Recent content by Techo

  1. T

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    Conspiracies can be fascinating and, sometimes, even believable but, in the end, they really have nothing in them for a Christian to worry about because God has everything under His control. Satan has been trying to subvert God's creation from the time he deceived Adam and Eve and he is not...
  2. T

    Is Shame a virtue?

    Genesis Chapter 1 accounts for God creating everything and after each element it was stated that "it was good". Therefore Adam and Eve must have know what is good. All that they learnt from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil could only have been what is evil. Essential that Tree has been...
  3. T

    I feel guilty for a promise I made her. Pretty sure most have been here...

    So... deal with what you have to at the moment. I doubt if the promise to your wife means you have to get married again immediately and... you really should not. We need time to grieve. The most eligible single lady at my Church lost her husband something like a decade ago and she still has...
  4. T

    What do we do with a deep desire to be married again?

    Well... two years would be better if you are thinking in terms of starting another relationship... at least... that's what they recommend in divorce recovery and the death of a spouse is similar (only without any hope of reconciliation... so you don't have to go through the 'what if' bit). I...
  5. T

    Paul and Ezekiel's Visions and NDEs?

    I do not know what was seen in another person's vision. Some of what the brother in my fellowship saw has provided, for him, some clarity on what has been written within scripture and a different perspective in some matters. Every teaching/word must be consistent with scripture and others within...
  6. T

    not sure a baptist

    Baptist is a pretty fundamental denomination in which to be raised. (We don't have Southern Baptist so much where I'm from so I can only comment about the Church I was raised in). It tends to provide a fairly strong moral basis and a trust in the Word of God as being complete and infallible...
  7. T

    Foggy Idolatry

    Ok. I suspect that all this comes done to motivations and relationship. Anyone who does not have relationship with God (through a personal commitment to Jesus Christ) is going to have motivations that are not of Him. They will worship an object, rather than God, because they think that, by doing...
  8. T

    Paul and Ezekiel's Visions and NDEs?

    Being caught up to see that which is in heaven is not solely reserved for near death. It can happen for some as the Spirit has something to put upon the heart of His people. Not something I can speak to personally but we have had some within our fellowship that have been to heaven in a vision...
  9. T

    Biblical Tithing is about Food - not money.

    Sigh, I told myself I would make no more comment in this strip but, perhaps, I must. New Testament is clear. Those who proclaim the gospel should live of the Gospel. Perhaps I should have included the subsequent verses as well. 1Co 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not...
  10. T

    Saw what I can only call a "sign" from God. Advice Needed.

    Well, for me, I cannot see that Acts 4:21 has much of anything that would constitute any call to action as a Christian unless you take the point that "all men glorified God for that which was done". In context, God had just healed, by Peter's hand, a man born lame and, after witnessing about...
  11. T

    What denominations are similar to Baptists?

    In Australia it seems like the Baptist Church and the Church of Christ had common origins. I was informed that there was some sort of split in the church and, I think, the Church of Christ broke away from the Baptists but I have been unable to find out what caused that split. They must have been...
  12. T

    Lest We Forget!'

    ANZAC day today. 25th April.
  13. T

    Is the Assemblies of God no longer a traditional pentecostal denomination?

    Down under the AOG church 'rebranded' in 2007. I am not sure why. (A common reason tends to be so that the group can disassociate themselves from bad publicity arising from some individual fellowships). The Assemblies of God in Australia is now calling themselves Australian Christian Churches...
  14. T

    Being called "kid" as an adult

    It is Ok. It's just a little sadness It's a good sadness because it takes the focus off my big sadness's and reminds me that others have had times where we need to provide, if possible, some comfort and support. The Lord bless you heaps!
  15. T

    Being called "kid" as an adult

    Some times even the best spouse acts or speaks without sufficient consideration of how the other will react. And then you have the spouse who you wonder what you ever saw in them that you chose to marry them. Obviously there are a lot of duds out there but also there are some really nice people...