Search results

  1. S

    snail mail pen pals and fbk friend from us and Canada and Nz

    Hi I'm star from the Australailsia area Australia/ NZ I wondered if you wanted to be my snail mail penpal Facebook/ Skype friend I'd like friends who believe in the rapture and know its near and for the guys know that I don't wanna date that's the important stuff Other stuff that doesn't...
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    how to lose weight by swimming and being on apripriprazole

    Hi im on mental illness tablets and wanted to lose weight by swimming we live by the sea. I also get migraines. The tablets appriprazole keeps me overweight, exercise seems to bring on migraines sometimes not all the time. I just wondered if swimming is a good way to lose weight and also not to...
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    Have you been to a partial or mixed jewish wedding ?

    Where the two nationalities of each of the groom and bride mixed. Im jewish but Im mostly anglo saxon scottish and English lets say I was to marry a jewish young man what would a mixed wedding of anglo saxon ancestry and Jewish ancestry look like? or is that not done? Im not worried about the...
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    advice for newbies walking up a mountain from a track not rock climbing

    other than pace myself not go to fast, correct food water and sunscreen what else would you say spare climbing rope just in case the track gets damaged somehow and you have to use it ? a sling shot for defence against wild animals?
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    how do you climb a mountain with health issues?

    i wont share all but I have health issues such as stress related issues like migraines and if i over exert myself it plays up but i wondered if there were others like me if you want climb a mountain with friends you do you dont let that stuff stop you were moving to a mountainous area soon and...
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    anyone into making your own instruments dIY at home?

    im not talking about kids instruments but like a wooden flute for example I made a drum kit once youtube diy drum kits it was cool lots of BANGING that night haaha... I also made a rice shaker put it in a herb plastic jar the ones with the holes in the lid - thats not a bad sound good for...
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    Can you help me hockey skate better -we have a friendly game next week?

    Im not from NOrht America my family friends and I have hired out the ice rink and most of us including me are playing our first hockey game. Any tips? would be great for improvement
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    Show your local/ countrys forest or bush Just to help you picture and feel the textures of the plants the fern is quite soft to touch our native fern is famous icon in New Zealand this bush is typical bush around New Zealand this is what it looks like ...
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    Were hiring out the local ice rink-icehockey- how to play a fun game , rules etc?

    In Australaisia were Im from you can hire the rink - I have some questions and know most of you are probably from North America: *Since its a fun game for my 29th birthday should we have a couple of rules? as for uniforms/ teams each team member wears something orange and black like a...
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    could you answer this in 30 mins re :camera optical lens?

    sorry for the time pressure/limit im looking at auctions that close soon on an auction site in my country( not north america) and wondered I have a nIkon coolpix 520 with 42x zoom I would like more zoom capacity with an optical lens/something which one out of these two would you reccomend? im...
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    Creating some cakes for a market stall what would your advice be?

    hi i want to do the above at a local market( I enjoy it have only done a couple of decorative cakes im gonna give myself a few weeks to practice the art) which sells cultural, organic, fresh produce, bakery and has about 250 - 500 i think people come each week im from new zealand so thats...
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    post of your most unique amazing interesting photos youve taken

    Mine i consider it an accomplishment i should try get the full moon but yeh my dslr 2013 Nikon cool pix 520 has the ability to take 42x zoom so I take photos of the moon even more later cameras are mint! have yet to go plane watching -yet- hah! (im not from north america so it may be legal...
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    Question about Smart donation service of Tax management nz re church tithe "donations"

    hi there got questions for my Brothersand sisters in Christ , I got a form from Radio Rhema about Smart Donation tax management they contact the charities for you and sort everything (you dont have to provide receipts as long as you can verify it) out my question is this possible for my church...
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    Thread for those entering back into work after long time

    share your stories WElcome in Yehushua (Hebrew name for the Jesus) Jesus Name! I was worried about being tired with migraines while im unemployed please dont make fun of me they were getting quite bad where would be sick for 2-3 weeks before it went away even with meds I have gag reflex so I...
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    Two way radio/ radio communications Thread- Tips, questions and share information

    I wanted to start one im not a pro by any means I know nothing but keenly wanted a place we can share our common interest in some cases neccesary usage where two way radio communications is not for a sport or hobby but a neccessity ie. work, pilots etc but hey everyones welcome here! I have...
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    Not now but... RiGhT NOW!

    pretty simple hopefully its not a copy of another game sorry if it is I havent really checked ok some one first says there time 11:44 I say its not now but and whoever is first to post that its 11:44 says "but right now" or "now" !on there side of the world wins for that round/wins at that...
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    Inclusive of Jewish Christians who arent MJ's

    Obviously were still waiting for our Messiah in the rapture but I dont want to be forced into calling myself a MJ Could we have MJ and Jewish Christian only threads JCH- I dont know I compromised my beliefs by saying im a dual attendance Messianic only because there was not jewish Christian...
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    My stomach is really sore its inflammed

    please pray I got a stomach massage its so sore I cant sleep im nearly in tears it was in bad shape anyway so im not blaming the Naturopath. my stomach is sour due to alot of stress from migraines.the massages are to encourage bowel movement my stomach is rock hard so at the beginning until its...
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    Can any MJ relate? Feel lead to be Diaspora but wants to make Aliya

    ok update for those who know me my relative got Dna tests that we are jewish And we knew our jewish ancestors were from Europe (not the uk) somewhere which the test revealed. Ok its really tough to share that i feel well its just tough God wants me to continue to be Diaspora but i want to...
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    when should you take vitamin C to aid recovery?

    Guess my question wasnt vitamin c is it for recovery but what do you define as recovery see below: Is up to 6 tablets a day too much for recovery ? I normally have two Does recovery on the bottle only mean colds and flu? I took four today for recovery 2 normal dosage + two extra Im feeling dizzy...