Recent content by Presbyterian Continuist

  1. Presbyterian Continuist

    Money Offered For The Holy Spirit

    There is the general principle that people who offer or receive money for anything to do with imparting or receiving the Holy Spirit is a sign of hypocrisy. This is not to say that a pastor or full time worker can't receive a salary for his ministry, because the Scripture says that a workman is...
  2. Presbyterian Continuist

    Money Offered For The Holy Spirit

    He is certainly receiving truckloads of money as seed offerings with the promise of healing and prosperity. It doesn't matter that people may not be offering money, because he is certainly receiving it. Peter said that it was a sign that Simon had nothing to do with Christ and was still bound...
  3. Presbyterian Continuist

    Money Offered For The Holy Spirit

    It is interesting during Philip's ministry in Samaria where there was a mighty revival, and Peter and John came to impart the Holy Spirit to the converts. Simon the Sorcerer offered money to the Apostles for the power of the Spirit, but Peter turned him down flat, and gave him a severe rebuke...
  4. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    So you don't agree with the Bereans when they checked out what Paul was preaching, by searching the Scriptures daily to "see that these things are so". Maybe they should have gone into meditation in a quiet place so they could hear an inner voice either rejecting or confirming what Paul was...
  5. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    The way the Holy Spirit equips and comforts believers is through inspirational insights into God's Word, especially to build up faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Physical manifestations such as "electricity" and "tingling" have no purpose at all. These manifestations are part of the sinful...
  6. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    As I said in my previous post, how does "tingling" contribute to the saving of souls for Christ, seeing that is the full purpose of the Holy Spirit's mission?
  7. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    If the whole mission of the Holy Spirit i to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgement to come, and that the real power of God is involved in the preaching of the Gospel of Christ in order to bring salvation to those who believe it, then how does "tingling" contribute to that?
  8. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    I am quite comfortable with what I said. The Scripture says that without faith it is impossible to please God, also that whatever is not of faith is sin. We work with the Holy Spirit through faith based on what the Word of God says. Because the Spirit is a spirit, it is not connected to any...
  9. Presbyterian Continuist

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    That phenomena is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. Paul never taught that evidence of the Holy Spirit is perceived that way. He said that the real power of God is in the Gospel of Christ, unto salvation to those who believe it. The real evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit...
  10. Presbyterian Continuist

    Southlake school leader tells teachers to balance Holocaust books with 'opposing' views

    I am inclined to agree. A good thesis on any subject involves different view points on a subject. It is similar to a debate, but in writing. One has to discuss both sides of an argument, consider the evidence for both and then come to a conclusion. Therefore, good teaching on a subject like...
  11. Presbyterian Continuist

    Works Relation to Salvation

    I don't know what the relevance the last sentence has to do with your quote of the Romans 8 verse. What this shows is that because of the sin which is present in his flesh, he is unable to keep the Law. This was the whole problem with the Old Covenant. It was continually broken because of the...
  12. Presbyterian Continuist

    Works Relation to Salvation

    One has to realise that the Pharisees did not follow the Torah alone. They compiled the Tulmud, which added many extra rules which God never instituted. Jesus said through them and that is why He saw them as super religious hypocrites. We have those type of people in our churches today - the...
  13. Presbyterian Continuist

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Rubbish. You are cobbling together two separate verses to make the Bible say what you want it to say. The fact that you are misusing the Bible in this way shows that you don't have the spiritual discernment to know what the new creation really is. So, there is nothing more that I can add to...
  14. Presbyterian Continuist

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Your Scripture reference is directed toward Israel, not the Christian Church. There is a doctrine that the Church replaced Israel, but it is untrue. The reference predicts that there will be a restoration in Israel in the last days, perhaps during the 1000 year millennial reign where Jesus...