Recent content by Maria Billingsley

  1. Maria Billingsley


  2. Maria Billingsley

    Cursed by parents = Doomed?

    From your post here it seems your motivation is based on fear ,"so that things will be well with me". Do you think our Father has a curse on you? Nothing is further from the truth ! Visiting your parents and enduring abuse is not some form of penance or even obedience of His command to love...
  3. Maria Billingsley

    Pastor Vlad Savchuk: Is There Dark Principality Behind the Rainbow Group

    The adversary does work through the flesh but we who are sealed with His Holy Spirit walk with Him daily so that we are not tempted to sin. That being said, I have many concerns about this Pastor's messaging. Be blessed.
  4. Maria Billingsley

    Cursed by parents = Doomed?

    Cursed? Absolutely not! I assume your are not living at home since your parents are in their 80's? Or are you dependent on them because of your circumstances? Much more detailed information is needed to give you some advice. Meanwhile, continue your love for your parents, pray for them and...
  5. Maria Billingsley

    Fasting & Feeling Pointless.

    When you can answer yes then He will take on the burden of your pain that fasting can never do. Be blessed.
  6. Maria Billingsley

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    As long is we Love Him. Some just have faith or trust however this is not theAgape Love that He seeks. The foundation of faith is rooted Love. Ephesians 3 17-19 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all...
  7. Maria Billingsley

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    Are you being serious? Curious.
  8. Maria Billingsley

    Wives, SUBMIT yourselves to your own husbands

    Humm...what is this then? Wrong?
  9. Maria Billingsley

    Wives, SUBMIT yourselves to your own husbands

    Not getting what you mean that " no form of that word is in the verse". Please clarify. Info I retrieved: The word is ὑποτασσόμενοι (hypotassomenoi). Here's the breakdown: ὑποτάσσω (hypotasso): the verb, which means "to place under," "to subject," "to obey" -όμενοι (ómenoi): the ending...
  10. Maria Billingsley

    Wives, SUBMIT yourselves to your own husbands

    I use the Greek Interlinear Bible and it does have it twice. Unless it is not accurate.
  11. Maria Billingsley

    4 Signs that indicate that satan has sent this person to destroy you! Don't let evil defeat you

    If one walks in the Spirit daily the desires of the flesh will not prevail. The adversary works through the flesh not the Spirit. We are to discern and not fear for we are sent to harvest for the Kingdom of God from the very people you say are sent from Satan. Put on the " full armor of God"...
  12. Maria Billingsley

    Wives, SUBMIT yourselves to your own husbands

    22 Wives, [submit] yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. I appreciate the second submit put in parenthesis however, the sentence does not make sense without it. What word is used in its place and how is it merely just implied? Thanks for the clarification! Blessings
  13. Maria Billingsley

    Fasting & Feeling Pointless.

    Have you received His Holy Spirit?
  14. Maria Billingsley

    Jeanfort2021’s Introduction
