like the most humble person you know, convince myself I'm doing it right. But deep inside, there's no denying It will make me feel "justified" somehow in front of other people so I think I in my case, I'll keep quiet about it.
Yes, I have suspected how I could be making myself feel like I was being submissive to God. And only God is able to really know about this in me, and truly correct me; but He does want us to trust Him about how we can fool our own selves and not know it. So, trust God to take care of how we can fool our own selves >

"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

And His word shows how He is committed to truly correcting us into the image of Jesus >

Hebrews 12:4-14

1 John 4:17

I often discern this problem quite strongly from other Christians as well but many of them brush the problem aside like it's no big deal, it doesn't matter.
But you can see this. God is trusting you to minister with hope for these people. It is a big deal.

Example works >

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

It's very difficult to try to be humble I know. I see it in myself and I also see it in most Christians....At least in most mega churches I go to. Maybe the problem is only present in mega churches?
It is impossible for humans. Big churches have humans, small churches have humans, unchurched individuals are humans! No one can boast he of she got somewhere without God's correction.

So, for a moment let's talk about how Jesus is humble. He is the most perfectly wonderful Being, in a tie for first place, of course, with our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. And though He is superior, He cares about us > He is so humble, then, to love and care about us who could not give Him anything. He is not conceited, at all, then. And He left Heaven in order to reach us and save us and share God's own good with us.

Humble includes sharing, then, being able to reach and help and share with ones not doing as well as you.

So, being humble can not mean how I can isolate myself from others and criticize them in comparison with me.

But we share as family, we learn how to relate closely with one another, and here with each other we discover the humility of Jesus >

"submitting to one another in the fear of God." (Ephesians 5:21)

"with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love," (Ephesians 4:2)
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I think the vast majority of Christians who goes to the pulpit to share a testimony have good intentions.

However, it's also 2nd nature for many of us to brag and boast and many of us don't even realize we're doing it.

Even Godless, unbelievers who outright worship Satan also do it and refer to themselves as "#blessed".

I would kindly disagree with your statement. I think we're all connected in deeper ways we can imagine. I'm not saying if one goes to hell, everyone goes to hell. Not that extreme.

I mean for example when you commit a sin, it's not only you who will suffer the consequences of your sin but also the people around you and it can even extend to many other people far beyond those you know personally.

Simple but extreme example, one parent commits adultery, suffers the terrible consequences of divorce. Children are suffer terribly from the consequences too. The sin of one parent, affects the whole family and it doesn't end there. The psychologically scarred children might also do the same in their relationships when they become adults later on.

The consequences of your sin would affect people other than yourself.

But that also means the sins of other people can have its consequences affect you as well. Because we live in this sinful generation, it's going to affect you whether you like it or not.

Biblical example: Jesus saves woman from being stoned to death.

The reason why Jesus intervened and saved the woman's life is because the Jews won't be serving this woman justice if they stoned her to death.

Because it wasn't the woman's entire fault why she committed adultery.

Remember what I wrote earlier that our own sins will also have negative consequences on other people. The sinfulness of the people around the woman and sinfulness of her generation is partly to blame.

This is why only those who have not sinned have the right to cast the first stone because they don't share the blame of the woman's sin.

This is why if others are sinning whether willfully or unknowingly, it is your duty to call it out because it's going to affect you and many other people in some form or another. If nobody would listen or take heed, it is also your duty to leave them, disassociate yourself who are unwilling to acknowledge their sin because one way or the other, the consequences of their sin is bound to affect you.

In fact, Jesus instructed His disciples, if no one would heed your words, you should leave. Matthew 10:14.

Because that's the only way to best escape the consequences of other people's sins.

