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  1. Wolseley

    Target scaling back pride items in stores, still not shopping there anymore

    Crewman: "Captain!!" (Picard raises his phaser and shoots the crewman, killing him) Sort of like George did with poor old Lennie in "Of Mice and Men." :oops:
  2. Wolseley

    Target scaling back pride items in stores, still not shopping there anymore

    I haven't been inside of a Target store in probably 15 years or better. Have no plans to visit one again. Well, I mean let's face it: they're not exactly the brightest bunch in the world, now, are they? They're just drones, like members of the Borg.
  3. Wolseley

    Squad Member Makes Controversial Remarks at Terrorist-Linked Conference

    If ever there was a human being who has absolutely no business whatsoever being in the legislative assembly of a free, democratic people, it's her. >:( She needs to be placed on the next cargo ship heading to Somalia or Yemen or Afghanistan, and have Ilhan Omar sent right along with her.
  4. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    I haven't been over there in three or four years....should make plans to go and take the kid with us; he's never been to Bronner's. :)
  5. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    It's a fun town. :) Christmas all year 'round at Bronner's Wonderland....and if you like German polka music, it's definitely the place to go! :)
  6. Wolseley

    Knights of Columbus Sue Biden and National Park Service for Religious Discrimination

    60 years they've been doing this, and nobody had problem until just now??? :rolleyes:
  7. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    Well, Frankenmuth is a big year-round festival guess is it probably came from some sort of display. Who knows how far it rolled and blew after it broke loose. ^_^
  8. Wolseley

    Attack of the Killer Duck.....

    Along with all of the other hazards that motorists face daily in the State of Michigan, we now must add inflatable poultry that will crush cars on the freeways......
  9. Wolseley

    Spanish Nuns Denounce Pope Francis, Break From Catholic Church Unsettling; but, I'm sad to say, not particularly surprising.
  10. Wolseley

    Pew Research: Biden in trouble with Catholic voters

    Frankly, I don't think that there *IS* a way to break the power of the monopoly parties, short of violent revolution and armed conflict. They're too entrenched. Of course, if something really dire began, like say the economy collapsing and food shortages, it might happen; but what you'd have...
  11. Wolseley

    Apparently, Yellowstone isn't the one we should be worried about

    I remember being on an internet history forum many years ago (we're talking 1998 here, kids---back in the Pleistocene Epoch) and the topic of the Dark Ages came up. Another user (who called herself "warkitty" as I recall) made the statement that the Dark Ages were called that because they were...
  12. Wolseley

    Apparently, Yellowstone isn't the one we should be worried about

    There's been a lot of rumbling across the western Pacific, all the way from Indonesia to Kamchatka, and a lot of rumbling across western North America as well. The coastal mountain ranges of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska are loaded with volcanic peaks; any one of...
  13. Wolseley

    Pope expresses ‘spiritual closeness’ to Iran after death of president in helicopter crash

    Well, that's at least eight more who won't be planning terrorist attacks, mutilating girls' genitalia, or screaming "death to the West" any more. Let's count our blessings.
  14. Wolseley

    Pew Research: Biden in trouble with Catholic voters

    Third party candidates usually don't garner enough votes to actually get elected; all they do is siphon votes away from the candidate that the third-party supporters dislike the most, ensuring that the "lesser of two evils" will be elected. The winning candidate will always, repeat, always be a...
  15. Wolseley

    Apparently, Yellowstone isn't the one we should be worried about

    This thing in Italy is a massive supervolcano, but unlike a "cone" structure, like Mt. St. Helens was, for example, it's more of a "plain" or "plateau" structure: 7.5 by 8.6 miles in circumference, with 360,000 people living directly on top of it.....and another 800,000 living just outside...
  16. Wolseley

    Pope Francis says conservative critics have a ‘suicidal attitude’

    No....I suspect that American conservatives don't like Pope Francis because he doesn't agree enough with common-sense moral things. Between being soft on homosexual perversion, being hard-line on lay Catholics and prelates who prefer strict moral codes, and his baffling stunts like dragging...
  17. Wolseley

    Video Exploring a Massive Abandoned Roman Catholic Church in Chicago

    Quite frankly, between you and me, the church I posted the pictures of would be vastly improved with many, many, many buckets of white paint. At least it would be bright inside then, instead of looking like a dungeon. I mean, to complete the effect, the only thing the interior of that church...
  18. Wolseley

    If it flies and stings, I want nothing to do with it....

    I already said that if those big Asian hornets ever make it to Michigan, I will go and live on the Greenland icecap.
  19. Wolseley

    Other people's churches are prettier inside than mine. I don't get it

    Here's a book that can explain it in detail: Ugly As Sin: Why They Changed Our Churches from Sacred Places to Meeting Spaces-And How We Can Change Them Back Again...