Americans spend over $1.6 billion every year on tattoos. People of all ages and all walks of life are now getting them. In the past, many Christians saw tattoos as sinful or evil. Now, many of the stigmas around tattoos have lifted, even for Christians. What does God think of tattoos? Can people go to heaven with tattoos? What does the Bible say about them?
What Does The Bible Say About Tattoos?
Where in the Bible does it talk about tattoos? There is only one verse in the Bible that mentions them, Leviticus 19:28. The verse reads, “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.’” This verse clearly prohibits tattoos.
On the surface, this verse seems very clear. However, there are many things in the Old Testament law that Christians do today without a second thought. The Old Testament laws in Leviticus and Deuteronomy also prohibit the eating of pork, wearing fabrics made of two different materials, and clipping the edges of a man’s beard.
Why Don’t Christians Follow All The Old Testament Laws Today?
We can feel confident that we aren’t dishonoring God when we ignore some of these Old Testament prohibitions. God himself freed those who are not Jewish from the need to follow the Old Testament laws.
When Gentiles (people that aren’t Jews) started becoming Christians, God revealed to the apostle Peter that one does not have to become Jewish to follow Jesus and honor God. Additionally, the New Testament demonstrates over and over again that disregarding many of the Old Testament laws is not a sin for non-Jews.
Acts 10:9-23 is one example of this. God gives Peter a vision where He commands him to eat unclean animals. He tells Peter that these things are not unclean anymore. He does this to prepare Peter to visit the house of a Gentile, something that was also considered unlawful for Jews.
Over and over again in the New Testament, God reveals that Christians are not bound by many of the prohibitions in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. They are not to follow the letter of these laws. However, they are called to observe the spirit of the laws, honor God, and live as a people set apart by God.
Why Would God Give These Laws?
God gave the Old Testament laws to the people of Israel after he brought them out of slavery in Egypt. They had spent 400 years living among the Egyptians and were surrounded by their culture.
God wanted the Israelite people to be unique. He wanted them to be holy, a word that just means “set apart.” The Israelites were supposed to be different and distinct from both the place they had come from (Egypt) and the place God was taking them (Canaan).
In the Old Testament law, God prohibits many different kinds of actions. These can be divided into three different categories: moral laws, laws for health and safety, and reminders to be different. Only moral laws are still binding to Christians today.
Some of the “random” actions prohibited in the Old Testament laws we now know were part of the religious practices of the nations surrounding them. God simply wanted the Israelites to remain set apart and not go down any slippery slopes that would lead them to follow other gods. What we know about tattoos in the ancient world confirms that this was probably God’s objection to them for His people.
What Did Tattoos Symbolize in the Ancient World?
Tattoos were mostly used for religious purposes in the ancient world. Archaeological findings support this. Egyptians commonly used tattoos as part of their religious beliefs.
Tattooed mummies have been found in Egypt. Many of these tattoos seem to be permanent amulets, symbols asking the gods for protection. Other tattoos symbolized that a person was set apart or owned by a particular god.
Since God was trying to separate the Israelite people from the religious practices in Egypt, it would make sense that he would not want them to have tattoos. However, tattoos are generally not used in this same way in our culture. Therefore, tattoos are not inherently sinful. We can rest assured that anyone with a tattoo can still find favor in God’s eyes and still go to heaven.
Why Do Some Christians Believe It Is a Sin To Get a Tattoo?
Many older Christians associate tattoos with gangs, drug culture, or other unwise or sinful behavior. They may or may not believe the tattoo itself is sinful, but they don’t see tattoos as a wise thing or a thing that honors God. Other Christians do believe that tattoos are sinful and they point to two verses to prove it.
Leviticus 19:28
Because tattoos are specifically prohibited in Leviticus 19:28, some Christians believe tattoos are sinful. However, those same Christians probably would not call eating pork, wearing cotton blend clothing, or many of the other actions prohibited in the Old Testament law a sin. As we have seen, we have biblical reasons for no longer following these laws.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
There is another Scripture verse that many people point to when they want to argue that tattoos are a sin. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reads, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
While this verse is a great reminder that our bodies are important because they are where the Holy Spirit resides, it doesn’t say anything about tattoos or any other bodily mark (like piercings). In context, the verse is talking about the importance of refraining from sexual sin (specifically engaging in ritualistic prostitution).