While we often hear Christians say Jesus ate and drank and fellowshipped with sinners. Not all. Jesus in particular avoid people who have hardened their hearts like some of the Pharisees. Jesus and some of His disciples rebuked sinners. So it is our duty to speak out when wrongs are being made than be silent about it. It's even worse when nobody thinks they're doing anything wrong.
Those all all very good and excellent points and I agree with everything you say. But I can see where my post was confusing. Somehow, I got sidetracked into the nature of sin and my statement was wrong. I stand rebuke. : O)

Originally, I wasn't thinking so much of one willfully or unknowingly sinning. Instead, I was thinking about judging the motives behind a testimony a believer might be sharing. I find it's impossible for us to judge the hearts and intent of others. At times we can't even decern our own hearts let alone another. Consequently, the most we can do is thank the Lord for what is presented as a testimony and move on.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Those all all very good and excellent points and I agree with everything you say. But I can see where my post was confusing. Somehow, I got sidetracked into the nature of sin and my statement was wrong. I stand rebuke. : O)

Originally, I wasn't thinking so much of one willfully or unknowingly sinning. Instead, I was thinking about judging the motives behind a testimony a believer might be sharing. I find it's impossible for us to judge the hearts and intent of others. At times we can't even decern our own hearts let alone another. Consequently, the most we can do is thank the Lord for what is presented as a testimony and move on.

I actually know too well how some testimonies (not all) have similar negative effects as social media like facebook.

It can invoke negative feelings among many of the audiences who have struggled for many many years in what seemed like forever in the same area in life talked about in the testimony.

Testimonies of Salvation on the other hand bring mostly positive reactions from the audience. I have the gift of discernment and I can tell people's feelings beneath the smiles and laughter and cheers.

One example. Economy took a bad hit, recession looming, many of your friends lost their jobs or lost a significant chunk of their income but somehow, your employment or business did the opposite, you're even making more money now than before the recession. At a friend's gathering, you tell them how God is great taking care of your finances that you're planning to take your family to an expensive cruise, buy a bigger house. Just an extreme example... I think we sometimes (unintentionally, unknowingly) act in the same way in church testimonies it's becoming more of an obstacle than aid in worship, even mislead people from the truth.

Unfortunately that example does not even remotely apply to me. I'm poor. I did receive major breakthroughs in other areas of my life though. I'm tempted to share but I don't think I can bring myself to humbleness about it. I think it's best kept secret. It's not going to help people seeking God because we need to seek God for who He is, the truth, not for the miracles and wonders and Not for the things He can do for us but simply for who He is.
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I think some of you may be familiar with Healing/blessing testimonies where a member would walk up to the stage and share a story about trials or hardships where somehow the Lord provided a miracle and got them out of their bad situation.

However, Jesus told some of the people He healed NOT to tell other people about their miraculous healing - Mark 7:36.

I think the reason why Jesus said such thing so that people would not be drawn into Christianity under the wrong motives such as healing, material prosperity, etc (John 6:26). Because such things don't matter when compared to the saving truth - the Word of God as opposed to the lies and false teachings of the world that wormed its way into "Christian teachings".

Another reason why sharing accounts of Lord's miracle in our lives might be wrong is that it can be a source of pride for the person sharing the testimony. To let everyone know they have the Lord's favor upon them and righteous in their ways. Self-righteousness and conceitedness. I'm not saying everyone feels that way when they share their miraculous healings, financial miracles on the pulpit but it's a very strong temptation to feel that way when you do.

So why put up with it when Lord is telling us NOT to do it that it can mislead (deceive) people into having the wrong intentions for becoming a Christian and also presents itself as a strong temptation to have sinful thoughts?

I wrote this topic because I thought of sharing a testimony but also felt strongly NOT to. I felt strongly I might be doing a wrong thing because I might be only doing it to feed my pride even though it's not in my mind at all... The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9

The secrecy is part of the unique theme of the Gospel of Mark, the "Messianic Secret".
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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The secrecy is part of the unique theme of the Gospel of Mark, the "Messianic Secret".

Jesus also did it with parables which basically a coded message.

Matthew 7:6
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

What many Christians don't know about Jesus is that Jesus did not indiscriminately preach all the Gospel to anyone. Jesus did preach but did not tell everything to everyone. Some are only reserved for the disciples.

