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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Buying a corvette is wrong?.
      All that we have is given to us by the Lord, and actually belongs to Him. There’s nothing inherently wrong with having nice things, but...
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      Well that's good to know. I suppose it's useless to continue walking into churches where I have 2 strikes against me. If the Lord...
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      Thank you for your reply! Yes, I typically do better with writing than speaking. I do wish to return to in-person church as Hebrews...
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      I hope you find a church that works for you Steven! It's just sad when churches shun those who are not exactly like they are. Always...
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      ThomasNV reacted to AlexB23's post in the thread Autistic Christian with Like Like.
      They do have churches for the deaf, or churches with interpreters. I will pray for you. Also, a lot of folks in the US focus on...
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      ThomasNV reacted to Rescued One's post in the thread Autistic Christian with Like Like.
      Welcome, Thomas, and everyone. I have non-Christian relatives who are autistic, 100% blind, Down's syndrome, PTSD, etc. Most of my...
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      ThomasNV reacted to ozso's post in the thread Autistic Christian with Like Like.
      One thing with bigger churches is they have families with kids so the members can be overly reactive regarding a man who "doesn't seem...
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      I personally think that's a great idea and it's worked well for me. I've been attending online services regularly for a couple of years...
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      Amen...thank you NBB!
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      Thank you Riley!
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      ThomasNV replied to the thread Autistic Christian.
      Thank you for your kind reply, Alex! One thing I've learned, is that virtually every church is geared toward the "normal" "average"...
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      Hi everyone! I'm an autistic Christian who has been rejected at every church (except one) that I've ever walked into. I'm hoping to...
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