solar system

  1. AlexB23

    New moons discovered orbiting Uranus & Neptune

    This news is slightly old, as three new moons were discovered in 2023, one orbiting Uranus, and two orbiting Neptune. These moons are tiny compared to Earth's moons, but will allow scientists to learn more about how the early solar system formed. @sjastro and @Astrophile might find this stuff...
  2. Radrook

    Jupiter Facts

    Jupiter is a planet that catches our attention just by its sheer size as well as by the constant turbulence of its atmosphere. It seems to mimic a solar system all of its own with its many moons serving as its planets. Some have even imagined it to be a failed star. But of course its mass...
  3. Radrook

    Our Seemingly Nearby Sun

    Many persons don't really appreciatye just how tremendously distant our Sun really is because it can be so blistering hot on sunmer days. But in reality, what seems to be a fairly nearby sun is actually an almost unimaginably enormous distance away. Here are some examples to illustrate just how...
  4. Radrook

    Is Venus' Atmosphere better for our colonizing efforts than Mars?

    We are all familiar on how hostile the Venusian surface is to human life and we cerrtainly don't expect direct exploration of the surface by machines nor man. However, there is an a very feasible alternative. The Venusian atmosphere above its acidic clouds has a region with an Earth-like...
  5. Radrook

    Warp Drive-how feasible?

    When if ever will warp drive become a reality? I would like to hear opinions on this fascinating subject. After all, if warp drive doesn't become reality then interstellar travel becomes exceedingly impractical and we would be more or less restricted to the exploration of our solar system and...