Still, not everything applied to the disciples.

The biggest tragedy in Christianity is not knowing what teaching in the Bible still applies to us and those that don't. This is the reason why Christianity has many divisions and even complicit to the growing corruption of humanity.
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It's not wrong to give your testimony especially if you are glorifying God, there is a time and place. I've witnessed healing and it happened to me in Sept 2023 from a heart attack.
I actually know too well how some testimonies (not all) have similar negative effects as social media like facebook.
But, Paul is talking about eating but you can replace eat with just about anything that applies to life including "Healing/blessing testimonies". If you are doubting then it's best not. If someone starts a thread giving his testimony on healing I don't think it would be wrong to share yours so both of you can praise God. There are a lot of Christians who don't believe in that, I included 13 years ago because I never saw anything like it in 50 years of living on this earth.

Rom 14:21
It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.

Rom 14:22
So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves.

Rom 14:23
But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.[fn]
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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If someone starts a thread giving his testimony on healing I don't think it would be wrong to share yours so both of you can praise God. There are a lot of Christians who don't believe in that, I included 13 years ago because I never saw anything like it in 50 years of living on this earth.

I think it's more okay for someone to make a testimony thread in a forum because we have the freedom to view a thread or not.

Not the same level of freedom in a church setting to hear someone give a testimony.

You can walk out of the church building to avoid hearing a testimony but it's not going to look good. So people will just sit through the testimony even if they don't like it to avoid the embarrassment of walking out.

Rom 14:21
It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.
Rom 14:22
So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves.

Exactly. It It is a fact, not every Christian reacts positively to testimonies and may cause them to sin.

A common example is a Christian waiting for healing for 20 years and still never had their miracle while other Christians gets their healing prayers answered overnight or in a week and sharing their miracles in church testimonies.

The Christian who never had their miracle for 20 years might feel encouraged by testimonies at first but as time drags on, they might eventually feel abandoned by God, thinking God is unfair or even blame God. Eventually, they might even leave Christianity and fall into sin.

Jesus said that miracles pale in importance against believing in Him. In fact, Jesus even sounded disappointed if you only followed Him because of the miracles (John chapter 6). It just seems right, together with other examples in the Bible that it's better NOT sharing testimonies (except for testimonies of salvation).
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You can walk out of the church building to avoid hearing a testimony but it's not going to look good. So people will just sit through the testimony even if they don't like it to avoid the embarrassment of walking out.
Sadly there are too many judgmental Christians and many are like I was not believing till it happened.
A common example is a Christian waiting for healing for 20 years and still never had their miracle while other Christians gets their healing prayers answered overnight or in a week and sharing their miracles in church testimonies.
Multiple times I've asked why me but I'm thankful. I was born again at 35 years old and was a dirtbag until 50. Today my bag is a little cleaner than my youth. Who knows the mind of God???
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Sadly there are too many judgmental Christians and many are like I was not believing till it happened.

Other Christians being judgmental isn't just the problem.

Another problem I already talked about are Christians getting bitter at God why he answers prayers of others while theirs never get an answer. (why not me?)

And the 3rd problem which is in the OP, which I'm also guilty of is the feeling of pride, self-righteousness, the opposite of humility when sharing testimonies.

There's more than one way testimonies can lead to sin (Remember what Apostle said that some good things can lead another to sin) and since miracles are far less important than believing in Jesus, the message of salvation, knowing the truth then it stands to reason, we must treat testimonies with utmost care with extreme sensitivity or even just keep it to ourselves (there are times Jesus preferred it that way). Not like "they're Christians, they can deal with it".

