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    Random posts about literally anything

    I'm blocked from my emotions... great.... Working the grave yard shift
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    Random posts about literally anything

    OK hard to explain.... I just a very powerful message from Jesus. Me being who I am. Me in north Carolina with my sexy baby the one for me,forever. God knows my heart. A British boy from the UK England, yea gal i'm feelin it.... My all American gurl friend
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    Songs of 2022,what are you listening too

    Here is mine. Its got a good bass line tho
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    Random posts about literally anything

    Fairy lucta and Lord Burt? Tired Daisy? anyway I hope Y'all have a happy new year.
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    Random posts about literally anything

    They don't tell the truth not related to the above post but those from the other forum might recognize me lol
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    Random posts about literally anything

    They don't tell the truth o_O
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    Thanks I appreciate it. I 'm gonna do a bit more to it, its gonna be a combination of my...

    Thanks I appreciate it. I 'm gonna do a bit more to it, its gonna be a combination of my childhood dream boombox mixed with the boombox I used to have which was a JVC PC-150. Happy New Year.
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    Random posts about literally anything

    I used to enjoy playing monopoly and dominos but I'm on my own now days. Modern times are drab.
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    Random posts about literally anything

    I made a boombox from car stereo parts and it sounds amazing. The FM receivers on car stereos are more sensitive so can pick up more stations. Its boomy and NICE lol its addictive listening to it I must upload a pic of my boombox although some work in progress to be completed.
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    Welcome to the Community Hangout!

    There are many masked men here in London. I avoid them. They rob people. Some call them animals they are very scary.
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    Random posts about literally anything

    Whats is everybody doing for New Years eve?
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    My bunnies.

    Here is a picture of some of my bunnies.
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    What things did you do today?

    I've been having a clear out because I have way to much stuff and I've come to realize that I'm a hoarder, I've bought so much stuff over the years that I really do not need and its getting too much so its time to get rid of things even if they are worth some money, its easier to let it go...
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    What things did you do today?

    I had been working on a Logitech Z4 speaker system that had totally died. It served me well over the years. I used it on my PC and it had brilliant sound but one day it didn't power on. I checked the fuse the mains cable and the controller connection, all the obvious things and everything...
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    what are those bugs crawing down my screen?

    They look like beetles much like a Ground Beetle.
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    What things did you do today?

    I got up today and I was planning on going for a walk but it would be too wet and muddy today. I fed my animals, had breakfast then I watched a youtube video and fell asleep. I got up again and thought about what I might like to do this evening... I was thinking maybe having a glass of wine...
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    love the cute and cuddly

    I like cuddling my bunny she is so docile and genital I see her everyday and feed and change her water every morning, she lives outside in a secure concealed yard. There are lots of things for her to do, lots of hiding places and a compost pile she can dig about in. She had been keeping a big...
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    What things did you do today?

    I got up early this morning as I had quite a bit planned and I went to feed my rabbit who I rescued but I got a fright and saw something moving at the corner of the yard I thought it was a rat at first and I froze but when I looked again it was a baby bunny. My rabbit must have given birth 3 or...
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    There is this woman...

    Just an update... I told her I liked her in a Christmas card and I bought her some chocolates but then I was advised not to bring her the chocolates because it might be too strange and full on. She has servere anxiety which I didn't know about so the last thing I wanted to do was freak her out...