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Statement of Purpose Christian Preppers Statement of Purpose

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Jul 2, 2003
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Christian Preppers Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Christian Preppers forum is to inform and encourage other believers to consider prepping. Prepping is the act of preparing for catastrophic events (war, terrorist attacks), natural disasters (earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, extended drought), and tribulations - Biblical or non-Biblical. The hope is, that in real life, Christian believers would then share their efforts and work towards building local communities of Christian Preppers who will help each other, and help the needy in the event that trouble comes. It is also to encourage Christians to be good stewards and learn self-reliance from government or corporate help in regards to daily life (i.e. power, food, water). This can include ways to make or do things yourself - DIY.

Every generation and nation has endured calamity. Whether it be war, economic depression, natural catastrophe, civil unrest, or some other trouble no nation has been immune from evil. Unfortunately, most people are not prepared for even a brief local emergency much less a national or world wide disaster. As Christians we are responsible, to the best of our ability, for the care and nurturing of our families and even fellow believers. If we see signs of trouble coming, we, as faithful and responsible servants, should prepare. Paul establishes the importance of our responsibility toward our families.

1 Timothy 5:8
"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

Our hope is that this forum will help believers to focus on:
  • prepping for self-reliance and self sufficiency
  • prepping as an function of Christian fellowship and sharing
  • church prepping activity to help feed the hungry
  • family-centric prepping which is the core of prepping responsibility
  • good stewardship of the resources God has provided

Some specific guidelines for this forum include:

1. This is a safehouse forum for Christian Preppers, criticizing or mocking preppers for being preppers, is not allowed.
2. This forum is intended to be informational and not for debate. There may be some disagreements, but these should be handled with grace towards one another rather than attacking one another.
3. Christian preppers may seek to convince others to begin prepping. This is not debating, this is simply one function of this forum.
4. No political campaigning. Christian Preppers come from all political groups and independents. While many preppers have strong political beliefs and ideologies, our desire is to put Christ above any differences and promote fellowship around God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son.
5. No fear-mongering. Christian Prepping is not about ideological paranoia and fear.
6. While discussion of arming for self protection is allowed, promotion of sedition or the joining of militias to resist the government is not allowed. Illegal activities may not be encouraged or promoted.
7. Please remember the copyright rule when posting Do It Yourself (DIY) ideas from other sites.

Handling Disagreements

Members who participate in the Christian Preppers forum are expected to treat one another with courtesy and respect at all times, ESPECIALLY when you disagree with each other. It is not a flame for a member to disagree with another member's argument or opinion on a specific topic.
  • When you disagree, address the context of the post and not the poster.
  • When you disagree with someone's position, you should post evidence and supporting statements for your position. This policy, sometimes referred to as "X means Y because of Z", must be followed especially when posting claims that are widely considered to be controversial.
  • When you disagree and you find yourself becoming frustrated and angry, step away from the computer and give yourself time to cool down.
  • Always proofread your post before hitting the "Reply" button to make sure you have responded with courtesy and respect.
All posts are expected to be in compliance with the CF sitewide rules.

If you have issues with another member and can't work it out or are disgruntled about a staff decision, please click on the "Support" tab in the header navigation bar, or "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page, and open a new support ticket. Discussion of members or staff actions in the forums is considered disruptive and can result in additional staff actions.
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