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  1. Gregorikos

    Question about women priests

    I don't think it matters what the majority of Catholics support.
  2. Gregorikos

    The Nobel Peace Prize

    Thats a new one!
  3. Gregorikos

    Common misconceptions about egalitarianism

    With all my respect, that line of reasoning doesn't help our cause among people with a high view of Scripture. What difference does the year make in whether something is true and in accord with the will of God? It is safe to rely on Scripture to make a very strong case for egalitarianism. We...
  4. Gregorikos

    Christian mysticism..

    The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Romans 8:16 (NIV) Does that verse mean anything to you? This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 1 John 4:13 (NIV) How about that one? Or this one -> And this is how we know...
  5. Gregorikos

    Bible Version

    I agree with you on that. But that is where our agreement ends. The rest of your post is factually incorrect about many things. Not true. First of all, not all Bible versions produced since the 1880s are from the Greek text that you malign. There have been several translations produced using...
  6. Gregorikos

    Eternal punishment vs eternal life

    Are you asking if God is able to create a being that could live without his perpetual assistance? I think the answer to that is obviously affirmative.
  7. Gregorikos

    Whosoever is born of God DOTH NOT COMMIT sin. Really?

    Do you really think that the point of 1 John 3:7-10 is that God does not sin? I don't think so. The beginning of that section is not about god committing sin, it's about people: If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him. 1 John 2:29...
  8. Gregorikos

    Eternal punishment vs eternal life

    Only sentient beings can be punished. Any person who existed at one time, but whose body, soul, and spirit exist only as a matter of history cannot be punished. Any punishment they ever experienced will be over once they cease to exist. Thus, their punishment was not eternal. In your example...
  9. Gregorikos

    Contradiction: Answer a fool according to his folly or not

    Wow, that sure is complicated. I kinda doubt ancient Hebrews made it that hard. It comes down to two choices, each with its own set of consequences. (1) You can argue with a fool if you want to, but by doing so the price you have to pay is that you bring yourself down to his level. (v5) (2)...
  10. Gregorikos

    I pray my apologetics does not offend

    I was responding (post 8) to your statement that, "Neither passage in Genesis ,referenced , assigns the name Adam for male and female. The quoted text, not sure where it came from, is not in scripture." It looks to me like your citation of the JPS does exactly what you said the passage doesn't do.
  11. Gregorikos

    I pray my apologetics does not offend

    If you just give it a superficial look, you might not see it. But it is clearly there, especially in 5:2. Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man* when they were created. Genesis 5:2 (ESV) *5:2 Hebrew adam Genesis 5:2 (ESV)
  12. Gregorikos

    International women's day

    Someone obviously thinks that there will be some good answers from a technological perspective, but I can't think of a thing. It'll be interesting to see what others have to say.
  13. Gregorikos

    Common misconceptions about egalitarianism

    Marg is such a gift to the church, and especially to egalitarian thought. I hadn't heard "men as the benchmark for humanity" expressed before, but as usual, I think she hit the nail on the head. "and it has affected our language and customs." This we see when "man" or "sons" are used in a...
  14. Gregorikos

    CSB translation of h1320 in Genesis 6:3

    Good question. Hebrew isn't my thing so I'm not much else help.
  15. Gregorikos

    CSB translation of h1320 in Genesis 6:3

    flesh A. of the body 1. of humans 2. of animals B. the body itself C. male organ of generation (euphemism) D. kindred, blood-relations E. flesh as frail or erring (man against God) F. all living things G. animals H, mankind (Olive Tree Enhanced Strong's Dictionary) "Corrupt" is also...
  16. Gregorikos

    That's exasperating!!!!

    That's exasperating!!!!
  17. Gregorikos

    Denominations that teach that salvation is exclusive to them

    It's one thing to say "my denomination is the most correct of all denominations." I do hope we all believe that. But it is quite another thing to say "my church (denomination) is the one true church." I hope few of us believe that one.
  18. Gregorikos

    Husband addicted porn/sexless marriage/dangerous hoarding situation

    Yes Ma'am, pornography is infidelity, and he is no doubt using porn and self gratification to replace the physical relationship in your marriage. He may very well love you, but this addiction leads people to be very dishonest with themselves and with others. He needs help or he will never get...
  19. Gregorikos

    Denominations that teach that salvation is exclusive to them

    And they are right. We're all catholic, just quite a lot less Roman than they would like.