Search results

  1. Multifavs

    What are your favorite flowers?

    It's hard for me to choose just a few. I love a lot of flowers! Some of my favorites include roses, tulips, petunias, lilies, hyacinths, and lilacs. I love flowers that smell nice and/or are pretty colors like lavender, pink, and yellow. :hibiscus::rose::sunflower::tulip::blossom::cherryblossom:
  2. Multifavs

    What kinds of things do you do on the computer?

    (Or on your tablet or phone, if you use those instead) I need some inspiration. I want to do something more meaningful with my time on the computer. I'm getting tired of playing an online game where I lose most of the time. I'm tired of seeing nasty comments from people who love animals but...
  3. Multifavs

    The "Get To Know One Another" Thread

    Hello! :wave: This thread is for all of us to get to know each other better. If you're new to CF or just want to make new friends, you're in the right place! Introduce yourself, list some things you like or your hobbies, or whatever you like. Hope you enjoy the thread!
  4. Multifavs

    Judging and Labeling

    Something I have seen far too often online, especially here on CF, is people judging and labeling others from one post, without knowing anything else about the poster. It has happened to me many times over the years. I have been labeled as all of the following: -self-righteous and weird for...
  5. Multifavs

    I want to say thank you!

    I just wanted to give a big thank you to my brothers and sisters in the Singles forum today! Going through my old posts on CF has reminded me of just how kind you've been to me over the years. You talked to me, listened to what I had to say, complimented me, and helped me out so many times, even...
  6. Multifavs

    Conversion and Repentance

    Over the years I've witnessed many people I cared about going astray. They turned away from the light and toward the darkness, decided to live a sinful life, genuinely hated and insulted others, stopped speaking with me, etc. It has always been a painful thing for me to experience. Please pray...
  7. Multifavs

    I've been all wrong...

    I'm not saying this to look down on myself or to make people pity me or anything like that. I'm saying it because it's the truth and I feel it needs to be said. I've been a fool during my time on CF. There's no denying it. When I look back at my old posts I'm like, what was I thinking? I can't...
  8. Multifavs


  9. Multifavs


  10. Multifavs

    Please pray for me

    I feel very sad and hurt right now, and like I'm such a lousy Christian. I don't always like people. I feel I can't trust anyone. I tell myself not to make certain mistakes and yet I still repeat them over and over. Loving and forgiving people is so hard, especially when they hurt me and sin all...
  11. Multifavs

    Hi! :)

    Hello CF Singles! It has been a while since I've spoken with some of you. Just wanted to say :hi: and see how everyone is doing - great, I hope! :purpleheart::purpleheart::purpleheart:
  12. Multifavs


  13. Multifavs

    What are you thankful for today?

    In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18 Let's practice gratitude! What are you grateful for today? Today I am thankful for the sunshine, for my family and friends, and for the lovely autumn weather...
  14. Multifavs

    Nintendo Switch!

    Who else has one? What are your favorite Switch games? Which ones would you like to get? My family has had our Switch for almost three years now. Before that I was kind of bored playing only older games, so I was really happy to get one! I love the Switch - being able to switch between console...
  15. Multifavs

    What was the first video game you played?

    Mine was Super Smash Bros. (N64) I played it a lot growing up!
  16. Multifavs


  17. Multifavs

    Software/hardware issues on my new laptop

    For some reason, I have had issues with Cakewalk (my music software), my drawing tablet (Wacom Intuos), and Microsoft Word on my new laptop. I don't know if it's related to Windows 11 or the software itself, but I've looked all over and haven't found any way to fix them... Cakewalk had new...
  18. Multifavs

    I want to be a better streamer...

    Posting this in the Visual Arts forum because I stream art. I've been trying to stream art regularly for a little while, but I don't think I'm doing a very good job. I read that you should engage with your viewers while streaming art. But what if no one is watching, or a few people are watching...
  19. Multifavs


  20. Multifavs

