Is Sleeping At Last a Christian Band?

Sleeping At Last began as a musical project by songwriter and vocalist Ryan O’Neal. The trio of Ryan, his brother drummer Chad O’Neal and a friend, bassist Dan Perdue, operated as Sleeping At Last in Wheaton, Illinois from 1999.

The band has been defined by its distinctive songwriting pattern and dramatic vocals which earned it a local audience in Wheaton. With time, the band gained national attention, leading to their partnership with Interscope Record label in 2002.

Sleeping At Last independently released 4 studio albums between 2000 and 2009 and by 2011 both drummer Chad and bassist Perdue left the band, leaving vocalist Ryan O’Neal as the only member. 

Sleeping At Last continued as a solo project with Ryan O’Neal serving as the band’s songwriter, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist. The artist continued his project of creating beautiful melodies for his growing fanbase who have also been asking questions about the religious status of the band. Many listeners have raised debates about the band being a Christian band. An analysis of the band’s lyrical composition, public comments, and beliefs in this article will provide an answer to the question.

Is Sleeping At Last a Religious Band?

Is Sleeping At Last a Religious Band?

A religious band produces songs based on the religious influences of a particular religion. Songs by such bands use religious imagery to engage deeply with listeners.

On different occasions, the band has revealed that they are not a religious band, although they believe in God and religion and these have somehow influenced their music. Songs by Sleeping At Last are spiritually crafted with endowed and melodic lyrics.

The band’s only remaining member, Ryan O’Neal had revealed that religion and spirituality play a significant role in his music but he is not overtly religious. He has outrightly expressed his faith and beliefs in interviews and how much religion has impacted his music. He is known for alluding to his faith in his songs.

Ryan and his brother Chad were raised in religious homes. Both parents were Christians and they attended the Willow Creek Church in Barrington, Wheaton. Sleeping At Last, for the past 22 years has remained true to its mission in the music scene, one of which is the intention to make its songs appealing to a diverse audience even if they are embedded with religious messages. 

In an interview with The Vogue, Ryan stated: 

Our faith is a big part of who we are, but we have always intended our music to be for anyone that cares to listen, no matter who they are or what they believe in. Everyone hears a song in a different light.”

In an interview with Timothy Willard of the Edges Collective, he mentioned that his songs are beautifully made and beauty is of God as reflected in his songs. In his words:

Beauty is hope. The overwhelming feeling of awe. The cause of goosebumps. Light. A combination of things that resonate deeply somewhere within our souls. Beauty is the remnants of God.’

Below is a typical example of the band’s song that contains deep religious messages.

“I see God in symmetry

I see God in our make-believe

I see God in our grand attempts

To make something beautiful before life ends 

I see God in healing bones

In the sanctuary of our homes

I see God in the wilderness

In our magnetism to recklessness”

The lyrics above from “Sight” by Sleeping At Last, is used to celebrate a supreme being and tell listeners that he sees this supreme being(God) in all beauty and aspects of life.

What Kind of Music Band is Sleeping At Last?

As an independent music band, Sleeping At Last, has been described as an alternative rock band.

The band has been confidently shining amongst independent artists for the past years. Alternative rock gained popularity in the 1990s and has been used to describe a music band free from the commercial or mainstream media.

There is no particular music style for alternative rock bands because these bands incorporate a wide range of elements into their songs. However, they are sometimes known to mostly make use of distorted guitars. The lyrical composition of songs by an alternative rock band usually addresses social and economic issues like drug abuse, depression, bad leadership, etc.

Sleeping At Last has also been notable for blending elements of indie rock, emo, Christian, and chamber pop genres in their music. These genres of music are characterized by emotional and confessional lyrics, soft or loud guitar dynamics, and some DIY influences. The band has also been categorized as a Christian genre. This is evident in the way Ryan expresses his personal beliefs regarding Christianity in most of his songs, to create soul-lifting and spiritually crafted songs that will appeal to both Christian and secular audiences.