We should honor God with our bodies by treating them with respect. We should use them for holy purposes and not for sinful ones. However, there is no biblical evidence that tattoos are sinful, so Christians shouldn’t see tattoos as sinful or a barrier to their spiritual walk.
Are There Biblical Reasons Not to Get a Tattoo?
Though the Bible doesn’t say that tattoos are inherently sinful, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t biblical reasons not to get a tattoo. Depending on your circumstances and your motivation for getting a tattoo, you might not be honoring God by getting one.
Biblical Reasons Getting a Tattoo Might Be a Sin
God originally prohibited tattoos because they were used as a part of religious rituals. Therefore, if you are getting a tattoo as a part of a religious ritual, a cult, or because of superstition, there is a biblical reason not to go forward. You are doing something that does not honor God and instead honors another God, religion, or belief. This is sinful.
The Bible tells us that we should focus on things that are good, noble, and pure. If you are to get a tattoo depicting something that doesn’t meet these qualifications, you might have a biblical reason not to go forward. Obscene words, images, or symbols associated with evil/sin should not be tattooed on the body of someone who loves Jesus.
Biblical Reasons Getting a Tattoo Might Not Be Wise
In the book of Romans, Paul tells the church in Rome that there are things that aren’t explicitly prohibited by God, but some people might think are sinful (because of their culture, life experience, current faith walk, etc.). He calls these things disputable matters. Tattoos can be a disputable matter, so there may be biblical reasons not to get one.
If getting a tattoo will keep you from being able to do whatever it is that God has called you to or if it will cause unnecessary difficulty, you probably shouldn’t get one. If the tattoo is going to be an unnecessary distraction in the work God has called you to, you shouldn’t get it.
In summary, though tattoos in and of themselves are not sinful, there might be biblically legitimate reasons not to get one. Jesus told us the greatest two commandments are to love God and to love others. If getting a tattoo prevents us or distracts us from doing either of those two things, we have a biblical reason not to get one.
Do People with Tattoos go to Hell?
God does not doom people to hell simply because they have a tattoo. No physical mark will ever keep us from God’s presence or favor. All sins are forgivable by God and nothing can separate us from God’s love.
On the other hand, not having a tattoo will not help one get into heaven. No action or physical mark (or lack thereof) will ever cause us to earn God’s favor.

The only way that someone goes to hell is if they continually choose to reject God. There is no other action that condemns someone. Tattoos are not a sin nor a way to reject God.
Can We Go to Heaven with Piercings?
The Bible doesn’t prohibit piercings. Those with piercings, tattoos, or any other physical marker can get into heaven. The only thing you have to do to get into heaven is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Is Getting a Tattoo a Sin in Christianity?
No. Getting a tattoo is not a sin for Christians. However, just with any other action, our motivation for getting the tattoo might make it sinful. If getting a tattoo keeps us from loving God or loving others in our context, it is sinful. Generally speaking though, getting a tattoo might not always be a wise decision, but it’s not an inherently sinful action.
Will God Forgive Me for Getting a Religious Tattoo (Cross, Bible verse, Etc.)?
God doesn’t need to forgive you for getting a religious tattoo because getting a tattoo is not inherently a sin. Additionally, there is no sin that God’s grace cannot overcome. Even if you had the worst of prideful or self-righteous intentions when getting your tattoo (therefore sinning because you weren’t honoring God or loving others by this action), God can forgive you completely. Even more obvious sins, such as getting high. If you choose to follow Jesus, you are forgiven.
Though tattoos were prohibited for the Jewish people in the Old Testament book of Leviticus, getting a tattoo is not inherently sinful for Christians. Getting a tattoo is allowed for Christians. As long as your tattoo is honoring to God and doesn’t cause unnecessary tension in your life, you can get a tattoo with a clean conscience, knowing that God will love and accept you regardless of any physical mark.
