You're referring to the wrong crime here. Trump was found guilty of violating
NY law 175.10, Falsifying business records in the first degree. This is a felony. The misdemeanor is NY law
175.05, Falsifying business records in the second degree.
As to the statute of limitations, that is paused if the defendant leaves the state. Trump did that, his legal residence is in Florida. Plus which, there's the four years he resided in Washington DC.
Whether or not there are issues with this specific case is something the appeals court may or may not rule on. It would depend on if those issues resulted in procedural or legal errors that affected the outcome. I don't profess to have sufficient knowledge to know whether or not that is the case, so I won't comment on that.
However, I don't believe for one second that those issues, whatever they may be, are the reason some people voted for Donald Trump. I'm certain that most people who voted for Trump did so regardless of this case or any of the other legal cases against him. They simply did not care that Trump was guilty of 34 counts of felony fraud. Why they didn't care, I have no idea.
Look at it this way: if during the 2024 election, a third party candidate came into the race, who had been convicted of fraud 34 times (or more, as Trump does have other fraud convictions behind him), would just under half the voting public have supported that candidate? Unlikely.
So, it wasn't
because of those convictions. I'd say it was
despite them.
-- A2SG, though, I suppose there are some out there who might vote for a felon simply because he's a felon....who can say?