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We were told to act in servitude to God and each other, not live our lives looking out for number one and what can be gained at the expense of others. That applies not only in home life but all the way up to global rule. One need only turn on their tv or smart phone to see the world does not have servitude to each other as its default setting which makes the world at large anti-Christ in its ways, and us willing participants.

Failure of religion to teach the Gospel of the Kingdom as an alternative for almost 2000 years has not helped rectify this situation. It must first admit it rejected the Kingdom to re-join forces with the world of man and change/repent before it can start teaching against itself for that indiscretion. That would be an earth shaking event in the history of man as division returned to being between the Kingdom and our world we have made, rather than division amongst 8 billion people. The Adversary is still in control however, and we, as a species, seem to like it that way for the most part.

© ...timothyu