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Recent content by Reader Antonius

  1. Reader Antonius

    "Apologia Pro Ritu Romano Unico" – A Basic Defense of the One Roman Rite Among Christian Liturgies

    Páx Vóbíscum. Ειρήνη Σε Όλους!, שלום עליכם! Laudétur Iesus Christus! Unfortunately, in our times, the one ("unicus") Roman Rite of the Latin Church within Catholic Christianity has been widely criticized. Certainly, there is room for such critique, as no liturgical form is perfect, for no...
  2. Reader Antonius

    Papal Maximalism, Papal Minimalism, or Via Mediális?

    Yet, for all the valuable hermeneutical qualities that +Gasser brings to "Pastor Aeternus," it is the latter that's the Church's teaching, not +Gasser. It is De Fide that Ecumenical Councils. insofar, as their teachings (whole or in part) are confirmed by St. Peter's Successor, are *infallible*...
  3. Reader Antonius

    Papal Maximalism, Papal Minimalism, or Via Mediális?

    Peace. Δόξα Ιησού Χριστό!, שלום עליכם! Laudétur Iesus Christus! I was surprised this didn't get more takers, especially since so many OBOB members who have shared on the topic would, I suspect, reject any kind of Papal maximalism. Regardless, if this is thread is fated to be buried like so...
  4. Reader Antonius

    Papal Maximalism, Papal Minimalism, or Via Mediális?

    Peace. Δόξα Ιησού Χριστό!, שלום עליכם! Laudétur Iesus Christus! What follows is a genuine, sincere attempt on my part – both for my own benefit, but hopefully also for other Catholic Christians, East or West – to discuss the nuances of Catholic dogma & doctrine regarding the issues surrounding...
  5. Reader Antonius

    "The Indefectible Church of Rome" – A Crucial Teaching in the Age of Pope Francis

    Perhaps I am in too deep, but I do have a duty. So, I need to better myself...to "do what I can." And I thank you for the care you've shown me here. I think my intentions were grievously misunderstood, and I accept responsibility for any role in that. I had no intention (nor even memory of...
  6. Reader Antonius

    "The Indefectible Church of Rome" – A Crucial Teaching in the Age of Pope Francis

    Yes, indeed. I have acted poorly to you with arrogance, and sinned on top of it. Even if you do not see this, I again offer my sincere apologies for my words, ask your forgiveness for my sins, and beg you to pray for me. I will repent and endeavor to be charitable as much as I am able...and if...
  7. Reader Antonius

    "The Indefectible Church of Rome" – A Crucial Teaching in the Age of Pope Francis

    Peace. Δόξα Ιησού Χριστό!, שלום עליכם! Laudetur Iesus Christus! It is my hope and endeavor to correct the deficiencies in the OP later today, so as to make clear what is not and to correct what is false. The overall theological & ecclesiological conclusion is sound, but the OP was written in a...
  8. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    Honestly, this is probably the saddest post I've ever read here. Distilled it amounts to: "The Faith of the Apostles must be simple or its wrong on the face of it." Have you dared to read the Patristic corpus on Trinitarianism or the Hypostatic Union & Incarnation? Have you ever seriously...
  9. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    And this matters to the Truth because....? How about when the entire East was Arian, Semi-Arian, or Iconoclast (in that latter, along with the Gallic West)? Or when the French Gallicans & German Catholics were infested with Modernism & Gallican heresies about the Papacy? Or when Eutychianism...
  10. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    Again, you can't just say things and it be so. It's not irrelevant if you understand Catholic doctrine on blessings. Liturgical blessings with a basis deriving from Sacraments are very different from spontaneous blessings. For example, even I, as an Instituted Lector, *cannot* bless water and...
  11. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    But that assumes that the priest or deacon being approached knows with certainty that those asking for the blessing are a same-sex couple. As with my friends above; they aren't gay nor living in sin, but because people thought they were, one priest rejected blessing them. This was deeply unjust...
  12. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    Fascinating. Now we might be getting to the meat to your objections. It's the gay part, isn't it? That's the part you find so problematic. And no, you can't just cry "sophistry" and have it mean anything. You deal with an argument substantively or not. Even Socrates debated with Sophists...
  13. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    Agreed! The key there being the three aspects of mortal sin: full knowledge, full consent, grave matter. In the case of a same-sex couple who has no intent to repent, or (worse) seek legitimation, cannot be blessed if the priest is *aware* of this. Yep. But that's not what Fiducia Supplicans...
  14. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    That may be how it appears, but that's besides the point. Many cultures were convinced that the sun literally rose in the morning and went away at night. By all appearances, they weren't wrong. But that wasn't what was really going on was it? Ultimately, here, your argument rests on appearances...
  15. Reader Antonius

    Pope Francis Responds to Resistance to Fiducia Supplicans: ‘The Lord Blesses Everyone’

    Uh...yeah. A combination of an instituted Lector taking his job seriously, mixed with a Dominican past. The truth of God doesn't always fit on a bumper plate, unfortunately. ;)