Recent content by SakraNomoko

  1. S

    You are responsible for your own happiness and unhappiness

    I think you can control how you respond to what makes you happy or unhappy, not necessarily the state of the emotion itself. Where that "happiness" equation falls apart is when you're living a miserable reality, no matter what your expectations are. What I would agree is that you are ultimately...
  2. S


    Why do you keep asking God for help? Get up and make some friends! They're fake? Yeah, everyone's a fake, horrible person until you get to know them. Then they're just horrible people. To think you're going to find anyone truly worthy of being a close companion is absurd. This includes you...
  3. S

    Can demons haunt a house or does it have to be a specific person living in that house?

    I am skeptical that either angels or demons influence much of anything nowadays. Much of what was once considered demon possession is now understood to be mental issues that can be treated with medication. There is no mention in scripture of demons inhabiting structures or believing Christians...
  4. S

    Why I could personally never chose to be Catholic

    The whole Mary thing is probably the main deal-breaker I have with the RCC. Call it what you like, but if you kiss something's feet and pray to it, that's worship in my book.
  5. S

    You're a Virgin? Challenge Accepted!

    If you want to meet Christian single guys, go to a church's singles group (preferably of your local church). Everyone has their flaws, so if you really want to settle down, don't expect someone perfect. A lot of couples I know got married from being in a single's group. Don't buy into that...
  6. S

    Why do we pray?

    As for Job praying for his friends, that was an intercessory prayer of repentance that goes with the burnt offering. God would not receive it directly from Job's friends because of their hubris. In addition, Job was directly commanded by God to pray for his friends. To not do so would have been...
  7. S

    Why do we pray?

    Responses in order: 1. The Lord's prayer is the answer to the question of how do we pray, not necessarily why we pray. 2. I am highly skeptical of any two-way conversation with God that occurs entirely in the mind. For everyone I've met, such things have been always just them talking to...
  8. S

    Why do we pray?

    Something I've been pondering on a bit. Why do we pray? If we pray according to His will, He will grant the request. But if something is according to His will, it will be done, whether we pray for it or not. Furthermore, He knows the thoughts and most inner desires of the heart, so prayer is...
  9. S

    Want to be saved/am saved but I don't feel bad about sin

    You don't really need a prayer to be saved. As it is written, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved (Romans 10:9-10). You don't need to feel sorry for your sins to be saved. This will come...
  10. S

    Buddhist Meditation styles

    Thank you for your response, ananda! I was under the false impression that it was the empty mind (and the emptiness of self) that was the purpose of Buddhist meditation. I can see that if you wish to think and direct the thoughts, sitting meditation is better. But if emptiness is not the goal...
  11. S

    Grad School

    Am in my second semester of grad school going towards a doctorates in Mathematics.
  12. S

    Buddhist Meditation styles

    A question of Buddhists and of those who practice meditation in general: Why is the relative stillness of the body used in so many meditation styles? I don't know the proper names for them, but there's the image, the concept, the breath, the group, different positions, etc. For most of them...
  13. S

    Is this a Baptist forum?

    I mainly post on here because: 1. Everywhere else I try to post on this site that isn't in Christian Communities (except to the welcome forum), I have insufficient privileges. 2. I think I align more Baptist than I align with the other communities, so I figure I'd be more welcome in this...
  14. S

    Eternal Security

    Another good passage to add to this discussion is Mark 3:28-29 28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of...
  15. S

    What explains the creation of psychopaths?

    I think it is a tad disingenuous to categorize everyone with ASPD (anti-social personality disorder, which is what psychopaths and sociopaths are categorized now as) as evil. Really, the only ones that get noticeable public attention are the career criminals, which is a lifestyle that will put...