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  1. David Hunter

    Diligently Seek Him - Devotional Saturday

    Oh the chapters in our lives that will be written. When one chapter ends another one starts. Today's devotional I talk about a scripture verse that really struck me as I'm about to close a chapter in my life and start a new one...
  2. David Hunter

    Time Is Fleeting So Share The Gospel - Devotional Saturday

    Lots going on making me thinking how fast time is going and how we need to be sharing the Gospel of Jesus with urgency! Decided to film today's devotional in Marblehead (I said Catawba in the video) to give some beautiful background scenery and also went out afterwards to fish for people and...
  3. David Hunter

    Appetite Is Never Satisfied - Devotional Saturday

    Had another adventure at Amish Country and it made me start thinking about the purchases I've been making which provide a temporary satisfaction, but it never lasts... So in today's devotional we'll talk about the appetite is never satisfied!
  4. David Hunter

    Surely I Am With You Always - Devotional Saturday

    Reading Morning & Evening devotional by Charles Spurgeon I came across "Surely I Am With You Always" and it's a great reminder that Jesus is always with us!
  5. David Hunter

    Amazon Delivery Turns Into Prayer

    2 stops away... Ahh, I have to go meet up with a friend. Should I stay or should I go? 1 stop... Oh boy, here it comes, I'm waiting!!! What's that I hear, it's the 'ole Amazon truck with my package! I see the young guy at my front door (that I don't use) and quickly grab a cold water and...
  6. David Hunter

    10 Commandments Series Recap - Devotional Saturday

    Annnnd that's a wrap!! We've completed the 10 Commandments Series devotional, so today is just a little recap and a way to memorize all 10 commandments.
  7. David Hunter

    You Shall Not Covet - Devotional Saturday - 10 Commandments Series

    Out exploring Amish Country last week, stopped and made some friends and enjoyed their farms, which made me think about today's Devotional Saturday going over Commandment #10: You Shall Not Covet...
  8. David Hunter

    You Shall Not Lie - Devotional Saturday - 10 Commandments Series

    Went on a roadtrip with my family and stopped at this old cemetery and church and decided what a great place to film today's Devotional Saturday where I go over Commandment #9. You Shall Not Lie!
  9. David Hunter

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    I can't control who walks by and reads the sign. I do know he won't bring that sign out if there is a kids event going on at the square.
  10. David Hunter

    Witnessing at a pagan festival in a storm

    Don't be discouraged, Nathan!! Unfortunately, many churches and pastors are going down the broad road that leads to destruction. We can pray for them and we can lead by example and prayerfully they'll be convicted and get out behind the pulpit and spread the Gospel!
  11. David Hunter

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    I don't use the signs, but my friend does. I'm not concerned if the kids see the signs as it very well may make them think before they actually do something they'll regret. We use all different types of signs. I like scripture, and my friend likes to use things that scripture points out. He...
  12. David Hunter

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    I'm so sorry!! I meant John 14:6, not verse 16. But, I do like that verse and where I get the signs can customize them. I really love "come to me.." as so many people are burdened, so lots of people, whether walking or driving by, get to see it and gives them something to think about. And...
  13. David Hunter

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    Absolutely! And we even prayed for her. We weren't offended or anything.
  14. David Hunter

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    My sign had Matthew 11:28 and the other side had John 14:16, but my friend had other signs along the sidewalk, and the one said, "All sex outside of marriage is a sin." And then said to repent. That's the one she was referring to.
  15. David Hunter

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    Out at Medina Square with my friend doing some sign evangelism and this one lady got convicted by one of the signs and drove off. Then, 30 minutes later, she drives on by again, as we were about to pray for her, this time calling us losers giving us the big 'ole 'L' sign (Though, I didn't get...
  16. David Hunter

    Witnessing at a pagan festival in a storm

    That's fabulous, Nathan!!! The Lord brought people to you despite the weather! And, even if nobody showed up you were boing obedient to the Lord. Great encouragement for when I plan to go out to evangelism and then it's going to rain or snow and I want to cancel... Nope, just keep going! As...
  17. David Hunter

    You Shall Not Steal - Devotional Saturday - 10 Commandments Series

    As we continue with the 10 Commandments Series for our Devotional Saturday, today we look at Commandment number 8: You Shall Not Steal! I always think about this as physically taking something from someone, but it's a lot more to it than meets the eye... Today we'll discuss this and give you...
  18. David Hunter

    You Shall Not Commit Adultery - Devotional Saturday - 10 Commandments Series

    Continuing our Devotional Saturday with the 10 Commandments Series, we look at Commandment #7 (You Shall Not Commit Adultery). Here's another commandment that just may have more to do with the heart than the physical...
  19. David Hunter

    Witnessing Icebreakers

    Hi RocK Guy, I would be interested in knowing how you personally share the Gospel with others.