This Year, Leave Diet Behind and Live!
For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. -Romans 8
Do you know why most diets fail? Because the idea of depriving oneself of something is a hard one. And we can see how this plays out in the Word of God. If the Word of God is true, then it applies to all of life.
The key to losing weight and eating healthier is not to deprive oneself (although in its proper place, there is room for that too). The key is to find something one loves more than food.
Think about it. Remember a time when you went without food, not because you didn't have a choice, but because you were so involved in something that you cared for more at the time; something you loved more, that you didn't even want to stop to eat.
Jesus told us that in the two greatest commandments the law was fulfilled. Sure it is for if one loves God with all, and neighbor as self, not stealing, or committing adultery, or murdering, etc, will not be a struggle.
So, what does that have to do with dieting? I'm just saying, the same principle applies. Hearing how we shouldn't eat too much, or eat a specific dish, is like being given a law based on the knowledge of good and evil. Knowledge alone has no power to change us within, but love does.
Jesus came to give us that by way of his Spirit. God's love, the fruit of the Spirit, makes giving up the unhealthy as natural as breathing. By contrast the law makes demands, but gives us no power to overcome.
Listen, if you are a believer, you have died with Christ, that is the old you. Stop fixating on what you are not supposed eat, whether physical or spiritually and get on with living. Soar above it all with Him.
You'll know when you are off. Feeling hateful, bitter, lust, jealous, etc, bring it to Him who cleanses you from all unrighteousness.
Some would have you believe that those of us who understand this principle and don't want to fixate on sin are a bunch of heathens with no regards to obeying God and denying ourselves. Maybe that is the case for some, but not here. I just understand that fixating on myself and the problem will not move me forward. It takes me to the end of myself, but doesn't move me forward. There is a bigger problem than sin. Sin is just the manifestation of our need for something more, his Spirit / Heart. We need to look to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Put our faith in Him and what our Heavenly Father has done in Him and get on with living life in his Spirit of Love and soar.
God doesn't want children that are afraid of Him and therefore obey. Yet, He will use that for a time to prevent us from completely destroying ourselves, but that is not the goal.
God wants us to obey because we love Him and trust that He knows what is good for us. Therefore, let us grow up and move out of self-centered fear into God's love.