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  1. Bobber

    Advice for Aspiring Christian Musicians

    You certainly do have the experience to inform people about this subject. I hope some that are seeking to make music a career read through your points. Very enlightening about many things. I bought a key board a few years back not a real expensive one but one not too cheap. Took lessons for a...
  2. Bobber

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    So you're asking why God would allow physical afflictions that plague the people on earth. First when death came into the universe which is the degeneration of life all things physical were effected. The way God designed things to function in a very good way began to break down. Disease...
  3. Bobber

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    God is all powerful but he releases his power in regard to certain principles. . Why does God allow sin to exist. He's allowed it for a period of time, I call it a demonstration time where all can once and for all see what type of fruit independence from him produces. Once he's decided that...
  4. Bobber

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    That's good! Hope you do so. OK so a friend died and you've choose to believe God isn't good. Many things could be said and asked? What your friend a Christian. It's not that God loves Christians more then others but he does have systems by which his grace is released. So are so many things...
  5. Bobber

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    So why should you think he'd do that. If you're a flat earther I don't share your view but let's assume it was true. What constructive thing would it produce in your life or in the lives of others? First you even tell those around you what you believe you've now been categorized in their minds...
  6. Bobber

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    Let's go to your next statement, Maybe that might be the thing to encourage you to reconsider doing this....what I mean you know people write books and probably embellish a lot of what they're saying for effect. Truth of what takes place in life for the most part isn't usually as exciting as...
  7. Bobber

    Overcoming Guilt and Condemnation

    This is meant to encourage ones who struggle with a sense of guilt of condemnation for any sense of sin or wrong doing. Of course we're to seek to live a holy life and not to miss the mark and sin.....unfortunately I don't know any of us that have walked in total perfection although we are that...
  8. Bobber

    “We are all fundamentally good ... the heart itself is good,” says Pope Francis

    So I guess he's parroting a way of thinking you can always find something good in everyone generally speaking. As spiritual leaders though none of us should make that our goal to seek to assert. The issue is has any and all individuals done what it takes, believing and receiving the grace of God...
  9. Bobber

    I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit

    I think the spiritual life we can have in God so very few of us have ever experienced the potential we have or can operate in.
  10. Bobber

    Getting Back in Shape

    Your goal sheet where you put down the future dates and expectations I think is very good. Perhaps that's one reason I failed by not having such. I was at one time my weight down to about 230....then gained 30 back . I'm now around 260. Perhaps the goal sheet kept in front of me will...
  11. Bobber

    Should we Obsess on the Past (Ecclesiastes 7:10 & Luke 9:62)

    A very good topic. I've thought upon this often. How easily it can be to think back at other eras of time and somehow have a desire to be there. There was a Twilight Zone episode called "Walking Distance" . It's about man in his mid thirties one Martin Slone who leaves his car at a gas station...
  12. Bobber

    If Your Eye Causes You to Sin

    Yeah my response in 2 was maybe not clear. What I means was like in Philippians 4:7 where it states with every problem or situation of life we to seek to pray with all supplication and prayer with thanksgiving letting our requests be made known to God. All fictional shows for the most part...
  13. Bobber

    If Your Eye Causes You to Sin

    I like what you've said here. Very good! And something else to consider. Notice how you see what's played out as a norm. The fictional characters have some problem or trial.....they don't pray. They don't ask for God's wisdom for the situation they're in. Might seem like just a small thing but...
  14. Bobber

    I committed the unpardonable sin

    I myself have examined you and have found that you have not. For the very reason you want God back in your life PROVES that you have not.
  15. Bobber

    Four Passages

    I totally agree. I don't like that at all or I should say I only do such once in a blue moon. When people have a habit of doing that are they so interested in really wanting to be sincere in teaching one or is it rather a trick to use in order to seek to impress. Half the time I've seen they're...
  16. Bobber

    Can't feel guilt or shame of my sins

    LOVE would not be just however if there wasn't punishment for sin not ever being repented of.
  17. Bobber

    Can't feel guilt or shame of my sins

    With Adam and Eve at least it not that he wanted to test them. It's more that he would not be LOVE if he did not allow an expression where they wouldn't serve him. But here's what you need to get. He did make us the way he wants us.....with free will to choose where you're not a robot...
  18. Bobber

    Why are we not really really disgusted by some of our sins ?

    That has to be defined more on just what you mean that we all sin. Some people willfully embrace sin or types of sin as a pattern or way of life that they resist even the thought that they need to repent of. Not all are like that. You really are just projecting here. It's very presumptions for...
  19. Bobber

    Can I get.yoyr thought on this .

    I wouldn't myself but I'm not saying it's sin for you to. People have ways of justifying and making it an OK thing.....I won't argue with them and say there they're wrong. Go by your conscience. I had this similar conversation with one about a pro hockey team in the NHL called the New Jersey...
  20. Bobber

    Will God judge conscious AIs?

    They don't even have real life. I'm not buying that such things have independent thought. No matter how one looks at it is like a computer chess board picking the options without real thought.