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  1. M

    The Kosher Judaism Thread (2)

    !חג חנוכה שמח :)
  2. M

    The 13 Princples of Faith (Maimonides)

    FadingWhispers3, we believe that (1) non-Jews don't need to follow any of Jewish law; they are bound only by the 7 Noachide commandments (from the covenant that G-d made with all humanity with Noah). If a gentile follows the Noachide commandments, he will have a place in the world to come. (2) A...
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    The Kosher Judaism Thread (2)

    Sidhe, using Manishewitz for pagan rituals is no different form using any other wine, because Manishewitz is mevushal (ie it has been cooked.) A Jew needs to be involved in the cooking process for something to be kosher (eating food that follows biblical kosher laws but is cooked entirely by a...
  4. M

    The Kosher Judaism Thread (2)

    No worries, no one expects you to know that. :) Plus, it makes me happy to see a thriving thread about Torah Judaism hereabouts. CF makes me a little nostalgic about how much I learned about Christianity here, and although I ultimately chose Orthodox Judaism, I don't regret having the...
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    The Kosher Judaism Thread (2)

    Welch's isn't kosher (since grape juice and wine need to be produced under strict Jewish supervision to ensure that it isn't used in idolatrous rituals). Then it needs to be flash-heated to make it mevushal; otherwise the wine/grape juice loses its kosher status if a non-Jew even so much as...
  6. M

    Jews and Christian Zionism

    By Israelite, I don't mean the political, Mediterranean nation of Israel. I mean the children of Israel; that is, Jacob's children.
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    Jews and Christian Zionism

    It's not as if I don't understand what conversion is. I'm just saying that there seems to be free passage in and out of Judaism. You want in, you get in. You want out, you're out.
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    Jews and Christian Zionism

    "To inherit Zion" -- Well... to be considered a part of the Jewish nation. My point was, it seems like, according to the passages i referenced, that: An Israelite who doesn't follow halacha is cast out. A non-Israelite who follows halacha is taken in.
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    Jews and Christian Zionism

    Someone please correct me if I make any mistakes in the next few paragraphs -- the modern day definition of a Jew is someone with a Jewish mother, or someone who's undergone a long and arduous conversion process. It's also said that a person who is born Jewish is Jewish regardless of whether...
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    [OPEN] Philosophy, religion, science, and other fields of thought.

    I would say that every field of thought influences my religion. I think of religion as a worldview, so clearly, everything I know (in some way) affects my attitude toward life.
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    [OPEN]Getting real with it.

    Chava - I'm really not sure why the Nicene Creed seems to define Christianity. A bunch of church leaders from various movements of early Christianity met to agree on what they agreed on in the 300s, and then after that, every other view was considered a heresy. The problem with it is (IMHO)...
  12. M

    Do Jews go to hell?

    I tend to agree with Judaism (and some Christian schools of thought) on this matter. I'm sure you have heard that Heaven is a state of infinite closeness to God, and that hell is a state of being far from God. Genesis 2 says that God made man from dust, and breathed life into his nostrils...
  13. M

    [open] What Does Forgiveness Mean?

    Forgiveness is to have peace.
  14. M

    [OPEN]Getting real with it.

    Hi Jules, I totally remember you from the teen ministry and gals board! I'm in the process of changing my icon, as well -- I would change it to "Unitarian" but since that's associated with Universalism here in the US, I'll have the "Other Church" icon soon. I hope to see you around! But the...
  15. M

    [open]What is Christianity to you?

    Christianity... in many ways was a large part of how I defined my identity. Now that I'm not sure I can still be considered "Christian," I'm not entirely sure who I am, either. As of now, I believe that Christianity is the religion of Christ -- it is not a religion about Christ. It is about...
  16. M

    [open] For those of us who are liberal, why?

    I was once deeply Calvinist, and to tell the truth, if someone needed advice from a Calvinist perspective now, I could give it as freely as anyone -- the answers would simply be my parroting what other people have told me. But really, I feel as if churches and Christian groups are so...
  17. M

    What eye shadow looks good on you?

    Dark brown eyes; I used to wear a lot of purple but now I really like to use a medium-dark shimmery teal color, with a brown/grey crease shadow and a light coppery/pinkish highlighter.
  18. M

    Help!! My hair is flying away!!!

    I've also heard that getting a humidifier for your room and running a dryer softener sheet over your hair works. Good luck! I'm fighting the static too. :)
  19. M

    Sometimes I don't feel saved,

    Sometimes I feel compelled to listen to the people who say, "Believe THIS, or you will not be saved." I feel compelled because there is an element of safety there; there are other people who accept you and reassure you that you are saved. But to believe these things out of fear, I think, is a...
  20. M

    What kind of dances do you do?

    For now, International Standard and International Latin, and some American Rhythm.