In an interview with The Edges Collective and vocalist Ryan, he revealed that he has always been inspired by visual and emotional music which has also influenced the band’s music style.

The band explores a myriad of themes in their songs, some of which are; religion, faith, hope, depression, darkness, humility, forgiveness, anxiety, love, romance, pain, and emotions.

Sleeping At Last has successfully released 4 full-length albums, a significant number of EPs and has churned out several singles. The band has produced songs to be used as soundtracks in top movies. For instance “Turning Page” by Sleeping At Last”, was used in “Twilight Saga: breaking down” and “All through the Night” was used in “The Vampires Diaries”.

Is Sleeping At Last a Christian Band?

Is Sleeping At Last a Christian Band?

A Christian band is a band whose songs portray the beliefs and practices of Christianity. Members of a Christian band are usually Christians who have openly affirmed their faith in the religion and their lifestyles depict true Christianity. The lyrical composition of a Christian band’s song is usually anchored on the pillars, structures, and teachings of the Christian faith.

A Christian band can be defined by the type and style of music the band churns out and the band member’s Christian beliefs. Also, to be labeled a Christian band, such a band must openly identify itself as a Christian band.

Some music bands produce songs that are considered Christian, however, some of these bands do not want to be pigeonholed as Christian bands because they do not want to be limited and they believe their songs contain other elements that will appeal to audiences from diverse backgrounds. Some atheist or anti-religious audiences might turn away from a band because they’ve been labeled “Christian” and this is what many music bands are trying to avoid.

Sleeping At Last is one such band that doesn’t want to be labeled as a Christian band. The artist has been able to perfectly blend his music art with his Christian beliefs to produce intriguing songs that do not sound too Christian or make people feel like they are being forced to adopt the religion.

Sleeping At Last has always had links with Christianity. In its early days, the duo of Ryan and Chad started their career playing in churches and other Christian gatherings and festivals.

When asked by Theologia in an interview if Sleeping At Last is a Christian band, vocalist Ryan stated the following 

“I hate to use the old “We’re not a ‘Christian band,’ we’re Christians in a band…” thing, but… since we began, we’ve felt very passionate about making our music available to anyone kind enough to listen, no matter who they are or what they believe in. We’ve also always aimed to write music that is as sincere as possible and that incorporates everything that means a lot to us.

“Our faith is a very big part of our lives, so naturally it comes through in our songs in a lot of ways. We never try to tone it down or up. And that’s sort of how we’ve approached our faith and music from the beginning. We’re privileged to play music for anyone with an open ear.”

Sleeping At Last Christian Songs 

As a band that started with devout Christian members, their songs are usually influenced by Christian beliefs. These beliefs are organic and genuine and flow all through the song.

Many songs by the band have been listed as contemporary Christian songs and have been used in religious gatherings. Examples of such songs include:

O Holy Night – Sleeping At Last 

O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining

It is the night of our dear Saviour’s birth

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

‘Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn”

O  Come, O Come Emmanuel – Sleeping At Last

“O come, O come, Thou Lord of might

Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height

In ancient times didst give the law

In the cloud, and majesty and awe 

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel”

Is Sleeping At Last a Satanic Band?

Is Sleeping At Last a Satanic Band?

A Satanic band can be identified from its songs and practices. Members of a satanic band believe in the powers of the devil, their songs portray demon worship and their themes are usually dark and terrifying.

Sleeping At Last has always been identified with Christianity and its songs and practices are linked to the religion. As such, Sleeping At Last is not a Satanic band.

Final Thoughts 

Due to the Christian themes and beliefs portrayed in songs by Sleeping At Last, many listeners already consider the band a Christian band. This might be true to some extent, but since the band intends to reach a wider audience with their music and does not want to be labeled as such, we do not see reasons to disagree.

Think we were wrong? Write your reasoning in the comments and prove us wrong!

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