Recent content by Breve

  1. B

    Is Your Prayer Language Fraudulent?

    Answering the original poster's question. 1. Your early life cessationist church planted the seed of doubt whenever you try to pray in tongues now. It's a poisonous seed trying to establish roots and prevent you from continuing. Continued doubting is coming from the enemy as it's an obvious...
  2. B

    How to pray for people you cannot stand/ hate the most?

    Pray for Jesus to show them to you how he sees them.
  3. B

    Help Praying in Tongues

    Tonight by chance I came across this book on Amazon called Nine Lives People Believe About Speaking in Tongues by Steve Brenner. Of course it wasn't just chance that I found it. :D I read the kindle sample then bought it and continued reading it. I paused to come back here to recommend it. I...
  4. B

    Help Praying in Tongues

    1. Have you been prayed for to receive the baptism of the Holy spirit? What happened? 2. Have you tried to speak in tongues? What usually happens? Do you feel blocked? Do you speak something but doubt it's real? Does nothing happen at all? 3. Have you tried singing in the spirit? 4. MOST...
  5. B

    Me and my story and questions

    Hi, I came across website and youtube channel of Mark Hemans who has the type of ministry you're searching for in Australia. From his videos you can tell he has a gentle and polite approach. I know nothing about him - you'll have to find out yourself whether his ministry works. While you track...
  6. B

    What do we do with North Korea?

    Don't know if anyone has mentioned this in earlier posts but some useful info on Korea's history and why Nth Korea is the #@$ mess it is today.
  7. B

    What do we do to prevent another Las Vegas?

    Plenty of guns still in Australia. In the hands of criminals. Only law abiding citizens handed them in during the amnesty. (Of course.) Anyway, the answer to the original poster's question is probably to raise children better. It's not the easiest solution and cannot be applied retrospectively...
  8. B

    Contrast P.R. Hurrican crisis - with Texas and Fla crisis

    For all the snarkers and finger pointers some much needed perspective: more going on behind the scenes then we realize. No, Trump Didn't Botch the Puerto Rico Crisis
  9. B

    After Trump Blasts N.F.L., Players Kneel and Lock Arms in Solidarity

    I didn't know that. Mind boggling! All the more reason to quit playing the anthem at sporting events. They make enough money chasing after a ball. They don't need to be paid to pretend to be patriotic. This is all about targeting football and destroying its popularity. With all the brain...
  10. B

    After Trump Blasts N.F.L., Players Kneel and Lock Arms in Solidarity

    Virtue signaling is what it is. Here's the solution. Quit playing the national anthem at sporting events.
  11. B

    Hymns verses New Songs

    There are arrangements for SATB choirs that meld a contemporary worship with a hymn. I think these work well. The problem i have with the traditional hymns is that the arrangement played straight from the hymn book is bang the chords, bam! Bam! Bam! And at the end of each verse or chorus...
  12. B

    Light vs Darkness

    Thanks for the responses. I think the earth has been covered in slime since the beginning - there isn't more just because of modern times :) we're aware of it more because of instant communication. I see the image as encouragement not discouragement. Our prayers and daily walk shine forth and...
  13. B

    Light vs Darkness

    This morning during prayer time this image popped into my head. (First time I've had this happen - an image with spiritual meaning) I saw the earth as from space, but it wasn't blue green and white clouds. It looked like a dark grey murky slime was covering it, oozing over the earth. Pin points...
  14. B

    SSM postal vote

    Someone said here that marriage is the institutionalization of monogamy. Succinct way to put it. Elephant in the room is that gay men don't do monogamy particularly well. So they want the public recognition of marriage but in private don't want to act married. Huh? Perhaps SSM should only be...
  15. B

    Has God spoken to you? - to born again believers

    This testimony is from around 10 years ago. I believed in God but I didn't really know him or read the Bible. I mostly prayed for everything to be better which I now realize was a selfish prayer. I had very little spiritual awareness. I would suffer from episodes of a form of depression apathy...