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    Recently deleted post

    Thank you John.
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    Prayers for repentance

    I don't know if I will ever be able to repent, but this may be helpful. 2743. Mistaken Notions About Repentance
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    Recently deleted post

    Thank you for your prayers, John. - Chris
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    My mother

    She is doing a lot better physically. We just visited her recently and she is doing well. Thank you for the follow up! - Chris
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    Recently deleted post

    Me. My salvation.
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    Recently deleted post

    I was hoping he'd pray for mine.
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    Recently deleted post

    Got it, thanks.
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    Recently deleted post

    Someone posted in here a couple days ago about being willing to pray for our salvation. I assume the post was a violation and was deleted. Does anyone have that person's contact info? - Chris
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    I think I'm unregnerate, reprobate, vessel of wrath, despairing, tried all I can think of

    I would hope @Of the Kingdom that you would be willing to pray for me as well. Thank you. Chris
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    I think I'm unregnerate, reprobate, vessel of wrath, despairing, tried all I can think of

    Hi jojl, I don't think anyone is really watching this thread anymore. That said, I'm not sure what kind of encouragement would work for you beyond getting out of this state ASAP. This is the situation - imagine you are on a ship going somewhere, the ship you are on has struck rocks, the hull...
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    Feeling like I am not actually saved

    Would you be willing to pray that for me as well? Thank you
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    Total depravity

    Thank you.
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    Total depravity

    Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt. I believe total depravity is biblical. I was hoping that someone could ask God to unharden my heart so that I can believe the Gospel. Thank you.
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    Does God Need Your Permission in Order to Save You?

    And I say this because I know I am not right with God. I hope He takes an interest in me sometime before I die.
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    Does God Need Your Permission in Order to Save You?

    This read, although long, does a lot to explain what is going on when someone comes to Christ, it's by Charles Spurgeon Human Inability
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    Does God Need Your Permission in Order to Save You?

    No, at least I hope not. Because I'll never be saved if He doesn't save me without my permission.
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    How do I know I am actually praying to Him and not myself? I've been at this for nearly two years and so far I'm only drifting farther. I'm not sure He's even listening - yes, He hears everything but He is only attentive to the prayers of the righteous. There are many, many verses in Scripture...
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    Some of you may have seen that for some time I have been struggling with repentance. Repentance involves being aware that you are a sinner, being broken about your sin, asking God for mercy, and then of course after that point God welcomes you to the kingdom and you are saved. So the key to this...
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    My mother

    Thank you.
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    My mother

    She is physically fine, but I am not seeing encouraging signs about her spiritual state.