Recent content by PerpetuallyCurious

  1. PerpetuallyCurious

    Breaking the 4th Wall

    I have already, thank you though. :) Thank you for the advice, I've seen the mockumentaries but I hope to look up 'The Burns and Allen Show' later. :blush:
  2. PerpetuallyCurious

    Famous Satanist promoted Television

    What you said reminded me of the way Ted Bundy said what caused him to murder was pornography which at first glance may have appeared true but when you find out who interviewed him, a conservative Christian with a hatred of pornography (James Dobson), you begin to question if Ted Bundy was...
  3. PerpetuallyCurious

    Sensual Adverts

    I've done as you have advised. Thank you for your help.
  4. PerpetuallyCurious

    Sensual Adverts

    I feel as though the Honour adverts which are shown before one signs in could be causing men to lust. Is there anyway we could request to change what is advertised or the source this sites it gets it's adverts from?
  5. PerpetuallyCurious

    What would make you believe in God (and vice versa)?

    What would make me disbelieve in God is: For spirituality (e.g. in my case feeling the Holy Spirit) to be completely disproven as .../ shown to be a symptom of .... For the things that have been spoken over me, which only I knew about, to be discredited as the people somehow obtained mind...
  6. PerpetuallyCurious

    Adverts before signing in

    I feel as though the advertisements which are shown before one signs in could cause men to lust (e.g. Honour advert). I understand that you did not choose what adverts to be shown but is there anyway you could request to change what is advertised or the source you get adverts from?
  7. PerpetuallyCurious

    You have a different opinion to me, so you must be STUPID!

    I'd kind of be intrigued how on Earth he came to the idea that it is true, what evidence he had for it and why he thinks their evidence is more conclusive than scientific evidence. I might not deem the theory as realistic and chances are they are a troll taking the mick out of creationism but at...
  8. PerpetuallyCurious

    Coincidences in Films

    Troy (2014) - Brad Pitt tore his Achilles tendon while playing Achilles.
  9. PerpetuallyCurious

    Coincidences in Films

    Whether you think it happened by chance, one inspired the other or it part of the illuminati, this is the thread where YOU can post strange things that happened in movies that relate to something in real life. *Warning some subjects may be of a sensitive nature*
  10. PerpetuallyCurious

    Is watching certain things sinful?

    I have been thinking about how films/ TV can lead us to wanting and enjoying things maybe we shouldn't. Drama can make us enjoy seeing others sin (e.g. affairs, lies, betrayal...). Science fiction can make us enjoy a future without God. Action movies can make us hate characters and what them...
  11. PerpetuallyCurious

    Famous Satanist promoted Television

    Anton LaVey (author of the Satanic Bible) has been quoted saying the following About the Church of Satan "The Church of Satan preaches a religious system that endeavours to overcome the repressions and inhibitions of human instinctual behaviour it believes has been fostered by the...
  12. PerpetuallyCurious

    Sins of the Genres

    Link to new thread -
  13. PerpetuallyCurious

    I'm writing a screenplay

    Sounds like an interesting screenplay idea. This thread might fit better in this forum -
  14. PerpetuallyCurious

    You have a different opinion to me, so you must be STUPID!

    The internet (YouTube especially) sadly does seem to really bring out the bigotry among people where we discredit everything someone says and does simply because we disagree on a certain issue. Whether it be politics, feminism or religion (which theists and atheists are equally guilty of), it...
  15. PerpetuallyCurious

    Is morality in your opinion black and white or fluid?

    Fluid but there are boundaries. The Bible says to obey your parents and authority however it also says give to the poor, homosexuality isn't right, you should not get drunk, women should wear modest clothing... so what if an authority figure contradicts one of these things? Examples: * Parents...