Recent content by seeking.IAM

  1. seeking.IAM

    Pro-Life Activist Biden Put in Prison is Mistreated, Denied Medical Care

    It sounds as if Ms. Idoni believes jail rules don't apply to her. Were her consequences any different than what any other prisoner would have had for giving (smuggling?) food to another prisoner or removing their ID bracelet? That is the question, isn't it? Conspiracy, breaking jail food rules...
  2. seeking.IAM

    How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

    Likely not the answer OP is looking for, but I tend to recommend one of the Christian bodies that are more likely to be accepting and welcoming of them. I think our job is to get them in the pew and let God handle the rest.
  3. seeking.IAM

    How do you politely turn away a Jehovah Witness at your door?

    I had an encounter just last week. Two older ladies knocked on my door and offered me a pamphlet inviting me to a gathering. I asked, "Who are you representing?" When they identified themselves, I politely said, "I'm not interested" and shut the door. A part of me secretly fantasized pulling up...
  4. seeking.IAM

    Are you in favor of a mandatory retirement age for all three branches of the government?

    It is a "no" from me. People age differently so an across-the-board ruling eliminates many capable of serving. Health should always be a consideration in ability to serve, but that is not age-based. There are societies that honor and value older persons as having experience and wisdom. Sadly, I...
  5. seeking.IAM

    My family…

    Many churches, my own included, have discretionary funds to aid persons in need regardless of whether they attend there. It never hurts to ask. Help could be right up the street. In the meantime, my prayers for you and your family. May you have enough.
  6. seeking.IAM

    My Parents do not Believe in the End Times (RESOLVED)

    Respectfully, I do not understand why it is important to you for your parents' belief to match yours. The end of the age is in the hands of God. What will be, will be and will not be changed by the belief or actions of either of you. If both you and your parents are faithful and obedient...
  7. seeking.IAM

    Suggestions for establishing discipline for prayer at home.

    A while ago, I came across a video by an Orthodox priest I found helpful. I will post the link below. My takeaway from it was that a prayer rule you will keep is better than one you won't. In other words, keep it as simple as need be to increase the odds of doing it regularly. Don't overly...
  8. seeking.IAM

    Is it a good idea to defund the State Department, the National Security Council, or the Defense Department?

    Defund State, NSC, or Defense? No. But cut the defense budget. We have the highest defense budget in the world many times over. It's one reason why we can't have nice things. Universal Health Care anyone?
  9. seeking.IAM

    What was the first video game you played?

    Pong :openmouth:
  10. seeking.IAM

    Have you ever tried to help someone and he doesn't exactly appreciate it?

    Sometimes the thing we think someone needs is not the thing they think they need or want. Do you think that is possibly in play here? I see that in couples all the time where one partner is working hard to satisfy their partner. While they are well intentioned, the thing they are spending...
  11. seeking.IAM

    My step mum is getting baptised into the Mormon church. As a Christian should I attend?

    As for me, I would probably go. I would not consider my attending "condoning" or agreement, but an act out of respect and regard for my step-mum as to something that is important to her. I would not have to hold it to the same importance. If I chose not to go, I would probably talk about me and...
  12. seeking.IAM

    Trump presses oil Executives....

    A government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations just like Lincoln said. ;) We have the best government money can buy. And it has.
  13. seeking.IAM

    Biden administration asks Supreme Court to block Texas immigration law

    The U.S. border w/ Mexico is 1,954 miles long, and therein lies the problem.
  14. seeking.IAM

    Possibly Narcissistic Friend is driving me INSANE

    From 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson: "Here is something to consider: If you have a friend whose friendship you wouldn’t recommend to your sister, or your father, or your son, why would you have such a friend for yourself?” “You are not morally obligated to support someone who is...