For the sake of clarity –
1. Jesus himself tells us we should be like salt – salt brings out the uniqueness of the Christian body – If there is absolutely no uniqueness between the body of Christ and the children of Lucifer, why would anyone want to leave the power of Lucifer and come to Christianity. If someone comes to Christ I would say they should cover or remove their tattoos especially if there are Luciferian symbols on them. Head from Korn is a perfect example. Anything else would just confuse new believers.
2. I would have to disagree that Jeremiah doesn’t openly call it a sin. He describes it in Leviticus 19.28 as an affront to God’s image. Pretty much anything God told Moses to tell the Israelites not to do, if they did it against God’s will it was a sin. A lot of Leviticus was to protect Israel from dying from disease-ridden fecal matter or dead carcasses. However, no matter what God commanded Israel to do or not do, to violate a direct command of Yehovah was a sin.
3. Now as to whether the modern age is held to the law. It depends. We are still held to not using God’s name in vain. We are still held to not murder in fact we’re not to violate any of the 10 commandments. However, we’re not spiritually accountable to them if we have been reborn and washed clean in the blood’s lamb.
4. Finally, as to the author’s final statements regarding being saved. The author stated, “in order to be saved one merely has to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.” The New Testament and Old would not agree with that statement Jesus says that there has to be a spiritual rebirth. The synaptic gospels would agree with that. Paul and Peter and John would also agree with that. What do I mean by you need more than Just Belief in Jesus Christ?
Charles Manson, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Lucifer, Mohamed, Muslims, Budhists, and Luciferians all believe in Jesus Christ’s realness. Would you say that any of them could be classified as Christian? This is a liberal “theology” error that started in the mid-19th Century and has grown stronger than ever in today’s churches.
The overall principle in all the commands by God to isreal are we are the temple of the holy spirit. The tattoos in the Old testament were associated with pagan rituals and practices. Thus God didn’t want his people to corrupted by the heathen practices and customs.
The ironic humor runs deep with this article simply because of the nature of Heaven. Heaven is a spiritual place; it has no physical objects. This is because it has no space, time, energy or mass. Thus, tattoos on bodies are meaningless.
Christ talked of the “Narrow Gate” which few will find. This gate leads directly to Heaven, but it is so narrow that even a neutrino cannot pass through. Even physical ego (the “dirty rags” of this world) is prevented from getting through. So, we must shed all of these physical things at the final step upon returning home.
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6).
“And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh…” (Genesis 6:3a).
Man was created twice — once in the image of God (Gen. 1:26), and once from the dust of the ground (Gen. 2:7). And we should know which part God cares most about — the part which looks like Him.
In the book of Leviticus, God does not prohibit the Jewish people from getting tattoos. He only forbids them tattooing themselves from getting tattoos for the dead. We may not understand this completely, but God never prohibits the Jewish people from getting tattoos.
Here the author of this article is talking about tattoos, not incision on your flesh for dead.
The bible is the word of God. God is clear on its commandment.
That chapter says : You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.
Ignorance of the law is punishable even in human justice, so in regards with tattoos, ignorance of Leviticus 19:28 will take you to hell.
God is not a human, so let not try to convince him or debate on maybe he can change or forget…
What has been said is said, so you must obey, if you do not obey you’ll definitely miss heaven just because of a tattoo.
God cannot change his commandment just because of ignorant.
One human in the face of God is like a grain of sand.
Read Exodus with Israelite people how God were killing them in the desert if they disobey, but Israelite people were the nation of God, the only nation/people throughout the earth that God was taking care of… but if they disobey God was punishing them harshly, mass killing them.
If you have a tattoo, just remove it if you want to go to heaven.
I know it’s today trends but most of today’s trends are being pushed to humans from the father of evil to divert sons of Gods that’s why the bible warns us about today’s trends which we should not follow that.
So it’s clear in the bible that people with tattoos will not go to heaven.