Recent content by levnishbar

  1. L

    Another reason to keep the dietary Laws

    I was joking with you about locusts being kosher and then switching to the OP to ask for more credible sources. I wasn't attacking anyone or accusing anyone of spreading false information. Furthermore I already apologized that I didn't mean to cause offense....what more do you want from me...
  2. L

    struggling to loose weight

    Sugar gives you an energy spike because it is the most easily metabolized form of energy. It may be good if you need to perk up right now (e.g. while driving) but if you need constant energy over an hour, going for energy sources that are a bit more difficult to metabolize would give you steady...
  3. L

    Another reason to keep the dietary Laws

    @chevyontheriver - I was joking about the Kosher thing, it wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular. @chevyontheriver - After which, I didn't state it explicitly although I believed the change was obvious, that I was addressing the OP to kindly provide references and that the video he...
  4. L

    Another reason to keep the dietary Laws

    Sorry, didn't mean to cause offense, was just stating facts.
  5. L

    Another reason to keep the dietary Laws

    On a lighter note, locusts are kosher because when locusts are on the menu, nothing else is (left to eat) On a more serious note, Youtube is not such a good source of unbiased information. 13 seconds in Infowars was cited...which falsely claimed the Sandy Hook shootings were a hoax. InfoWars -...
  6. L

    struggling to loose weight

    I can't tell you what would work for you, but I can tell you what works for me. I've never had a problem with my weight, thankfully. Exercise! Build muscle which increases your basal metabolic rate. Do a combination of aerobic and strength exercises. If there are stairs in your building, run up...
  7. L

    Trump says he can declassify documents just "by thinking about it".

    I'm not from the US or Germany so I wouldn't know. I made that post as a light-hearted quip about how others in the world perceive US policing when we read about yet another police shooting of an innocent person. As a Jew I am all too aware of Germany's dark history, but of the antagonists of...
  8. L

    Trump says he can declassify documents just "by thinking about it".

    Of course another theory is that Trump is also corrupt.
  9. L

    Trump says he can declassify documents just "by thinking about it".

    He's under active investigation and anything he says can be used against him.
  10. L

    Greetings From Sunny Tampa, FL

    Hey Michael, nice to e-meet you! Hope your time here is a blessing in every way.
  11. L

    How can there be free will in heaven?

    For man to exercise judgments for selfish reasons is probably wrong. To exercise judgments for the benefit of others, perhaps not. When Abraham interceded for Sodom in a conversation with God (Genesis 18), it was after he had to rescue Lot from Sodom (Genesis 14). So he had reasons to hold a...
  12. L

    How can there be free will in heaven?

    Here's a theory. Perhaps on this Earth, which God put Man as stewards over with free will, we have room to exercise our own judgments on matters, to show mercy or justice and to even disagree with God's judgments. The latter may sound like heresy, but recall the conversation between Abraham...
  13. L

    How can there be free will in heaven?

    Ezekiel 18:20 A son will not suffer the punishment for the father’s guilt, nor will a father suffer the punishment for the son’s guilt; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself. Deuteronomy 23:2 No one born of a forbidden...
  14. L

    Anxious? Depressed? Do you use social media?

    Have you thought about trying to take a social media break? Try going on for one week without social media - uninstall the apps on your phone. Commit to reading the Bible first thing in the morning when you wake up, and see how you feel after a week. An interesting talk by a neuroscientist: