Recent content by PloverWing

  1. PloverWing

    What happens when gay pride and queers for Palestine meet together?

    Thanks. I had assumed that the video in the Fox News article was the video from the X tweet, but I see I was mistaken. The X video shows several fights at different times through the day. The video gives no context for the cause of the fights. I note three things as I watch the video and...
  2. PloverWing

    I want to date and marry, but I'm an "effeminate" Christian man. What do I do?

    There are women out there who fit the description you've given, and who are tired of pretending to be feminine just to find a man. Some of them may be delighted to meet someone like you. I see nothing wrong with you. I hope you find a woman with whom you can be yourself, and who can be...
  3. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    As Christians, we are called to help and protect all of our neighbors, but especially those who are the most vulnerable.
  4. PloverWing

    What happens when gay pride and queers for Palestine meet together?

    The most reliable news organization I could find that covered the incident was (forgive me) Fox News: Anti-Israel demonstrators seen on video bringing Philadelphia Pride Parade to a halt . Their article includes a video and some still photos. Toward the end of the article, it says that "Pride...
  5. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    In the US, in the last few decades, some major civil rights laws have been passed and some landmark Supreme Court cases have been decided. As a result, police no longer raid gay bars or arrest gay couples for having sex in the privacy of their homes. The remaining violence in my country is done...
  6. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

  7. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    If the message is "we disapprove of gay people", then I agree that proclaiming this message is unnecessary. As you say, they already know. When I imagine a positive message that a conservative might send, one message might be something like: "Gay couples are not allowed to be members of my...
  8. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    I like this latest version. I think it's a respectful and positive message.
  9. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    How about: "I do not celebrate Pride with you, but I will protect your humanity." I'm undecided about the Bible verse. John 8:7, a little earlier in the same story ("Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her"), is a possible alternative. I do like that...
  10. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    I think I might switch the order, so that the positive comes at the end, something like: "I disagree with you, but I will protect your safety."
  11. PloverWing

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    Remembering that Pride Month grew out of Stonewall, could you craft a meme that says that you're a conservative Christian but you stand against anti-gay violence? That could be a positive message to communicate. I don't have the skill of turning ideas into pithy memes, though, so that part...
  12. PloverWing

    Favorite Theologians

    Two of the authors who influenced me a great deal earlier in my life were Walter Rauschenbusch and Rudolf Otto. Two contemporary authors whose works I've been reading are N. T. Wright and Esau McCaulley.
  13. PloverWing

    What were the sins of Sodom?

    I find that reading entire passages, instead of isolated words in isolated verses, sharpens my literary thinking. The chapters in question have already been cited, and we all own Bibles. I am content to end my participation in the discussion at this point.
  14. PloverWing

    What were the sins of Sodom?

    Correction: the sin recorded in Genesis 19 is attempted rape. This is consistent with Jude 1, in that rape is a sexual act that is deeply immoral. On Ezekiel 16, I'm not so sure it was just the women. In the whole chapter, various nations are personified in feminine terms, as "daughters" and...
  15. PloverWing

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    To my American ears, this sounds like you're complaining about the ways that US civil rights laws have made racial segregation illegal. Is that really what you meant to say?