video game

  1. CoreyD

    Does My Entertainment Matter To God?

    Greetings and peace to everyone. I was really interested in this thread, but I didn't want to revive a twenty year old thread, so I decided to start this one. A conversation between two Christians John : I play violent video games at times. However, I'm smart enough and so are all Christians...
  2. N

    Bible X Game's Gate ZERO exploration game needs Kickstarter backers!

    Hello all, I ran across this one on Facebook: It's essentially a Skyrim/Elder Scrolls-style exploration game set in ancient Israel. The videos of it look pretty good. For anyone who wants to throw some donations their way via Kickstarter, here's the link to...
  3. Lavaduder

    Need Help Making a Christian Video Game

    I'm not the greatest story writer, or artist. I'm not even that great of a programmer. But I see that christian video games are... lacking. I am baffled by the existence of certain titles (Like Noah's ark 3d which has nothing to do with Bible.) Biblical based games should be focused more on...
  4. abandonentropy


    Any Halo fans here? Halo 3 is probably my favourite game of all time. I love the bungie created Halo games but the recent ones have been lackluster for me and I'm not fond of 343 studios.
  5. abandonentropy

    Doom Eternal

    Hey, I'm wondering to those who've played this game already, what did you think of the new Doom? i'm a big fan of the series and have played all the mainline games but I don't quite know how I feel about this one yet. On one hand I like the new abilities and equipment, the faster speed, and the...
  6. Dasheek

    Pictures included: Searching for Game Designers (artist, writers, programmers, musicians)

    Hello, good morning siblings! Ever since I was a 2nd grader I remember wanting to design video games (of course I couldn't articulate it). As of recent, I have been designing games and playing games, but when I became a Christian, Yahovah has renewed my mind. I ditched a lot of games that I...
  7. L

    Hi, Where can I get advice on my marriage?

    Hi, I joined this forum with the hope of getting advice ... my husband and I have been married a little over a year and it feels like everything is falling apart. I'm the only Christian in my family (I'm an adult convert) and I feel as though I lost my church community when I got married. We...
  8. C

    How Do I go about this.

    Hello Everyone, this is my first post on these forums, because I have a lot going on in my mind right now, and want some answers. So yes I am a Christian, and am now getting out of a video game addiction. I am starting to really work on making God my NO.1 priority in life, and this is getting...
  9. cassmith

    Should a Christian Play This Video Game?

    Hey, My sister really enjoys this video game called Undertale. She has watched others play it on YouTube and is very inspired by the artwork and the story it portrays. Unfortunately, the game has a trace of homosexuality in it. The game is fairly innocent besides this. My sister is also a...