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  1. Harley.

    "if you dont do X a certain number of times, Y will happen"

    If you dont run up and down the stairs youll hurt yourself tommorow, this isnt one ive actually had, but its similar. I can't think of one rn for whatever reason.
  2. Harley.

    "if you dont do X a certain number of times, Y will happen"

    Does anyone else have it where they get a thought "if you dont do X a certain number of times, Y (punishment, or something bad that I don't want to occur) will happen? Is it God?
  3. Harley.

    DAE have frequent deja vu due to anxiety

    Last may (Exactly one year ago) I started to experience frequent deja vu. First it was once every few weeks, then once a week and now its several times a day. I can't shake it and im terrified that its seizures. I have seen two neuros and both have said im most likely in the clear but im...
  4. Harley.

    I have been a fool.

    I have had OCD my whole life. A large chunk of my ocd in the last few years has been impulsive and intrusive thoughts (two different things) to God asking him to do/give me certain things in exhange for my life. These have always TERRIFYED me. Especially when said thing actually ends up...
  5. Harley.

    What is this

    For example, I used to have this thing where I would suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE get a thought saying something like "You're going to get cancer soon". This was an actual thought I got once. And the only way to stop this event (whatever it was at the time) from happening was I had to keep repeating...
  6. Harley.

    What happened?

    If u got insta, heck yeah! Or discord! I can dm u my handles!
  7. Harley.

    What happened?

    Idk how you keep finding my posts, but I tend to write them when im in a state of panic, and then look back later and think about how stupid it was. What I listed above is very obviously not how God works. It is either a coincidence or at worst, just the devil having some fun with me. That...
  8. Harley.

    What happened?

    So I have OCD, growing up I had the typical "If you dont do that 4 more times X will happen" kind. But over the years it has morphed its way through many different styles. However something weird happened today. I looked over at my second screen and saw somebody in my contacts and had a...
  9. Harley.

    What is this?

    Ever since I was little ive had this weird thing, where I would be doing something random, like literally anything, and this voice in my head would suddenly say "do that X amount more times or Y(bad thing) will happen". And I would be forced to go do it again. It may be five times, may be 10...
  10. Harley.

    What is this?

    As far as I know yes
  11. Harley.

    What is this?

    But these are so scarily PRESENT. Like I can just be thinking about something random and BAM I get one, and it ends up being right.
  12. Harley.

    Is this God?

    Ever since I was little ive had this weird thing, where I would be doing something random, like literally anything, and this voice in my head would suddenly say "do that X amount more times or Y(bad thing) will happen". And I would be forced to go do it again. It may be five times, may be 10...
  13. Harley.

    Is this God or OCD?

    Sometimes ill get a thought telling me if I don't do X a certain number of times Y (specific bad thing) will happen. Other times certain thoughts I think will trigger a painful prick on my body. I can't tell if this is God. It seems to be accurate so it scares me. It has predicted so many...
  14. Harley.

    *long post* Deja Vu with anxiety? Anyone else?

    Where do I start here, I have had anxiety and OCD my WHOLE life. There are videos of me as a three year old doing repetitive actions. My parents took them because they were concerned on why I was acting weird. I have faced almost every kind of anxiety out there: health anxiety, Spiritual...
  15. Harley.

    Im new to God and dont know his voice yet, was this him?

    As I was drifting off to sleep last night I had a voice shoot through my head clear as day that if I committed a specific sin again I would suffer an aneurysm. It didn't bring fear, it just seemed matter of factual. Now I am concerned though that I may give into temptation somewhere down the line.
  16. Harley.


    This morning I had to get up and leave my office to go downstairs and put something away so I left this box in the center of my table. I cam back upstairs a minute later and it was on the floor. I have no windows, so no draft, there was nothing to push it off, and nobody else was home. So...what...
  17. Harley.

    Freaking out. Frequent deja vu.

    Backstory, all the way back in grade 1 I had a big seizure. Was diagnosed with epilepsy and have been fine ever since. Over a decade later I have never had another seizure and have been declared seizure free. There also isn’t a family history of seizures at all. However last may I started to...
  18. Harley.

    So I feel crazy for even asking this. But its stressing me out.

    Well if its just a spirit then idc, it can do its stupidity. I just wanted to make sure this isnt actually God warning me.
  19. Harley.

    So I feel crazy for even asking this. But its stressing me out.

    So, ive been talking to this friend of mine. She and I have been getting much closer recently, and we've discussed actually getting together as a couple. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I get this thought, telling me if I start dating her I will die. Now I wouldnt have thought anything of this, but...
  20. Harley.

    How do I tell God apart from my OCD??

    I have prayed and prayed for clarity and peace, and none comes. So obviously God wants me to figure this out, but HOW?! How do I ignore the fact that most of the predictions end up coming to pass? Im so scared.