tv series

  1. marlovesjesus

    I don't know if I should keep watching a show or not

    Hii, first of all nice to meet you, I'm 16 and I'm from Europe :) Sooo this might be stupid, but I don't know if I should keep watching a show called "the amazing digital circus". The first episode came out a month ago, it has become my favourite show already. :') It doesn't promote sin or...
  2. Christsfreeservant

    The Chosen

    My Thoughts “The Chosen” is a TV series about the life of Jesus Christ. It is fiction, not factual, so not biblical in the purest sense of the word. It is inspired by Scripture, but it takes many liberties with the Scriptures and with the biblical characters, too, particularly with the...
  3. Pavel Mosko

    I'm watching Netflix's "Messiah" series

    It's interesting. He doesn't fit Christian concept of the Second Coming, but I can't fault the story writers for that, since having an all powerful Jesus that is true God and true Man screws up a lot of story telling genres and conventions when it comes to entertainment. But the actor who...
  4. Not David


    Have you watched the Netflix series about the Marvel superhero? I heard it has a lot of Catholic thematics since the protagonist is one.