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This was your life
Still my favorite tract, here my animated version of it, and unlike the original it also shows the necessity of baptism:
Thank you. I will have to check it out later. My belief in water baptism is complicated. I would say that if a Christian refuses to be water baptized (because of a false belief, or they simply are rebellious, etc.), I believe they would be in trouble with the Lord involving their right standing with Him. Water baptism is a part of our Sanctification in living a holy life after we are saved by God's grace. In the early church, we can see that was usually done immediately (Which we should try to replicate if possible). That said, I also believe that not all believers are given the opportunity to be water-baptized due to various circumstances. The thief on the cross was not given this opportunity and I believe he was saved by God's grace through faith 100%. But if the thief lived out his faith and did not die on the cross, he would have been water-baptized as a part of his faith. I also believe that some Christians may live in regions or places on our planet where finding the correct body of believers is extremely difficult and almost nearly impossible. Naturally, a born-again believer will want to have the heart to seek opportunities to be water-baptized, but if they do not find any believers who believe as they do, or there are none around after many years of searching, I believe the Lord will not hold it against them because of the circumstances. In other words, I believe water baptism is not for salvation issue, but it can be a salvation issue if a believer thinks they do not have to be water-baptized.

The most important thing that must happen first is being baptized into the Spirit which happens if a person genuinely first accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior while they are broken up over their past life of sin (Seeking to turn away from them).
I would love to one day create my own comic book tracts. I would do things differently than Chick tracts in that I would also teach a person that they not only need to be initially saved by God's grace through faith (Which is an aspect of salvation without works) (Ephesians 2:8-9), but they also need to enter the secondary aspect of salvation in that God has chosen you to salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and a belief of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:13) (cf. Galatians 6:8-9, Romans 8:13, 1 Timothy 5:8, etc.). This means we are to live a holy life and be fruitful as a part of God's plan of salvation after we are saved by God's grace. Many today take Romans 3 as an excuse that even believers cannot ever possibly live a righteous life (Which runs contrary to verses like 2 Corinthians 7:1, etc.). Yes, all believers have sinned as a part of their old life, and they can even sometimes stumble. But we are to confess and forsake our sins to the Lord Jesus and seek to overcome sin in this life (1 John 2:1, 1 John 1:9). My concern by Chick Publications and those like them is that they don't actually believe the secondary aspect of salvation as spoken about in 2 Thessalonians 2:13. This is why I want to provide my own tracts one day (Lord willing).
Thank you. I will have to check it out later. My belief in water baptism is complicated. I would say that if a Christian refuses to be water baptized (because of a false belief, or they simply are rebellious, etc.), I believe they would be in trouble with the Lord involving their right standing with Him. Water baptism is a part of our Sanctification in living a holy life after we are saved by God's grace. In the early church, we can see that was usually done immediately (Which we should try to replicate if possible). That said, I also believe that not all believers are given the opportunity to be water-baptized due to various circumstances. The thief on the cross was not given this opportunity and I believe he was saved by God's grace through faith 100%. But if the thief lived out his faith and did not die on the cross, he would have been water-baptized as a part of his faith. I also believe that some Christians may live in regions or places on our planet where finding the correct body of believers is extremely difficult and almost nearly impossible. Naturally, a born-again believer will want to have the heart to seek opportunities to be water-baptized, but if they do not find any believers who believe as they do, or there are none around after many years of searching, I believe the Lord will not hold it against them because of the circumstances. In other words, I believe water baptism is not for salvation issue, but it can be a salvation issue if a believer thinks they do not have to be water-baptized.

The most important thing that must happen first is being baptized into the Spirit which happens if a person genuinely first accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior while they are broken up over their past life of sin (Seeking to turn away from them).
I agree. Another thing I dislike in the original tract is an angel opening the book of life. It gives God a bad impression of a lazy old man. I suppose in reality God will open up the book Himself.
I agree. Another thing I dislike in the original tract is an angel opening the book of life. It gives God a bad impression of a lazy old man. I suppose in reality God will open up the book Himself.
When it comes to the things of God, we should always try to keep it as Biblical as possible. It assumes something that may or may not be true. The focus should be on Jesus judging men because the Bible makes that fact clear. I also would not show Jesus’ face while on Earth, either.
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