
  1. G

    Help me understand this: "individuals, can't respond to population relative selection pressures"

    Hi there, So I just keep coming back to this obstacle of my understanding of Evolution: No matter how hard I try, I don't get it. Are you saying individuals need individual selection pressures (and collections of individuals need collections of 'like' selection pressures?)? Maybe I've run...
  2. unknownguy07

    trying to stay whole here

    08.18.2018, I am 54 yrs of age. I was rescued from going into hell in June 2006. Thru much spiritual struggle, I am an alleged bad guy here in the Mpls, mn southside. I had tried for a one nite bed and none available, I sleep on Street Tonite. To non-mystics, pls pray that the codescan#1 would...
  3. FrankDux

    What is a " Bible code " ?

    After spending years studying everything from Isaac Newton's work on the Bible, to Mesopotamian languages, scripts and literature, mathematics, and most importantly, proof/s and logic, and how they are used for proving / debunking, I have come to my own conclusions about so called " Bible codes...
  4. lewiscalledhimmaster

    EPIGENETICS ? we are no longer controlled by our jeans

    I hope that got your attention. Obviously, it's not jeans but genes. I saw this today and wondered what y'all have to say about it. The full statement reads: 'We are NOT controlled by genes like computer programs are controlled by code. This is a fallacy propagated by Darwinian-based...