weight loss


    Getting Back in Shape

    When I went into the 7th grade I was picked on, bullied and beaten up repeatedly. One time they held me down and slammed a door on my head and gave me a concussion. One day in PE they took us in a room with a Universal Gym and we started lifting weights. I could bench press more than anyone...
  2. AdamC

    Biggest road blocks for Believers with Health, fitness, weight loss

    Hi guys, thanks for letting me join the forum. I love training and keeping fit and I'm really enjoying recently training with other Believers. This has made us start talking about: What do you feel are the biggest issues or roadblocks we face as Believers when it comes to our health & fitness...
  3. T

    Should I care about my wife's weight gain?

  4. AmusingMargaret

    Committed Thoughts: Where On Earth Is Your Focus?

    Focus It's all about our focus. Countless distractions battle for my attention; too often, the distractions win, and I find my focus on the things of this world. As if the news is not bad enough on its own, the media will sensationalize the headlines to make sure and grab my attention. I...