Because if act with indifference, we'd make it seem like it's a brother or sister's fault why they're not having miracles in their lives. And that is not the case at all. At the end of the day, it's all up to God's will. Not by the might of our faith but His Will.
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Another problem I already talked about are Christians getting bitter at God why he answers prayers of others while theirs never get an answer. (why not me?)
But it's not your worry about their relationship with God. If bitter that is something they have to work out with God. Everyone needs to work their own salvation.
And the 3rd problem which is in the OP, which I'm also guilty of is the feeling of pride, self-righteousness, the opposite of humility when sharing testimonies.
If you feel that way then we go back to Romans. If I get on a thread that says God's power doesn't work today I'll disagree. Also, we read things depending on our egos and make judgments based on our emotions. I've done it on these forums. I blame ADHD,NOT that's something I work out with God and anger issues.
There's more than one way testimonies can lead to sin
Call it what it is jealousy. I asked for a red wagon and didn't get it but he did. Each has to work on his salvation with God.
Because if act with indifference, we'd make it seem like it's a brother or sister's fault why they're not having miracles in their lives. And that is not the case at all. At the end of the day, it's all up to God's will. Not by the might of our faith but His Will.
I can't help how someone else feels because God and I know the truth.
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Jun 21, 2023
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I think the reason why Jesus said such thing so that people would not be drawn into Christianity

When Jesus said "not to tell" He was not talking to "Christians", as there were none of those Yet.

See, you can't have a CHRISTian, until you have a DEAD Savior who rose from the Dead., which is the birthday of Christianity.

So, when Jesus was talking to the House of Israel, He told them a few things that are not doctrinally applicable to the body of Christ.

And about Healing..........

The Born again, are to go into the "Throne of Grace with Boldness, in time of need".

God wants us to be CONFIDENT that He is on our side, and the fact that He gave His Son to us, is certainly proof.

God wants His Children, the born again, to share your heart, and your concerns with Him, as the more you do, the less God seems..."way up there".....

Here is something for you to try..

Tonight when you are in bed.....say...>"God night Lord, Good night Father, i love you."

And Tomorrow when you get up....>"Good morning Lord, Good morning Father....I love you"...

Do that for the rest of you life., Reader.

See, Faith is Trust, and to trust is to be convinced.. And the way we get our prayers answered is to KNOW that God's WILL.. His own WILL is to answer our prayers and help us, everytime, and all the time.

Here is how to judge your prayer.. when you want to know.....>"is this one that God would want to answer, should"?

Its like this..

If you have Children, or once you do.......And they NEED you........will you help them?


Its the same with God and you., Reader.

Just like that.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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But it's not your worry about their relationship with God. If bitter that is something they have to work out with God. Everyone needs to work their own salvation.

But we shouldn't act like we don't care if others sin because of our actions.

1 Corinthians 8:13
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.

Paul is not saying here that eating meat is a sin but I think you get it that some Christians might find it offensive or even become judgmental if they see you eat meat. In this case, Paul would rather quit eating meat.

We can say the same thing about Church testimonies. Ironically, even good/righteous works can cause other Christians to stumble. That's why:

Matthew 6:3
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Call it what it is jealousy. I asked for a red wagon and didn't get it but he did. Each has to work on his salvation with God.

If any of our actions may cause another to sin then we should either stop doing it or start doing it discreetly (in secret).

It brings us back to 1 Corinthians 8:13. I do recommend reading the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 8. Not every good thing have good outcomes. Some have to be done in secrecy.

If you know someone who will be edified by your testimonies, then you can share your testimonies with him or her. However, I'm also an astute observer of human behavior. Many people just pretend to like hearing my testimonies but deep inside them, they don't like what they're hearing. They begin to harbor ill feelings and outright lie and therefore, sin. So I'm no longer sharing testimonies, at least most of them anyway. I'll carefully pick the ones I could share.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2023
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But we shouldn't act like we don't care if others sin because of our actions.
You misunderstand. You mentioned a testimony page and if you were to give your experience and someone gets offended by reading it, it's on them. At church, if people were asked to give testimony of their experience with God and they told the truth God definitely wouldn't hold it against them. If I didn't like what they were saying it's on me.

Back in the day pork was a thing or sacrificial meat. I would intentionally prepare or eat with them Knowing that they disapprove. I've said all I have to say on this.
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