There is information everywhere and on both sides of the discussion. The question is what to trust and why you trust it? If indeed we worships humans then every word spoken by the philosopher is scripture. But if we worship God then we trust every word spoken by God. The universe? Who knows anything about that? I assuringly know little to nothing about the universe. I've never even left the earth, let along travel the vast expanse of the universe. But then again, who has? Nobody.
Sckientists know very little about the oceans and know even less about the universe. You have to realize that cosmology is a pseudoscience, or, to put it better, philosophy. The philosophies of the stars have not changed from ancient times to now. Same theories from the same players. Now this is hard for some to understand who have not read classical literature. But I assure you that its all there. The entire theory of evolution is ancient -- even the early church, as early as the 2nd century A.D., refuted evolution theory. But back then it was not called evolution. It was more of a reference point to an uncreated universe that led to uncreated life that emerged spontaneously (which is where evolution came from and from the books Darwin was reading).
I believe evolution theory is there to scare and intimidate Christians from having a solid relationship with Christ. The theory will lead many believers to have trust issues with God and His word. They may want to make the Bible conform to man's thoughts and teachings. But God's ways are higher then man's ways and we all need to make the choice whether or not to trust God or to trust the ways of the world. Do not confuse philosophy with science and scientific method. This is the most common mistake made by both sides of the debate today. Evolutionists do not apply scientific method to any of their research, Its all made up. Its philosophy and philosophy is the practice of words....eloquent speech that is used to convince others that the philosopher's opinion is correct and your believes are wrong. That's all it is. Trust God and understand that evolution theory is there to intimidate you into submissive worship of man and his form of government.